Campbellsville Independent School District
Board of Education
136 South Columbia Avenue
Campbellsville, KY 42718
Phone: 270-465-4162 Fax: 270-465-3918
The following business was conducted at the Campbellsville High School Library
March 17, 2014 Campbellsville Board of Education Regular Monthly Board Meeting
· Welcome and Call to Order at 6:00 p.m. by Suzanne Wilson, Chairperson.
· Roll Call - Present: Angie Johnson, Pat Hall, Suzanne Wilson, Mike Deaton and Barkley Taylor. Mitch Overstreet was absent.
· Adoption of Agenda with no amendments.
Motion by Barkley Taylor, Seconded by Angie Johnson, In Favor 4-0.
· Student Recognitions:
Academic Achievers were presented by Jeff Richardson, Director of Pupil Personnel:
CES 3rd Graders: Enan Hagy and Alexis Byers
CMS 7th Graders: Elizabeth Sullivan and Ryan Kearney
CHS 10th Graders: Katie Lefever and Chase Thomas
· Faculty Recognitions:
Linda Ward – CES Kindergarten Teacher
· Academic Spotlight: CHS Principal Dialogue:
Kirby Smith, CHS Principal, was present and reported to the Board as follows:
· College and Career Readiness:
· Benchmarks – Math 19, English 18 and Reading 20.
· 40% of CHS seniors are college ready compared to 20% at this time last year.
· Goal this year 70% of CHS seniors to be college or career ready. Last year CHS had 56.5% (state average last year was 54.1%).
· CHS offers several classes Monday – Thursday to assist seniors in becoming college and career ready through 2nd period rotations and college readiness classes.
· CHS has 13 students that will be eligible for career ready status as opposed to 7 students last year. We are getting more students in the vocational school and computer apps classes.
· CHS has 10 students who could be college and career ready (1.5 points) as opposed to only 1 last year. This is what we call a double-up student that is both college and career ready.
· We just completed our KOSSA testing.
· WORKEYS testing will start Wednesday.
· A test we have not given in the past and will administer this year, if needed, is the KYOTE test. KYOTE is administered after a student has taken the Compass test twice.
· We will be sending 10th grade students next year to the Green County Area Technology Center.
· Ms. Russell is working on all students having a career pathway when they come into CHS.
· Test Prep – ACT and EOC:
· ACT is tomorrow. We will start in the morning hopefully about 8:30 am. The makeup date is April 15th .
· We will start EOC testing May 6th through 9th.
· We have been in our ACT rotation since January. Those are going really well.
· Next week we will start back into the EOC rotations for juniors.
· Instruction at CHS is changing. There has been a big push over the years of getting away from lecture. This past September we went to Bowling Green with the Kid Friendly Grant and coming back from that some of the teachers are moving from a teacher lead to a student lead self-paced type of classroom. It is different and like anything else at first the kids have to get used to it and parents have to get used to it. It’s trying to turn that ownership of the classroom to the students and having more of a say in leading their education. They’re starting to run with it and the teachers are enjoying it as well.
· March 21st we will have Novel Star transition training. We have used Novel Star for the last four or five years for credit recovery. That will be changing to PLATO.
· We’re preparing to be a Leader in Me school starting next year. For us that starts with the personalized learning plan that we have turned in. The book study, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey, will start this Friday with our staff sharing on that.
· We are a pilot school for the new effectiveness system, PGES. The teachers that are involved are Mr. Lopez, Ms. Lawler, Mr. Wiseman, Mr. Estes and Ms. Wilson. That is going well and is going to be a good system for our teachers.
· We have several students that are taking satellite courses in robotics and nursing through Campbellsville University and Green County Area Technology Center.
· Communications:
Board: None.
Community: None.
Staff: None.
Superintendent: Mr. Deaton reported as follows:
Just to touch base on some items that have happened from last month.
We had two students that participated in Honor’s Band – Austin Fitzgerald and Nicholas Cowan. They performed in the inaugural WKU Middle School Honor Band on March 7th. They were selected from over 400 applicants and were chosen based on their skill and accomplishments. We want to congratulate those students for representing Campbellsville Middle School. Selections from the concert are available on the Campbellsville Marching Eagles Facebook page.
Students from Ms. Lawler’s DC English IV class participated in “Decide to Drive: A Student Advocacy Program” sponsored by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, Auto Alliance and Scholastic, Inc. Those students were Ethan Bailey, Nathan Riggs, Dakota Cravens and Caleb Gupton. They received an honorable mention. Congratulations to those students for their efforts.
We have over 75 students that are participating in our STEAM Academy that started earlier this month with their choice of two of the following sessions: Weird Science, Piano and Guitar Lessons, Computer Programming and Code, Introduction to Spanish, Sweets by Shandi, Race Car Engineering, All Things Art, CSI and Forensic Science, Veterinary and Animal Science and The Art and Science of T-Shirt Design and Printing. STEAM is the acronym that refers to the emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics in our schools. There are pictures from the first day of the STEAM Academy on the District website.
We had students from Campbellsville Middle School that received the Legislative Athletic Award from the 4th and 5th grade travel basketball teams. This award was presented by Representative Carney in recognition of their efforts. Those students were Rylee Petett, Kenzi Forbis, Briante Gowdy, Katelyn Walker, Lainey Watson, Abi Wiedewitsch, Kaylyn Smith and Tayler Thompson.
Yesterday we had some girls from Campbellsville High School that performed the National Anthem for the championship game of the Girls’ State Tournament. They had to send in an audition video, they were screened and then they were asked for a second video. They were then selected to perform at the championship game. We want to congratulate those girls.
As Mr. Smith has eluded to, right now is a very busy time. We have testing going on. We’re trying to get caught back up and hopefully now the weather is going to be a little more cooperative with us and things will smooth out a little bit. Hopefully we’re going to be able to get back on a fairly normal schedule and get the kids back into their routine. We did get word late this afternoon that the legislature is going to allow for some leeway with the school calendar. We’re not going to necessarily have to have the 170 days in as long as we get the instructional hours. I think with that and what we’re going to try to do, we’ll still be out, provided there are no other issues, by Memorial Day weekend so that we can have graduation then. They are going to try to vote on that tomorrow. We’ll have our plan in place before April and will be able to finalize it at the next Board meeting.
We have several projects taking place at this time. They have taken the gym floor out and will begin laying the new floor in the not too distant future.
We did finally get approval from KDE for the softball field house. The advertisement for bids was in the paper today. We will open those bids on April 8th.
They are working on the baseball stadium to shore up some of the safety issues. We will have to move some games around while we’re getting that done. We should have that completed hopefully by the time we come back from spring break.
I want to thank Mr. Petett and everyone that was involved with the Chamber of Commerce Luncheon that was held at the high school. I think we can all agree that our kids did a great job and it was a good opportunity for us to put our best foot forward as a school district to the community. I was very proud of everyone for their efforts and hard work. It was an enjoyable afternoon and was nice to have folks in our buildings and in the District that day.
Other Communications: None.
· Consent:
· Student Learning: Kent Settle presented the ESL and Certified Evaluation Plans to the Board.
· Approve ESL (English as a Second Language) 2014-2015 Plan;
· Approve 2014-2015 Certified Evaluation Plan;
· Student Support:
· Approve Amendment of 2013-2014 School Calendar;
· Approve and Adopt 2014-2015 School Calendar;
· Approve date change of Board Member Training;
· Approve District Wide Fundraiser sponsored by Coppock Appliance;
· Adoption of February 10, 2014 Regular Monthly Board Meeting Minutes;
· Finance Report:
· Bills and Salaries:
· Regular Monthly Expenditures
· School Activity Funds Monthly Financial Report
· Personnel Report
Motion to approve Consent by Angie Johnson, Seconded by Barkley Taylor, In Favor 4-0.
· Discussion and Action: None.
· Discussion and No Action: None.
· Adjournment @ 6:28 p.m.:
Motion by Pat Hall, Seconded by Angie Johnson, In Favor 4-0.
February 2014
Cash Balance on Hand, Beginning of Month $ 3,358,536.67
Total Revenue for Month $ 772,997.51
Total Beginning Balance Plus Revenue / $ 4,131,534.18Total Expenditures for the Month / $ 827,694.36
Balance at Close of Month / $ 3,303,839.82
General Fund / $ 3,730,410.81
Fund 2 / Project/Special Revenue / $ (184,509.08)
Fund 31 / Capital Outlay / $ 50,250.00
Fund 32 / Building Fund / $ 81,049.00
Fund 400 / Debt Service / $ (530,080.34)
Fund 36 / Construction Fund / $ -
Fund 51 Food Service $ 156,719.43
Total Cash
Bank Balance at Close of Month / $ 3,457,620.79
Outstanding Checks / $ (153,780.97)
Reconciled Bank Balance / $ 3,303,839.82
Information contained in this report is a true and accurate account of the financial condition of the Campbellsville Independent School District.
Chris Kidwell Finance Director