Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004


Present Voting

Members: Brian Smith, Chair, David Binns, Maggie Ervick, Janet Gaffney, Carol Goodrow, Bob Hundert, Wendy Jollymore, Mozammel Khan, Pat Knight, Lorraine Laframboise, Debra McKay, Satyendra Narayan, Susan Platt, Rafael Radovan, John Salisbury, Gabe Sara, Brian Smith, Marlene Teske, Pat Tretjack

Regrets: John Bowman, Lenore Edmunds, Jim Greer, Gary MacMillan, Carol Murray, Judy Travis

Guest: R. Turner, Maureen Callahan, Sue Gilbert






1. Chair’s Opening
Remarks, Approval of
Agenda and
2003-12-18 Record / The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
It was moved by Brian Smith and seconded, “that the Agenda of 2004-02-19 be approved.”
It was moved by C.Goodrow and seconded “that
the Record of 2003-12-18 be approved.”
Amendment to last meeting:
P.Knight and D.McKay should have been listed under regrets.
2. Presiden’s Update
President’s Update Cont’d / R.Turner reported on the following:
Liberal Government College Funding
·  It doesn’t look like there will be any additional funding coming our way this year or next year
·  We may need to go to the private sector for much needed funding
·  Applications for admission are down 17% across Ontario and Sheridan is down about 23%
·  Considering that our funding has been down for a number of years, morale seems to be good
·  G.Sara asked if there was any way to utilize the college during the summer
·  M.Callahan said that they have been working on this but they have to convince more programs to have a January intake

Follow-up to Strategic Planning

· see handout

·  We submitted an 8 year plan to the Board of Governors

·  If there are any questions about the Operational plan, contact R.Turner or M.Callahan
·  B.Smith asked if Spark would be coming on line soon
·  R.Turner said that the new space is 6,000 sq.ft. and we are courting potential clients right now
·  We should make sure that the students know that there is space available, for a price, to start their own business
·  R.Turner would like to see the Sheridan community use the facilities


·  R.Turner will keep the Sheridan community up-to-date with information about a possible faculty strike
·  A search team has been put together to find a good candidate for the Business Development position
·  The Manager of Communications position will report to the Business Development person
3. Vice President Academic Update
V.P. Academic Update Cont’d
V.P.Academic Update Cont’d / Clarification on Changes to Grade Point System
·  No change
·  P.Knight questioned what currently happens if a student didn’t do well in a previous program, and those marks are included in the GPA. Is the system corrected before graduation?
·  M.Callahan responded that, to her understanding, current transcripts include all courses, and the overall GPA reflected on transcripts is also calculated based on all courses. Academic Services currently performs a manual calculation to determine program GPA, which is the GPA used for progression and graduation purposes. That has been necessary due to limitations of Sheridan’s Banner configuration, and a customization in PeopleSoft is planned to correctly reflect program GPA on transcripts in the future. A firm date for this change is not yet available.
·  M.Khan wondered if programs not related to the student’s present program could be deleted
·  M.Callahan indicated that it is unethical not to show all courses taken
·  Seneca differentiates programs taken by putting the current program courses on the top part of the transcript and unrelated courses on the bottom
Centre for Curriculum & Faculty Development
· Space is being looked at to provide centralized
support for program development and research
· further information is on the web
Program Development & Approval Process
· An Academic and Student Affairs committee has
been established to look at such things as
academic programs, ensuring the quality of
program development, etc.
· The committee will include Janet Dey, chair, Ian
Marley, M.Callahan plus other representatives
Tuition Reimbursement Policy
·  There was approval by the board at the January
· Policies were established and a fund for pursuit
of academic credentials were put in place –
courses taken must lead to credentials
· $50,000 is put in the fund each year and any
monies not used roll forward to the next year
· $5,000 is allotted per person
· A committee including M.Callahan, J.Bowman
and faculty put forward proposals
· Preference is given to proposals that advance the
strategic direction of the college
·  J.Gaffney asked if the fund was open to all employees and M.Callhan said yes
·  P.Knight wondered about guidelines and M.Callhan replied there would be
·  When asked if the fund was different from the PD fund, M.Callahan responded that it is separate and distinct
General Education/Generic Skills Policy Paper
·  See handout
·  The draft is nearly finalized and goes back to the VP committee at ACAATO with the hope that there will be approval by this spring
·  G.Sara wondered if Gen Eds could be offered in the summer and M.Callahan said yes
·  J.Salisbury asked if the Gen Eds could be clustered e.g. in the summer, the answer was yes
College Applications Update
·  OCAS went to an on-line system and has had a number of things go wrong therefore it is difficult to draw conclusions
·  Sheridan is leading in 1st choices in certain categories
·  Applications for Animation and Illustration are significantly down but there’s still more than we need
·  D.Binns asked if there appeared to be a decline across the higher education sector or is it that Universities are dropping their admission requirements
·  M.Callahan said you can’t compare last year, you must use 2001
·  When asked what the order of choice was
M.Callahan said the students can make as many
as 5 choices on the application and 3 at any 1
4. Manager, Security &
Manager, Security & Parking Cont’d /

Emergency Preparedness

·  S.Gilbert re[ported that a telephone tree has been created and indicating we need to define what is an emergency
·  Currently a committee is reviewing other colleges procedures
·  Possibly we could use colours to define what kind of an emergency, e.g. green – outside
·  G.Sara wanted to know what to do when the news on the radio says stay off the roads
·  S.Gilbert responded that it is K.Daljit’s decision whether or not to close the campus
·  P.Tretjack mentioned that College Council had created a sub-committee that came forward with some suggestions and would like to see them included in emergency preparedness
·  J.Salisbury asked if the PA system works and S.Gilbert said that it did but it is only for emergencies
·  Once a draft is prepared College Council will have a chance to review it and offer input

Smoking Policy

·  J.Salisbury mentioned that he had made recommendations (March 2002, see handout) about exposure to second hand smoke at Sheridan but didn’t think any fines or warnings had been handed out
·  S.Gilbert said security do give verbal and written warnings; the first time the student will receive a warning and the second time it’s a $50 fine
·  J.Salisbury indicated that the yellow lines defining the smoking area seemed to have helped and also the no smoking sign
·  As a point of interest as of Mon. Feb. 23/0
Security at the Davis Campus will be moved
to B113 and a Disabilities test center will go in
their space
5. Community & Diversity Week / ·  See handout
·  C.Goodrow, L.deJong, the Community Builders, and community partners organizing this event may have to cancel this event depending on the strike, the decision will be made on Fri. Feb. 20, 2004
6. Constituency Concerns /

Ethical Concerns/Code of Conduct

·  J. Bowman was not present so C.Goodrow mentioned that the committee has had 3 meetings to date

Update Signage

·  See handout
·  M.Teske would appreciate any feedback / March Agenda
7. Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference Cont’d / ·  B.Smith said since SCIM and Science & Technology had merged we would need 4 faculty representatives from ACES
·  With respect to Student Council the representative should be the president or a standing member of the council
·  We need part time faculty representation
·  Once the Terms of Reference are completed they will go to the Board of Governors for approval
8. New/Other Business / ·  P.Knight asked about follow-up to monitoring mold in the Annex
·  B.Smith suggested W.Glaser address and clarify
·  L.Laframboise said she is on the Health & Safety committee and the area is being monitored
·  B.Smith suggested there should be some new recommendations and policy on how to use power bars properly
9. Adjournment / Motion for Adjournment / Motion Carried
10. Next Meeting / Thursday, March 18, 2004 3:00 –5:00pm
Student Centre Boardroom - Trafalgar Campus