The Wrexham CAMHS Strategy Group has been established to provide a forum for the development and implementationof a local CAMHS Strategy relating to services in Wrexham.
By definition CAMHS services are multi-agency involving Statutory and Voluntary Sector partners.
The purpose of the Wrexham CAMHS Strategy Group is to establish a forum that will:
- Actively seek the views of Service Users in service planning.
- Develop a comprehensive multi-agency CAMHS strategy for Wrexham in line with:
National Strategy “Everybody’s Business”.
National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services in Wales.
North Wales CAMHS Strategy.
Health Social Care and Well-being Strategy
Wrexham Children and Young People’s Plan
Specific policy and planning guidance.
- Enable co-ordination of activity in the CAMHS service across Wrexham.
- Encourage a sharing of information between the organisations represented.
- Identify and address strategic and development issues.
- Facilitate cohesion within the NE Wales Community and between Wrexham and the North Wales Region.
- Plan a multi-agency response to strategic documents.
- Commission studies and reports as required to inform strategic development of CAMHS services.
- Commission specific theme groups to undertake specific areas of work. Co-ordinate and monitor the progress of these groups, including School based Counselling Services Project, Primary Mental Health Workers in Education, Suicide Prevention and Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Inform and influence the commissioning process.
The key aims of the group are to:
- Ensure that joint working relationships and appropriate protocols are developed between all stake holders in Wrexham.
- Facilitate cohesion and co-ordination of developments.
- Help to inform the contracting process for CAMHS services.
- Responsibilities
Members of the Wrexham CAMHS Strategy Group are expected to:
- Provide information and advice to other group members for their area of interest.
- Actively participate in discussions as appropriate.
- Actively support action points agreed by the group when presenting them to the organisation they represent.
- Supply relevant and valid information, on behalf of the organisation or sector they represent, as appropriate.
- Consult with, and seek the views of, relevant others within the organisation or sector they represent and provide feedback to the group.
- In addition, group members will be required to attend meetings. Where a Group member is unable to attend he/she will have responsibility for deputising their role to someone with appropriate authority within their organisation or sector.
- Provide expertise to commissioning process.
- Relate CAMHS Strategy Group to Adult Mental Health Planning Group.
The Group shall consist of representatives from:
- Wrexham Local Health Board
- Wrexham Local Authority, Children and Young People’s Service,
Learn and Achieve Dept,
Prevention and Inclusion Dept
Safeguard and Support Dept
- Voluntary Sector
- North East Wales NHS Trust
- Provider organisations and other professionals to be co-opted as necessary to support the aims and objectives of this group.
- Reporting Arrangements
This task and finish group will be accountable to the Children and Young Peoples Framework Partnership.
It will report via meetings to the Healthy and Active Strategic Co-ordinating Group (SCoG) and will, when requested, provide reports to the :
- Healthy and Active SCoG
- Children and Young People’s Framework Partnership Board
- Children’s Partnership
- Young People’s Partnership
- others as identified by the chair of the H&A SCoG
The Chair and Vice Chair to be elected by the group
Chair and Vice Chair will originate from different partner organisations
Bi-monthly, arranged to enable the group to report in to the meeting cycle of the H&A SCoG, and subsequent Framework Partnership Board Meetings.