/ PACK 276
Pinewood Derby Race
Saturday February11, 2017

Join us for the Day of Scouting Fun that everyone always remembers!

Check-In Date/Time:
Friday February10, 2017 @ 6pm – 9pm
NOTE: All racers must have their car checked-in the Friday night before the race.

Race Day Date/Time:
SaturdayFebruary11, 2017 @ 9am – 2pm

Rank / Race Jan 28TH
Webelos II / 9:15 - 9:30 AM
Webelos I / 9:30 - 9:45 AM
Wolves / 9:45 – 10:00 AM
Break/ Creativity Awards / 10:00 - 10:15 AM
Tigers / 10:15 – 10:30 AM
Bears / 10:30 – 10:45PM
LUNCH BREAK / 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Finals / 11:30 AM – 12:00PM
Awards / 12:00 –12:30PM
Sibling Race / 12:30 – 12:45PM
Parents Race / 12:45 – 1:00PM
Clean-up / Immediately following Last Award
Rap-Up - 2:00 PM

(Schedule may very due to the number of participants entered each year)
(Volunteers Needed: Please stay to help Clean-up)

The concession stand will have food, so plan to stay as long as you wish, the boys enjoy the races !

The boys compete by ranks.The winners in each rank advance to Pack & District Championships.

The boys will have fun!

General Ground Rules

  1. Cars must be made for this year’s race.

NOTE: Any cars made for previous races are not eligible.

  1. Each car will be given a registration number at check in. Anink pen mark will be placed on each car with that number. (no stickers as they could fall off)
  1. All cars must pass inspection by the Official Inspection Team. The Inspection Team has the right to disqualify any car not conforming to these rules. If a car is not in compliance, it may be adjusted by the owner and resubmitted, however we encourage all cars to be in compliance when presented for inspection.
  1. Once the Official Inspection Team has accepted a car, no one may touch it except for the race officials.
  1. If a car jumps off the track, leaves its lane and/or interferes with another car, the heat will be run again. If the same car leaves its lane three races in a row, the car will be disqualified.
  1. If a car suffers a mechanical problem and can be fixed within a five-minute period, it can be fixed by the owner (only) and run again. If the car cannot be fixed within a five-minute period, it will be disqualified.
  1. Please remember that the purpose of the race is for the scout to gain skill, confidence and pride in the car that he has created. Therefore it is important that the scout design and build as much of the car as his capabilities allow. Any adult help should be fully explained so that the scout can apply the knowledge gained to future projects.
  1. The decisions and rulings of the race officials are final. Inappropriate or unsportsmanlike conduct by any participant or member of the audience will be grounds for expulsion from the competition and/or race area. The ONLY appeal is to the Chair, (only if available) and the Chair decision is absolutely final.
  1. Cars must be built using the materials in an Official BSA Pinewood Derby Racing Car Kit. This includes the pinewood block, axles, and wheels. With the exception of decorative and construction items (weights, glue, lubricants, finishing materials), only materials from an official kit may be used. Separate items (including but not limited to pre-contoured pinewood bodies, machined wheels, full length axles, and polished axles) are specifically prohibited.


1)Check-in will be the evening before the Race – Cars will be impounded until the Races are over.

2)Bears and Tigers are encouraged to arrive no later than 10:00 AM.

3)The Check in and Races will be held at the Church.

4)Breakfast/Lunch/Snacks will be available to purchase, at great prices and this helps pay for the event.

5)Scouts MUST check in their own car in-person.

6)Please contact the Chair if you have any questions or issues with the rules, our goal is for everyone to participate.

Pack 276 Pinewood Derby Chairman& Final Judge
Bradley Dickinson

Phone: 904-451-0778