Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire Grounds Association

Annual General Meeting Tuesday 21 July 2015

Cambs Cricket Board Offices, Histon, 7pm


  1. Present: Kevin Clement (Hunts CB), Jenny Lambert (Cambs CB), Mel Pooley, Terry Bennett, Danny White, Chris Fuller, Paul Strickle, Steve Campin, Matt Pullen, Chris James
  2. Apologies – Rob Bradshaw, Pete Laughlin, Mick Hoy
  3. Minutes of last AGM – agreed as correct & signed
  4. Matters arising (not on the agenda) – nothing to report
  5. Treasurers Report – TB handed round a financial report. He explained that the balance was looking healthy, however there is a need to purchase some replacement machinery for the grounds trailers (the scarifyer on the trailer based at St Ives). This will cost around £4000 and therefore the amount will decrease.

At lot of the maintenance is done ‘in-kind’ and it was agreed that this doesn’t show a true reflection of the real costs to run the trailers.

MP – the committee would like to thank Terry for all his hard work again this year

Action: MP & TB to work together on creating an addition to the accounts to try and reflect the ‘actual’ costs for maintenance.

  1. Election of Officers – the officers were elected in block as follows:
  • Chair: Mel Pooley (Cambs)
  • Acting Secretary : Jenny Lambert
  • Treasurer: Terry Bennett
  • Education Officer: Rob Bradshaw
  • Trailer Co-ordinator: Mel Pooley/Terry Bennett

It was recognised that in the constitution there is an agreement that the Chair and Secretary positions will be split between Cambs & Hunts. JL agreed to stand as Secretary until a Hunts rep can be found.

  1. Trailer Update – the use of the trailer continues to be constantly high across Cambs and Hunts. As mentioned, the scarifier will be replaced on the one stored at St Ives.

It was agreed to keep the cost at £50 for members of the GA and £60 for others.

Clubs need to be reminded that to hire the trailer, they must have one person at the club who has been trained.

Action: MP/RB to arrange a training course for trailer use.

  1. Training Update – RB has stated that the GA is happy to try and run any courses (such as how to mend foot holes etc.) that the clubs feel that they need if there are enough people interested.

Spraying – CF asked about training for spraying as the ‘Grandfather rights’ are being removed on the 1 November 2015. The courses are very expensive at approx. £250 per person for each level.

Spraying can be done by anyone with the right qualifications, however clubs can also use local contractors for the work. The IOG are advising that clubs look to contractors or to create links with their local golf clubs who would have staff who are qualified.

If the club is in a public area, then there does need to be a qualified person carrying out the spraying.

These rules don’t apply to using Granules

Action: MP/DW/JL – to look at liaising with COWA to see if they can provide a course for the counties (and opening it out to other counties if required)

Groundsman training- MP said that himself and Rob Bradshaw have talked about buying in a course and tutoring it themselves (MP is qualified to do this) – this would keep the cost down for the clubs and Parish councils. More information to follow

  1. Outfield Machinery Project – update on success – this scheme is going extremely well – after slow start, the project has successfully worked with 36 separate clubs or organisations. At the moment, we are in the middle of year 2 of the pilot – we will have to start discussions with the ECB & Sport England to begin to look at what happens after the 2 years are up in January 2016.
  2. Expansion of the Grounds Association – it was agreed at the last AGM that this group would now be a grounds Assoc rather than Cricket grounds Assoc, therefore welcoming any sports or grounds staff who would like to be involved. MP &RB have begun this process with football and bowls.
  3. AOB:

Grounds contacts for private schools and colleges (uni) – JL & MP to work together to try and put a list of contacts for these venues as it doesn’t really exist at the moment

Pitch Marking – there was a discussion held about pitch marking of grounds in Cambs & Hunts. There would need to be an education process for this for captains and umpires, but it would show who is producing good pitches on a regular basis and where there are issues that need dealing with.

Action: MP & DW to put a proposal together for the CCA/Tucker/ Hunts league

Outings: MP/DW suggested it might be good to have an ‘outing’ for local groundsmen who would like to attend a first class ground, or a machinery provider etc.

There is also an option to hold an event in Cambs: Action: DW to look at a local event with the possibility of hosting it at The Leys School.

Date & time of next meeting – TBA (autumn date)