JordanSchool District
Elementary Library Media Curriculum
Grade: 3
Script to Accompany 3- Utah’s Online Library (Formerly Pioneer PowerPoint):
(Numbers correspond to slide numbers.)
Slide 1. What is the #1 Internet site for Utah students to find trusted information?
Slide 2. Utah’s Online Library of course! onlinelibrary dot uen dot org is the Internet address. The address and the logo tell us that this site is for residents of Utah.
Slide 3.Utah’s Online Library is for all Utah residents. It is available to students from schools and public libraries. We can reach Utah’s Online Library from home computers using a login name and password. The password changes every August. This year’s password is ______(Have students write the word on their Utah’s Online Library
bookmark). Let’s take a look at some of the databases: First: Culturegrams.
Slide 4. Let’s look at Kid’s Edition.
Slide 5. How many continents are there in the world? (7) What continent do third graders study? (South America)
Slide 6. OK, here’s a good look at South America. By clicking on individual countries, we could learn much about each one. Now let’s go back to Utah’s Online Library to choose another database.
Slide 7. Next we’ll try Gale Kids InfoBits Grades K-6
Slide 8. Since the Inca lived in South America, we’ll further our study. Ok, type “inca” in the search box and push the arrow at the end of the search box to see what we can learn about these ancient people.
Slide 9. Notice how the results are organized by Books, Biographies, Pictures, Magazines and News.
Slide 10. From the list of results choose a Book, a Picture and a Magazine article that contains relevant information about the Inca.
Slide 13. Back to Utah’s Online Library for one last database.
Slide 14, What do you think we can find in World Book Encyclopedia?
Slide 15. World Book online is a huge source for information. We’re clicking on “World Book Kids.”
Slide 16. Let’s see what we’ll find if we type “Inca” in the Search box and click the magnifying glass.
Slide 17. Here we find some promising articles. Click on the title to view the article. Let’s take a look at the pictures. Go to the “More Information” box on the right hand side. Click the down arrow then choose Pictures.
Slide 18. The middle image looks interesting. Let’s take a look at it. Click on the picture to view.
Slide 19. Now let’s see if you can answer the question at the beginning of the slide show.
What is the #1 Internet site for Utah students to
find trusted information???
Slide 20. Surely everyone knows the answer now!
Slide 21. Utah’s Online Library of course. Ask your teacher if you can do a research project using Utah’s Online Library. Please take the papers home to remind you how to access Utah’s Online Library from your home computer, and remember that the password will change next summer.