Fetal US Reporting Template, Children’s National MC/Bulas


History: [ ] year old whose [< LMP >] [<EDD>] was [ ] consistent with a [ ] gestation. [< >]

A single live intrauterine gestation was identified in [ ] lie. The placenta was [<anterior >] and grade [ ]. The cervix was closed. There was no evidence of previa. Amniotic fluid volume was [<normal>] with amniotic fluid index of [ ] . A [< three-vessel >] cord was identified.

Fetal movement occurred throughout the exam.

[<Biophysical prophile - Tone 2/2, movement 2/2, >] [< breathing 2/2 >]

Fetal US analysis:

BPD of [ ] cm consistent with [ ] weeks [ ] days.

Cerebellum [ ] consistent with [ ] weeks [ ] days

Head circumference of [ ] cm consistent with [ ] weeks [ ] days.

Abdominal circumference of [ ] cm consistent with[ ] weeks [ ] days.

Humeral length of [ ] cm consistent with [ ] weeks [ ] days.

Femoral length of [ ] cm consistent with [ ] weeks [ ] days.

Nuchal thickness of [ ] mm

Nasal Bone [ ]

Estimated fetal weight was [ ] gm which is in the [ ] percentile for gestational age.

Doppler evaluation:

Fetal heart rate of [] bpm.

Umbilical artery shows a SD ratio of [], an RI of [] and a PI of [].

MCA shows a PSV of [] cm/sec, a RI of [] and a PI of [].

Cerebroplacental ratio of [].

Visualized fetal face, brain, and spine were unremarkable. [< Cavum septum pellucidum identified. >]

The ventricles and cerebellum were grossly normal in configuration. No hemorrhages or masses identified.

A normal four-chamber view of the heart and outflow tracts was noted.

A fluid-filled stomach and bladder were present. Cord insertion was normal.

[< The renal fossa were unremarkable >]. The right kidney measured [ ] cm with the left measuring [ ] cm.

The visualized extremities were unremarkable. [< There is no equino varus deformity>]

[< Male >] [< genitalia noted. >]


1. Single live intrauterine gestation consistent with [ ] by dates and [ ] by size. [<Normal interval growth>]

2. [ ]