Head Office:
No. 165 EO. Blvd Preh Norodom, SK Tonle Bassac, Khan Chamcar Mon Phnom Penh
Field Offices:
Kampong Trach District, Kampot Province
Anlong Veng District, Otdar Meanchay
Phsar Prum Village, S.K. Stoeng Kach, Khan Sala Krao, Pailin City
Kampot Field Office:
Kompong Trach district, Kampot Province
c/o Cooperation Committee for Cambodia
Phnom Penh
Mailing address: P.O. Box 885, Mail box: 217 CDRCP
Ph/Fax/E-mail: none
Director: Ms. Leng Sothea 012651123
Administration Officer: Mr.Khim Bona012669488
Accountant: Mr. Sakun Sovannnone
Employees: 16 including 5 in HIV/AIDS/STD program in Kampong Trach and Dang Tung Districts
Founded: 1996
Organization Type and Origin: Cambodian NGO
Mission: CDRCP is dedicated to improving the living standard of the poor and to reduce their joblessness, as well as to prevent migration from rural to urban areas.
Funding Sources: KHANA, Cambodia/Canada Health and Nutrition Initiative Fund, Care International
Current Project Phase: 2003 - 2005
Project Title and Identification Number: HIV/AIDS Prevention Program
Project funded by KHANA: July 1998 – June 2004, total villages = 39
Project funded by H&NIF: 2003 – 2005, total villages = 20
Project funded by Care International: July 2003 – June 2005, 5 garments factories in Phnom Penh (reproductive health)
Project Objective: To reduce HIV/AIDS/STD transmission; To increase knowledge and awareness on HIV/AIDS/STD; To reduce discrimination for people living with AIDS.
Target Group: Male and female youth in the community, married male and female
Operation Sites: Kampong Trach and Dang Tung Districts
HealthServices: Education on primary health care, hygiene, birth spacing, reproductive health, and child health care.
Head office:
House #20, Street 590, Boeung Kok II
Toul Kork, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: PO Box 119,
Ph/Fax: 023 885 169
Executive Director: Dr. Chiv Bynthy
Kampot Province Office:
Kampong Trach East Commune
Kampong Trach District, Kampot Province
Mailing address: Kampong Trach East Commune
Ph: 012 820 372
Director: Phanara
Ung Chhoun012 654 943
Employees: 15
Founded: 1998
Organization Type and Origin: Cambodian NGO
Mission: CHC is working to promote reproductive health among women in the community.
Funding Sources: RACHA Partnership, JICA, ICCO, Cambodia-Holland Partnership
Current Project Phase: 2001 – 2003
Project Title and Identification Number: Reproductive Health Promotion, HIV/AIDS Prevention and Support, Community Participation
Project Objective: To improve knowledge in reproductive health, communicable disease e.g., TB, HIV/AIDS
Target Group: women in all villages
Operation Sites: 136 villages of Kampong Trach District
Health Services: Health education and provision of HIV/AIDS/STD care
Promotion of home birth kits
HIV/AIDS orphans support and home-based care
TB prevention and cure
Micro-credit and micro-finance schemes
Head Office:
23 street 294/57, Boeung Keng Kang I
Phnom Penh
Mailing address: PO Box 5,
Ph: 023 216-369/ 023 216 495
Field Representative: Mr. Chamroeun Mudita
Administration Officer: Ms. Kong Naren
International Contact: CIDSE CLV Program
c/o Broederlijk Delen, Huidevettersstraat 165
1000 Brussels, Belgium
Kampot Province Office:
Chumkiri district, Kampot Province
I COM: Channel 6, call sign: 240
Mailing address: none
Ph/Fax/E-mail: 012 793 743
Team Leader (ICD Program): Mr. Lim Pharoeun
Assistant Team Leader: Mr. Em Samol012 967 690
Employees: 70, 9 assigned in Chumkiri district, Kampot Province
Founded: 1993
Organization Type and Origin: International NGO, Belgium
Mission: CIDSE's mission in Cambodia is to support the rural poor, especially the poorest and marginalised, in their efforts to meet their own needs and to support activities which promote peace, freedom, social justice and civil society through working in solidarity and partnership with Cambodian people.
Budget and Funding Sources: CIDSE Member Organization, European Commission, DGSI (Belgian government, CCDP (Canadian government)
Current Project Phase:2003 - 2005
Project Title and Identification Number: Integrated Community Development Program (ICD) and Partnership Program. (C1241)
Project Objective:
1) Integrated Community Development Program
To achieve sustainable improvement of quality of life of the rural poor, of village institutions and associations; To improve food security, access to education and health practices.
2) Partnership Program
To strengthen the emerging civil society by building the capacity of Cambodian NGOs, especially those that address the needs of the rural poor.
Operation sites: Chumkiri district (24 villages)
Target Group: The rural poor (22 828 persons) including women-headed households, the disabled, and victims of natural and man-made disasters
Health services: Health education on HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB and dengue, diarrhea and hygiene, immunization, nutrition, and birth spacing
Head office:
17, Cambodian Red Cross Street (180), Phnom Penh
Mailing address: PO Box 620 (c/o IFRC&RC Societies)
Ph: 023 212 876/362 876 Fax: 023 212 875/362 140
Kampot Province Office:
Kampong Bay District, Kampot Town (by Kampot River)
Mailing address: none,
Ph: 033 932 915 Fax: none
E-mail: none
President: Ms. Bun Rany Hun SenN/A
Director: Mr. Prach Phonnone
Deputy Director & Development Officer: Mr. Oum Samreth012 929 873
Chief, HIV/AIDS/STD Program: Mr. Uk Lay012 928 458
Secretary & Tracing Agency: Mr. Vong Vannone
Founded: 1955
Danish Red Cross
International Head Office:
Blegdamsvej 27
DK – 2100 Copenhagen
Tel No.: +45-352-59-200
Fax: +45-352-59-350
Phnom Penh Address:
# 17 Red Cross Street (#180)
Phnom Penh Cambodia
Telephone No: +855-23-210773
Fax: +855-23-210163
Email address:
Mailing Address:
Cambodia Delegation
Central Post Office
P.O. Box 620
Phnom Penh Cambodia
Chief Technical Advisor: Merete Laubjerg, MPH (Primary Health Care Advisor)
Field Coordinator Kampot: Mr. Uk Lay
Kampot Province Office:
Kampong Bay District, Kampot Town (by Kampot River)
Mailing address: none,
Ph: 033 932 915 Fax: none
Organization Type and Origin: Independent agency auxiliary to Cambodian Royal Government
Mission: The Cambodian Red Cross implements humanitarian activities to assist the most vulnerable people, victims of mines, armed conflicts, and all kinds of disasters.
Budget: N/A
Funding Sources:Danish Red Cross
Current Project Phase: 2003 – 2006
Project Title and Identification Number: Community Based First Aid (CBFA) and Community Based Disaster Preparedness Program (CBDP), Primary Health Care Programme
Project Objective: To reduce disease and death rate in the community
Target Group: Vulnerable groups
Operation Sites: 8 districts
Health Services: HIV/AIDS education; CBFA and CBDP training for volunteers, villages within Trapeang Lapov Health Center catchment area
Food And agriculture Organization
Head Office:
Chief Technical Advisor:
Field Coordinator Kampot:
Kampot Province Office:
Organization type and origin:
Budget and Funding Sources: United Nations Fund for International Partnership
Current Project Phase:
Project Title and Identification Number: UNFIP-WIN Project (FAO-INT-99-0461)
Project Objective:
The project's overall objective is to ensure the sustainability of irrigation development and its positive impact on household food security and nutrition and the health situation of the local population, as well as regional and national food security.
The immediate objectives of the project are to:
- Increase women's capacity to participate in and influence irrigation and water resources management and increase their access to productive resources;
- Assist poor households in increasing and diversifying agricultural production for auto-consumption and increased farm income, introducing time-saving and income-generating technologies;
- Incorporate public health considerations in the design and development of irrigation and rural water management projects, including safe domestic water supply and preventive measures against water-borne diseases, at household, scheme and community level
- Strengthen the local and national capacity to effectively assist in the incorporation of gender, household food security, nutrition and health into irrigation and water management projects
Target Group:
Two categories of beneficiaries will gain from the project:
-The food-insecure households and women in the project sites of the Special Programme for Food Security (SPFS). The direct beneficiaries for each site will be on average 100 women of which a significant proportion of women are heading the household.
-Staff from different sectors at provincial and district levels (government and NGOs). They will receive training and assistance in order to ensure that they can adequately incorporate gender, nutrition and health considerations into their activities on the project sites.
Operation Sites:
Siem Reap Province: O Village, Prasat Bakong District, Don Keo Commune, Pouk District
Takeo Province: Khna Roung, Samrong District, Prey Khdan Commune, Prey Kbas District
Kampot Province: Mleach, Chumkiri District
Head office:
31 Street 388, Sangkat Toul Svay Prey I
Khan Chamcar Mon, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: P.O. Box 140,
Ph: 023 362 145/215 046Fax: 023 215 047
Country Director: Mr. Mark Wilson
Program coordinator: Mr. Rikio Kimura
International Headquarters:
7807 East Greenway Road, Suite 3
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260, USA
Kampot Province Office:
Chhouk district, Kampot Province
Mailing address: none
Ph/Fax/E-mail: none
Director, Child Development Program: Ms. Pailin ("Pik")
Health Advisor: Ms. Francine Mach, Child Development Program
Angkor Chey district, Kampot Province
Mailing address: none
Ph/Fax/E-mail: none
Director, Water & Sanitation Program: Mr. Bun Sophat012 937 956
Employees: 70 including 11 expatriates
Founded: 1990
Organization Type and Origin: NGO from USA
Mission: Food for the Hungry International is a Christian non-profit organization committed to equipping people and their community to move beyond meeting their basic needs through integrated self-development and where necessary, emergency relief program.
Budget and Funding Sources: FHI (Japan, Korea, Canada, USA, UK), DFID, CIDA, Rotary Club Current Project Phase:
Project Title and Identification Number:
Child development program (NCD/980138/26)
Farmer-led experimentation program (NCD/980134/26)
Water and sanitation program (NCD/980135/26)
Leadership development program (NCD/980136/Z6)
Samaritan Strategy
Project Objective:
To equip children and their community to progress beyond meeting their basic needs; To help them break the mental attitude and practical skills and knowledge that keep them from achieving sustainable benefits from holistic self-development;
To contribute to long-term alleviation of food shortage;
To reduce water-borne diseases through clean water and hygiene education;
To help empower people to begin to solve their problems;
To decrease the amount of time people spend fetching water;
To build strong leaders by providing holistictraining to local leaders and group members directly and supporting their attendance of training opportunity offered by other organizations;
To build the capacity of local church to meet physical, social and intellectual needs of their own communities using their own resources.
Target Group: The poorest in Chhouk, Angkor Chey and Bantey Meas districts
GERMAN TECHNICAL COOPERATION (Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit)
Head Office:
c/o National Institute of Public Health
Street 289, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: PO Box 1238
Ph: 023 884 476 Fax: 023 884 976
Team Leader and Senior Advisor: Dr. Gertrud Schmidt-Ehry
Technical Advisor to NIPH: Dr. Paula Quigley-Glueck
Project Management Assistant: Dr. Chhom Rada
National Institute of Public Health:
Street 289, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1300, Phnom Penh
Ph: 023 880 345/881 345 Fax: 023 880 346
Director: Sam An Ung, MD, MPH
Kampot Regional Training Center
Kampong Bay District, Kampot Town
Mailing address: none
Ph: 033 932 930 Fax: none
Regional Training Center Advisor: Ms. Erdmuthe Gravenhorst012992684
Kampot Provincial Health Department
Kampong Bay District, Kampot Town
Mailing address: P.O Box none
Ph/Fax: 033 932 309
Provincial Health Advisor: Dr. Yolanda V. Bayugo 012832105
Safe Motherhood Advisor: Ms. Francesca Harris012653912
Hospital Advisor for Kampot Province: Dr. Sabine Heinrich012388541
Employees: 2 seconded experts, 6 expatriates from CIM, DED, VSO, UNFPA, 10 local staff
Founded: 1995
Organization Type and Origin: Bilateral organization, Germany
Budget and Funding Sources: Government of Germany (BMZ)
Current Project Phase: March 2003 – Feb 2006 (first phase of three)
Project Title and Identification Number:Support to the Health Sector Reform (2003.2065.5-001.00)
Overall Goal: "Selected institutions at different levels of the health sector – public and private – fulfill their roles according to the quality demanded by the sector reforms"
Goal for first phase: "Selected public institutions at different levels of the health sector start to apply quality principles of sector reforms"[1]
Key Results
- Structures for quality assurance are introduced at Central level with clear role and function
- Health care providers are able to apply service quality standards (in Kampot and Kampong Thom)
- The National Institute of Public Health (NIPH) fulfill its tasks related to training, research and policy advise according to the national requirements
- Quality standards are implemented in Kg Thom as a model province and later in Kampot to increase responsiveness of health services to the population needs, especially for the poor, women and children
- Community based Health Insurance schemes are introduced in Kampong Thom and Kampot as part of the National SHI Master Plan with specific focus on the poor households
Head Office:
c/o National Institute of Public Health
Street 289, Khan Tuol Kork, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: P.O. Box 1226
Ph: 023 881 683 Fax: 023 881 683
Team Leader: Angelika Heddermann012 815 801
Kampot Province Office:
c/o Kampot Department of Rural Development
Kampong Bay District, Kampot Town
Health Component at Kampot Provincial Health Department
Mailing address: none
Ph/Fax: 033 932 835
E-mail: ,
Health Advisor: Ung Kim Heang/ Dr. Philippe Longfils012 949 050 /012 838 739
Employees: 2 (health component)
Founded: 1996
Organization type and origin: Bilateral organization, Germany
Mission: GTZ RDP aims at improving food security (qualitative and quantitative) for poor households through integrated project approach.
Budget and Funding Sources:German Government
Current Project Phase: Jan. 1999-Dec. 2001-Dec. 2003
Project Title and Identification Number: Integrated Food Security Program
Project Objective: To assist in the development of integrated strategies in nutrition education, promotion of family planning services, and other services, such as ante-natal care, safe delivery, health education; To improve health of population at the most peripheral level of health system i.e. the health centers and villages in target areas.
Target Group: Mainly women and children in villages covered by IFSP target areas.
Operation Sites: Chhuk Operational District: Dang Tung Health Center (17 villages) and Trapaing Raing Health Center, and Angkor Chey Operational District: Champey Health Center (15 villages) and Dang Kaum Health Centers.
Activities: Skills training, health and nutrition, community development, infrastructure rehabilitation, and agriculture development.
Health Services: Health education; health screening; nutrition; birth spacing; ante-natal care; safe delivery.
Khmer Women's cooperation for Development
Head Office:House # 13, Street 113 Sangkat Boeung Prolit Khan 7 Makara, Phnom Penh
Executive Director: Sum Satum012-86-66-17
Field Coordinator Kampot: Lim Lin012- 58-68-74
Kampot Province Office: House # 35, Phum 1 Usaphea, Kompong Kandal Commune, Kampong Bay District, Kampot Province
Employees: 4 staff
Founded: April 2002
Organization type and origin: Local non-profit organization
Mission: Education for Health
Budget and Funding Sources: Family Health International and Impact Cambodia
Current Project Phase: 2002 - 2005
Project Title and Identification Number: 83541 Sex Workers' Self Responsibilities
Project Objective: Reduce HIV/AIDS/STD among direct and indirect sex workers in Kampot and Chhouk Districts
Target Group: Sex Workers, Beer Promoters, Karaoke Workers, Staff in Massage Parlors, Freelance Sex Workers, Beer Garden Workers, Restaurant/Coffee Shop Workers, Fishers
Operation Sites: Kampong Bay – Kampot and Chhouk Districts
Head office:
Ministry of Education Youth & Sports
Department of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Russian Federation Street, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: none Ph/Fax: 023 884 275
E-mail: none
General Director: Mr. Pich Sophoan012 822 101
Director: Mr. Roath Bunla
First Deputy Director: Mr. Lao Heum012 855 530
Second Deputy Director: Mr. Hem Chantha
Kampot Province center:
Kompong Bay District, Kampot Town
Mailing address: none
Ph: 033 932 860 Fax: none
Director: Ms. Nou Neath012 837 667
Deputy Director: Mr. Seng Sotheara016 883 496
Chief, Administration Office: Mr. Tien Hien Paknone
Employees: 12
Funding Sources: Asian Development Bank (ADB) and National Training Fund Office of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Organization Type and Origin: Government institution
Mission: The Provincial Training Center offers a wide range of basic technical and vocational courses specifically designed to meet the daily needs of the community.
Current Project Phase: 1999-2001
Project Title: Technical and Vocational Education and Training Project
Identification Number: ADB loan No. 1368CAM(SF)
Project Objective: Vocational training for jobless people from18 years old
Main Activities: Basic training for auto repair, electricity repair, motor repair, sewing, masonry, welding, small engine repair, wedding outfitting, silk worm raising, food processing, livestock raising, mushroom growing, and hair cutting.
Target Group: Widows, drop-out of school students, the disabled, demobilized soldiers, orphans, and women with more than 7 children.
Head Office:
# 160 St #71 Sangkat Tunle Basac, Khan Chamcar Morn, Phnom Penh
Mailing address: PO Box 2471, Phnom Penh
Ph: 023 213 724/745/721 441/361132 Fax: 023 213 725
Program Manager: Dr. Richard B. Sturgis