APOLOGIES: David Parvin.
PRESENT: Rohan, Penny, Kent, Dick, Nick, Hetty.
MATTERS ARISING: Kent advised he had as yet not convened a meeting of a sub committee regarding the lights and had not progressed the matter of an honours board but would do so.
CHAIRMANS REPORT: Rohan reported that Siobhan had decided to resign from the committee.
His main concern is regarding the moribund state of the senior & junior tournaments. Debbie Katis who is one of the adults dealing with the juniors has struggled to get people to play in spite of chasing them up. Rohan voiced concern that no adult representative attends the committee meetings & plans to email all seniors responsible for the juniors to ask for a single adult representative to attend the committee meetings. In addition we need information regarding who is in the junior squads as there could be problems with payments to Tony Cherry. Hetty will help by contacting the juniors through the IGTC Facebook page.
Club sessions are thriving for adults but problems with tournaments & there followed a general discussion regarding the reasons. We will get the Men’s doubles [names to Kent] & Ladies doubles [names to Penny] this winter & will either have a Ladies doubles Day &/or again run over the
Rohan sent Adrian a case of wine on behalf of the club to thank him for his fine repainting of the clubhouse.
SECRETARYS REPORT: Dick has sent our existing constitution to Geoff Stevenson who is acting on behalf of the Kent LTA regarding incorporation of the LTA. Dick also sent a template of an updated constitution to see if that would meet all our requirements. We need to draft
a new constitution for approval at the next AGM. The chairman asked Dick to thank Geoff Stevenson for his help & advice.
The next AGM will be held a little earlier on SAT 14th JANUARY at 5pm in the Iden Green Pavilion & members will be encouraged to attend to ensure we have a quorum to pass our new constitution.
TREASURERS REPORT: Penny reported : £8543.39 in current account.
£5480.92 in Business Reserve account.
£10,000 in Deposit Account earning 3% interest.
MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Nick reported a trickle of new members. He has had a lot of inquiries re Juniors but he has no contact for them & perhaps will best direct them to Tony Cherry. Also a lot of questions re summer membership or for only a part of a year. It was agreed for people joining after September 1st they would pay ½ the full membership fee for their category & the full joining fee for the year.
Nick will email members to ask they ensure membership of British Tennis so IGTC can have the maximum allocation of Wimbledon tickets. Our payments to British Tennis have reduced this year.
TOURNAMENT SECRETARY: No report as David away.
JUNIOR REP: Nothing to report.
OTHER MATTERS: Christmas party: Penny has booked the Benenden Village Hall for £70 on Friday 16th December from 7pm to midnight. We are allowed to serve alcohol & the Magic Mushrooms have been booked to play for £400. Penny will convene a group to help arrange the party. Kent will get a drinks licence if we want one. Price ? £12.50- £15.00-to be decided. About 150 people needed to break even & members will be encouraged to bring friends to make up tables of 10. Rohan will send email to members re Christmas Party.
Summer membership was discussed & a proposal will need to be put to the AGM regarding the rules eg only available for 1 summer & define the duration & no joining fee. It was agreed there would be no Country membership available nor a Midweek membership be available as against the Clubs ethos.
Guests currently pay £1 for 1 hr. A book should be available & they become temporary members & are then bound by the disciplinary rules of IGTC & British Tennis. It is not obligatory to play with a member but some members questioned if this was acceptable. The best method of payment of Visitors fees was discussed- ?money in tin in clubhouse or bill at end of season. No decision made.
Dick will arrange for 4 Seasons to attend & give an estimate for repairs to ground net anchor, netting & to court surface, where small superficial defects are developing. In addition Dick will purchase 2 large brooms to brush the courts when needed & be left in the clubhouse.
The gardener is concerned that his work was reduced as someone had cut the hedge.
Thanks to Nick for again providing the wine.