Camp Crossroads Reference Form
Camp Crossroads is a Christian camp that seeks to provide discipleship for all those who attend our camp as staff or camper. Working in a camp setting can be a very challenging but rewarding job. Therefore, we are looking for young adults who have the qualifications to do this job well. Our staff need to be living out their relationship with Jesus Christ on a daily basis and be an active part of Christian community. They must also have a love for people and camping ministry. Your honest and objective evaluation of the applicant’s character and capabilities is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and effort in completing this reference. Your promptness in returning this form is very important. The application will not be considered without it.
Please complete this form and email it to . Please be sure to re-save the file to include the applicants name (i.e. “Bob Smith Reference.doc”).
If you have any questions or comments, please contact the camp office at 866-972-3111 or . Thank you.
Please ensure you have completed all areas of the reference form before submission.
Check for Completion
General Information
Name of applicant:
General Information
Your name:
Type of reference: General Spiritual
Home Phone:
Business Phone:
How long have you known the applicant?
In what capacity?
Please rate your recommendation of the applicant:
Highly Recommended
Recommend with reservation
Cannot recommend
General Comments:
SURVEY Please rate the applicant from 1-5 below: 1 being Unsatisfactory - 5 being Excellent
Does The Applicant: / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / n/a / CommentsDemonstrate a strong foundation in their knowledge of scripture
Show a consistent growth in their Christian Life
Demonstrate self-motivation & initiative
Display emotional maturity & stability
Display a good sense of judgement
Adjust well to new situations
Accept guidance, supervision and feedback well
Respect authority and can uphold the rules of camp
Display a good work ethic with a positive attitude
Have a team mentality
Relate well to the opposite gender
Have a mentoring nature
demonstrate creativity
Have a servant heart
Display the ability to address large groups of people
What strengths does the applicant possess in regards to the position for which he/she has applied?
In what ways would you like to see the applicant develop?
Are you aware of any characteristics or circumstances in the applicant's background which may make him/her unsuitable, or reduce the effectiveness of the applicant, for serving at camp? (i.e. health issues, emotional stability, behaviours, criminal convictions, etc.)
2012 Reference Form.doc