KC ID 559

Date: / THURSDAY, 22nd DECEMBER 2016
Venue: / WALBERSWICK, Suffolk
Judges: / Mr Martin Ashman (A2193) Mr Brian Sadler (B3028)
Entry: / Please send a completed entry form (marked ”Open Cocker” on the envelope)and SAE (Self sealing) or email address for result of draw to Hon FT Secretary byThursday 8th December,together with the fee of £35 per Dog (£50 non-members) to Mr Andy Waterhouse (Cheques to be made payable to the Cambridgeshire Field Trial Society) See conditions of entry for definition of this Open Stake.
Draw: / The draw will take place in Abberton on Thursday 8th December,1900hrs. Members are welcome to attend, but please telephone first.
Meet: / Details will be notified with the result of the draw.
Sponsors: / First to Third sponsored by Skinners Dog Food, Stradbroke, Suffolk. Tel: 01379 384247

Cocker Spaniel Field Trials
to be held under Kennel Club CFTS Rules and FT Regulations

Date: / WEDNESDAY, 18th JANUARY 2017
Venue: / Quidenham , NORFOLK
Judges: / Mr M Deacon (A2242) Mr J Atkinson (NP)
Entry: / Please send a completed entry form (marked ”Novice Cocker” on the envelope)and SAE (Self sealing) or email address for result of draw to Hon FT Secretary byTuesday 3rd January 2017 together with the fee of £30 per Dog (£45 non-members) to Mr Andy Waterhouse. (Cheques to be made payable to the Cambridgeshire Field Trial Society) See conditions of entry for definition of this Novice Stake.
Draw: / The draw will take place in Abberton on Tuesday 3rd January 2017
1900 hrs. Members are welcome to attend, but please telephone first.
Meet: / Details will be notified with the result of the draw.
Sponsors: / First to Third places also sponsored by Skinners Dog Food, Stradbroke, Suffolk. Tel: 01379 384247
  • All Field Trials will be run under Kennel Club Rules and all dogs must be registered at the Kennel Club.
  • The Society reserves the right to refuse entries.
  • Should circumstances so dictate, the Society, in consultation with the judges may alter the arrangements as necessary. Such changes and the circumstances surrounding them will be reported to the Kennel Club at the earliest opportunity.
  • No modifications will be made to this schedule except by permission of the Kennel Club followed by advertisement in appropriate journals if time permits before closing date of entries.
  • The Society accepts no responsibility for injury, loss or damage to persons or property however occasioned. No video filming and/ or photography will be allowed without express prior permission of the Society, its organisers and hosts.
  • Email/Online entries will not be accepted.

Entries to :

Mr Andy Waterhouse

1 Hillcrest Cottage, Mersea Rd, Abberton, Colchester, Essex. CO5 7NS Tel 07905 623751.