A Resource Guide for Obtaining Services
in LycomingCounty and Surrounding Areas
Compiled by Jeanne Rogan
MuncySchool District
Self Help/Support Group Meetings:
Adult Children of
Alcoholics (ACOA):For meeting times and locations please contact:
Williamsport:(570) 998-2833
Al-anon/Al-Ateen: In LycomingCounty, meeting times are held Sundays and Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. at the WilliamsportHospital and MedicalCenter (Conference Room A). Please call (570) 321-1000 for additional information.
For additional meeting times and locations please contact:
(570) 524-0809
State College:(570) 238-5597
Williamsport:(570) 327-2860
Alcoholics Anonymous: For a list of meeting times and locations in LycomingCounty call: (570) 327-2860.
For additional meeting times and locations please
Danville:GeisingerMedicalCenter: (570) 271-6343
ShilohChurch:(570) 236-6501
Lewisburg:FirstBaptistChurch:(570) 524-7438
Selinsgrove:Christ United MethodistChurch:
(570) 374-8539
State College:(814) 237-3757
Sunbury:St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church:
(570) 286-7002
St. John’sUnitedMethodistChurch:
(570) 286-6301
Williamsport:(570) 327-2860 (24-Hour Help)
Cancer Support Group:For meeting times and locations please contact:
Danville:GeisingerMedicalCenter: (570) 271-6343
Williamsport:DivineProvidenceHospital: (570) 326-8000
Domestic Violence:For meeting times and locations please contact:
Lewisburg: Susquehanna Women in Transition
(SWIT):(570) 523-6482
SullivanCounty Victim’s Service:1-(800)-894-3706
TiogaCounty Women’s Coalition:1-(800)-550-0447
Williamsport:YWCA/Wise Options: (570) 323-8167
Williamsport:Northway Presbyterian Church:(570) 323-4293
Eating Disorder Group: Meetings are held the third Monday of every month at DivineProvidenceHospital in Williamsport. Please call (570) 326-8000 for additional information.
Families Anonymous: Meetings are held Sundays and Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. at the WilliamsportMedicalCenter (Conference Room A). Please call (570) 321-1000 for additional information.
Support Group:For meeting times and locations please contact:
Lewisburg:FaithLutheranChurch: (570) 523-3192
Williamsport:(570) 547-6305
HIV/AIDS Support Group:For meeting times and locations please contact:
Williamsport: AIDS Resource Clinic:(570) 322-8448
ClintonCounty: 1-(800)-550-0447 or (570) 724-3554
Nar-Anon: There are no meetings currently held in LycomingCounty.
Please contact one of the following for meeting times and locations:
Lewisburg:BeaverMemorialChurch: (570) 524-0809
Watsontown: The WatsontownBoroughBuilding:
(570) 538-1000
Narcotics Anonymous: For meeting times and locations in LycomingCounty please call (570) 327-2678.
For additional meeting times and locations please contact:
State College:(814) 237-3757
Williamsport:(570) 327-2860 (24-Hour Help)
Nicotine Anonymous: There are no meetings currently held in LycomingCounty.
Please contact the following for meeting times and locations:
Danville: Knapper Clinic, Geisinger
Medical Group Campus: (570) 275-0880
Over-eaters Anonymous:For meeting times and locations please contact the following:
Lewisburg: Beaver United MethodistChurch:(570) 524-0809
Muncy:MuncyBaptistChurch:(570) 546-5292
Williamsport: Faith Christian Church:(570) 494-1847
Williamsport:WilliamsportHospital:(570) 321-1000
Parenting Support/Help:For meeting times and locations please contact one of the following:
ClintonCounty Helpline:(570) 748-2406
LycomingCounty Helpline:(570) 323-8555
Williamsport YWCA:(570) 323 8167
Pet Loss Support Group:For meeting times and locations please contact:
LycomingCountySPCA:(570) 322-4646.
Sexual Assault:For meeting times and locations please contact:
Lewisburg: Susquehanna Women in Transition
(SWIT):(570) 523-6482
SullivanCounty Victim’s Service:1-(800)-894-3706
TiogaCounty Women’s Coalition:1-(800)-550-0447
Williamsport:YWCA/Wise Options: (570) 323-8167
Williamsport: Northway Presbyterian Church:(570) 323-4293
Counseling Services:
Drug and Alcohol Counseling Services:
Allenwood:WhiteDeerRunTreatmentCenter: (570) 538- 2567
Williamsport:Cross Roads Counseling:(570) 323-7535
Genesis House:(570) 323-0520
Green Ridge Counseling:(570) 322-1216
Valley Prevention Services:(570) 323-9940
White Deer Run:(570) 321-6127
West Branch Drug and Alcohol:(570) 323-8543
Drug and Alcohol Facilities:
Allenwood:WhiteDeerRunTreatmentCenter: This is a partial and full treatment facility for adolescents and adults. If necessary, they will transport you to and from their facility for counseling. Please call 1-(800)-255-2335 for additional information.
Berwick:Berwick Recovery Systems: This facility provides an inpatient detoxification unit, as well as intensive drug and alcohol rehabilitation on an outpatient basis. Please call 1-(800)-322-2583 for additional information.
Centre Hall:The Meadows: This is an inpatient/partial hospitalization program. Please call 1-(800)-641-7529 for additional information.
Kingston:FirstHospital: This is an inpatient facility for all ages. Please call 1-(800)-624-9902 for additional information.
Pittsburgh:Zoar Home: This is a residential addiction treatment program for pregnant women and children. Pleasecall(412) 486-9400 for additional information.
Wilkes-Barre:Clear Brook Treatment Facility: This is an inpatient facility for adolescents suffering from alcoholism and chemical dependency. Please call 1-(800)-582-6241 for additional information.
Williamsport:West Branch Drug and Alcohol: (570) 323-8543
American Rescue Workers: This is an alcohol rehabilitation center that provides transient and transitional housing for youth. Please call (570) 323-8401 for additional information.
Waverly:Marworth: This is a residential drug and alcohol treatment program.
Please call 1-(800)- 442-7722 foradditional information.
Pregnancy Counseling Services:
Harrisburg:Real Alternatives: This organization is based out of Harrisburg but they have a facility within 45 minutes of each county in Pennsylvania. They will provide free pregnancy kits, maternity and baby clothing, diapers, temporary shelter, adoption information, pregnancy and prevention classes, and counseling. They will travel to meet you if necessary. For more information please contact them at 1-(888)-LIFEAID. All information will be kept confidential. You can visit their website at
Scranton:Saint Joseph’s Center: This organization provides pregnancy counseling, residential care, and is a licensed adoption agency. Please call 1-(800)-786-6346 for additional information.
Williamsport:Birthright of Williamsport: This organization offers free pregnancy tests, baby, and maternity clothing. Please call (570) 322-8215 for additional information.
Catholic Social Services of LycomingCounty: This organization provides a home for pregnant teens and counseling services. Please call (570) 322-4220 for additional information.
Eckels Adoption Agency:(570) 323-2520
FamilyCenter for Reproductive Health:(570) 321-3131
Family Planning: This organization provides birth control, counseling, family planning, and health education. Please call (570) 321-3131 for additional information.
Florence Crittendon: This organization offers free, confidential pregnancy tests for all ages. Please call (570) 323-8555 for additional information.
PregnancyCareCenter:(570) 321-8240
Providence House: This is a group home that offers medical assistance and counseling for pregnant mothers. Please call (570) 322-8490 for additional information.
Parent Education Programs/Family Support:
Enhault:Lourdeshouse Maternity Home: This facility offers prenatal education counseling and work experience services. Please call (570) 986-9510 for additional information.
Lock Haven:Babies First Days, Community Peri-natal Program: This program is geared toward parenting teens. Services are available before and after delivery. Please call (570) 748-2272 for additional information.
Williamsport:Bi-County W.I.C. Program: This organization provides supplemental food, nutrition education, health assessments, and breast-feeding counseling. Please call (570) 322-7656 for additional information.
Family Life Institute: This organization provides parent education programs for individuals or couples. Please call (570) 327-9286 for additional information.
Individual/Family Counseling:
Williamsport:All Seasons:(570) 323-6987
Catholic Social Services:(570) 326-5125
Children and Youth :(570) 326-7875
Cornerstone Family Health:(570) 326-4118
LycomingCounty Mental Health/Mental Retardation:(570) 326-7895
Psychological and Counseling Services:(570) 323-4933
Tressler Lutheran:(570) 322-7873
Williamsport Psychological Associates:(570) 322-2603
Inpatient Counseling Facilities:
Centre Hall:The Meadows: This is a treatment facility that offers inpatient-counseling services. Students receive counseling and schooling at this facility. Please call 1-(800)-641-7529 for additional information.
Danville:Danville State Hospital: (570) 275-7011
Kingston:FirstHospital: This is an inpatient facility for all ages. Please call 1-(800)-624-9902.
Lock Haven:Mill Hall: This is a partial hospitalization program for adolescents. Students receive counseling and schooling at this facility. Please contact 1-(800)-893-5800 for additional information.
Support/Help for Financial Difficulties:
Station:Hepburn Food and Fuel: They will provide 3 days of food and fuel. Please contact (570) 998-3112 for additional information.
JerseyShore:People That LoveCenter: This center offers free meals, clothing, and furniture. Please call (570) 398-1551 for additional information.
Muncy:Sonlight House: This organization will provide food and clothing to needy people. Please contact (570) 546-3585 for additional information.
Williamsport:American Rescue Workers: This organization will provide shelter, clothes, food, and counseling free of charge. Please call (570) 323-8401 for additional information.
Fuel Assistance Program: This program will help with heating costs. For additional information please call (570) 327-3497.
PP& L Winter Relief Program: PP&L customers who own or rent are eligible for free winterization services. Please call 1-(800)-342-5775 for additional information.
Salvation Army: This organization provides food, medicine, transportation, lodging, and infant needs free of cost. Please call (570) 326-9187 for additional information.
Medical Assistance:
Williamsport:Department of Public Welfare: This organization offers employment services, medical assistance, and fuel assistance. Please call (570) 327-3300 for more information.
Saint Anthony’s Center: This center offers a free medical clinic and free food. Please call (570) 326-2244 for additional information.
Sexual Assault:
Lock Haven:ClintonCounty Women’s Center: This facility offers counseling for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. They operate a 24-hour safe house. Please call (570) 748-9509 for additional information.
Williamsport:YWCA Wise Options: This organization provides individual and group counseling for victims of rape and incest. They will help pay for legal proceedings and rape exams. Please call 1-(800)-326-8483 for additional information.
Harrisburg:Covenant House: This is a nationwide hotline that provides counseling for runaways. Please call 1-(800)-999-9999.
Austin, Texas: This is a runaway hotline that provides crisis counseling. This hotline will relay messages back home for runaways. Please call 1-(800) 231-6946.
Williamsport:YWCA TeleAteen: This is a peer support telephone service. Please call 1-(800)-326-9577 if you would like to talk to someone your age about a situation you are facing.
Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)/AIDS:
Lewisburg:Family Planning: They offer the same services as listed above. Please call (570) 523-3600.
Lock Haven:Family Planning: Family Planning centers offer free STD and AIDS testing. All information is confidential. Please call (570) 748-7770.
Williamsport:Family Planning: They offer the same services as listed above. Please call (570) 321-3131.
Self-Help Websites for Adolescents:
This website provides information on how to help someone who is thinking about hurting themselves.
This website defines “depression” and common causes of depression.
This website provides an explanation of depression, as well as information on other problems adolescents face.
This website provides information on symptoms and treatment of depression and suicide.
Drug and Alcohol:
This website has a sample screening test to help you determine whether you have a drug problem. There is a 24-hour toll free number on this site. This website also has links to recovery websites.
This website provides information on what drug and alcohol treatment would entail. This site has links to other websites available to help deal with your situation.
This website has a large number of links to other sites related to drug and alcohol treatment.
This website provides information on what constitutes addiction. It has links to many different drug and alcohol related self-help websites.
This site provides information about alcoholics anonymous. It also has a test you can take in order to determine whether you have an addiction.
This website has a self-test to determine whether you have a cocaine addiction. It discusses cocaine anonymous groups and what treatment for a cocaine addiction would entail.
This website provides information on al-anon and alateen groups.
This website provides information on all types of drugs (i.e., ecstasy, cocaine, heroin) and how they affect your body. This website also includes information on rehabilitation.
This website provides real life stories of drug related incidents. There are links to recovery on this website.
Eating Disorders:
This website is very informative. It provides a lot of information on the identification and treatment of Anorexia and Bulimia.
This is a great website for finding information on Anorexia and/or Bulimia. There is a test to take to see if you are at risk for an eating disorder.
This website provides a description of Anorexia and Bulimia. This site also has links to other resources.
This website has information on signs and symptoms of anorexia and bulimia. This site has personal stories of people who have these disorders.
This website allows you to discuss your disorder with other people online. This site has literature you can read that explains eating disorders and the recovery process.
This website describes signs, symptoms, and interventions for self-injurious behavior.
This is a self-help website to get you on your way to recovery.
This website provides information on reasons why people self-mutilate and how to get help.
Sexual Transmitted Disease:
This is a very informative website that discusses all forms of STD’s. Information is given on how diseases are contracted, the symptoms, and the treatment alternatives.
This website provides information on prevalence, symptoms, and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.
This website describes all types of STD’s and has sources related to sexually transmitted diseases.
Teen Pregnancy:
This website has a toll free number you can call in order to talk to someone about your fears. This site also has information about pregnancy centers, adoption agencies, maternity residences, and fetal growth.
This website looks at teen pregnancy and sexuality.
This website provides online advice and discussion with other pregnant teens.
This is a site for teen parents to get advice and support and meet other teens in similar situations.
This website provides information for pregnant and parenting teens.
This website covers many topics including: bullying, dating, family life, school, violence/abuse, and conflict resolution.
There is an array of information relating to mental health issues including: stress management, anxiety, eating disorders, and self-mutilation.
This website has information on eating disorders, self-mutilation, peer pressure, substance abuse, physical health, emotional health, and sexual issues.
Confidential/Free Hotlines to call in case you need someone to talk to about a problem:
AIDS/Sexually Transmitted Disease:
AIDS Hotline: 1-(800)-AID-AIDS
The Teen AIDS Hotline: 1-(800)-440-TEEN
National AIDS Hotline:1-(800)-342-2437
Sexually Transmitted Disease
(STD) Hotline:1-(800)-227-8922
Arson and Kids:1-(800)-851-4320
Child Abuse:
Childhelp USA: 1-(800)-4-A-CHILD
Child Abuse Hotline: 1-(800)-25-ABUSE
Mission Children:1-(800)-843-5678
National Child Abuse
Drugs and Alcohol:
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Hotline: 1-(800)-333-4444
Al-Anon/Alateen Hotline:1-(800)-344-2666
National Association for
Children of Alcoholics: 1-(800)-55-4COAS
Poison Control: 1-(800)-231-6946
Cocaine Help Line:1-(800)-222-2463
National Youth Crisis1-(800)-HIT-HOME
Eating Disorders (Anorexia/Bulimia):
National Eating Disorder Association:1-(800)-931-2237
Eating Disorder Helpline:1-(800)-323-8555
Family/Domestic Violence:
Coalition Against Domestic Violence: 1-(800)-333-SAFE
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-(800)-799-SAFE
Gay, Lesbian & Bisexual Youth: 1-(800)-347-TEEN
The National Gay and Lesbian Hotline: 1-(888)-THE-GLNH
Homeless Hotline:1-(800)-654-8595
Homeless Helpline:1-(800)-563-1600
National Youth Crisis Hotline: 1-(800)-HIT-HOME
Mental Health:
National Institute of Mental Health: 1-(888)-ANXIETY
Mental Health Info Source:1-(800)-447-4474
Talk Zone (Peer Counselors) 1-(800)-475-TALK
Accidental Pregnancy Hotline: 1-(800)-848-LOVE
Depression After Delivery:1-(800)-944-4773
National Pregnancy Hotline:1-(800)-848-5683
Parents Too Soon: 1-(800)-4CALLUS
Real Alternatives: 1-(888)-LIFEAID
Rape Abuse and Incest National Network: 1-(800)-656-HOPE Extension #1
Rape Crisis:1-(888)-293-2080
National Youth Crisis Hotline:1-(800)-HIT-HOME
National Runaway Switchboard:1-(800)-621-4000
National Youth Crisis Hotline: 1-(800)-HIT-HOME
National Network for Kids in Crisis: 1-(800)-KID-SAVE
Self-Abuse Hotline: 1-(800)-DON’T-CUT
Suicide Prevention:
National Suicide Hotline:1-(800)-621-4000
Suicide and Crisis Hotline:1-(800)-999-9999
Suicide Hotline:1-(800)-448-3000
Suicide Prevention:1-(800)-596-4287
Teen Suicide Hotline/Teen Line: 1-(800)-347-TEEN
Suicide Help Line: 1-(800)-SUICIDE
National Youth Crisis Hotline: 1-(800)-HIT-HOME
Victims of Violent Crimes:
NationalVictimCenter: 1-(800)-FYI-CALL
National Youth Crisis Hotline: 1-(800)-HIT-HOME