2015 SMGC - Santa Margarita Gun Club’s 63rdAnniversary
Camp Pendleton Open - Regional Championships
Match Director’s – Bulletin Number 1
To the Competitors who will be firingin the 63rd Camp Pendleton OPEN Tournament the following clarifications are being made which will assist you in participation of this Tournament and are not part of the Official Tournament Program;
Locations: As a reminder, the Pistol EIC will be the First Match Fired on Saturday Morning on September 26. All Pistol Competitors will report to Range 116B at 0700 Hours or 7:00 AM. Competitors are required to park in the Dirt Parking Lot ONLY and NOT Behind the 50 yard line.
Rifle Competitors(Only): DO NOT show up to Range 116B;proceed directly toRange 103, to report for the Rifle EIC Match at approximately0900 Hours or 9:00 AM. Check in will be at the Covered Bleacher Area adjacent to the Dirt Parking Lot. Rifle Competitors will take all of their equipment (Rifle, Ammo and Equipment) to the 200 yard line after check in for Relay Assignment.
Rifles Used In Rifle Competition: For this particular Tournament, if a competitor fires in the Rifle EIC Match with a Service Rifle, and continues to fire in Sunday’s match, that competitor WILL BE ALLOWED to change the Rifle used for the 2nd Day of Competition (The 1000 Point XTC Match), to a Match Rifle/Any Rifle if they so choose.
A Barbeque will be held after all firing is complete on Saturday, prior to the Awards Ceremony.
Awards Ceremony & Prize Merchandise: There will be an Awards Ceremony after firing is complete after each day. Selected Prize Merchandise has been made available for Winning participants who compete in this Tournament. Winners of the Merchandise must be Present at the Awards Ceremony at the end of each day in order to collect the awards. NO Merchandise will be mailed out. Winners not present will forfeit their awards.
A Special Award will be presented to the Individual who competes in BOTH EIC Matches and fires the Highest Aggregate Score from the combined Total of each match, (Pistol EIC & Rifle EIC Scores Combined).
Companies: Berger Bullets has again, donated some merchandise which will be awarded during this competition. Accu-Griphas also provided some donated merchandise. Additionally, some special prizes from the National Championships at Camp Perry, Ohio will also be awarded.
I hope to see you September 2627at the SMGC - Santa Margarita Gun Club’s 63rdAnniversary Camp Pendleton Open - Regional Championships.
Harry D. Harrison
Match Director