November 6, 2018
Immediate Preparation:
1. Each homeowner should sign up with the City of Webster online to obtain emergency status information
- Go to:
- On left side of page, select “Emergency Management”
- Select “Sign Up Here!! Connect-CTY - Emergency Notification Via Email and Cellular Text Messages”
2.Purchase a large container with a lid for an Emergency Supply Kit and insert:
- Non-perishable, ready-to-eat canned foods and manual can opener (at least a 3 day supply)
- First aid kit
- Flashlight with extra batteries/tools
- Battery-operated AM/FM radio, NOAA All-hazards radio,and extra batteries (you can also buy wind-up radios that do not require batteries)
- Iodine tablets or one quart of unscented bleach (for disinfecting water ONLY if directed to do so by health officials) and eyedropper (for adding bleach to water)
- Phone that does not rely on electricity – this is not mean a cell phone, an old fashioned dial-up type.
Once per year examine the Emergency Supply Kitand update food, batteries & etc.
Have a second container available to add items as noted below.
3. General Recommendations:
Keep enough supplies in your home to survive on your own, or shelter in place, for at least three days. If possible, keep these materials in an easily accessible, separate container or special cupboard. You should indicate to your household members that these supplies are for emergencies only. Check expiration dates of food and update your kits when you change your clock during daylight-saving times. During hurricane season keep at least half a tank of gas in your car at all times.
Projected Landfall – 3 days out:
Homeowners begin to move larger loose items from their back yard into the garage.
Homeowners fill the second containers:
- Provide one gallon of drinking water per person per day for a minimum of 3°days
- Medications and special items (pain relievers, diapers, etc.)
- Personal hygiene items: soap, feminine hygiene products, toothbrush and toothpaste, etc./food, water, and medicine for your pets
- Important family documents (birth certificates, insurance/bank account information, etc.)
HCMC move pool furniture into the restrooms
Homeowners make a general inspection of the common area surrounding their unit, picking up or securing potential airborne debris.
1 day prior to recommended Evacuation:
Make a final inspection of the common area, picking up or securing potential airborne debris.
After the Hurricane – Evacuees:
After the Hurricane:
The City of Webster maintains radio station 1610 AM . In the event of an emergency, tune to 1610 AM for information and instructions. During non-emergency situations, the station broadcasts weather information and general community information.
Emergency Supply Kit / /- I