Calvin Christian Reformed Church
Growing in Discipleship …
…Transformed for Ministry
November 6, 2016
Sunday Worship 10:00 AM & 5:00 PM
“But our citizenship is in heaven…” Philippians 3:20a
Season of Ordinary Time
This morning we celebrate the Lord’s Supper; a gracious gift that God provides to Christ’s body, the church. All who have been baptized into Christ, and who desire to honor him with grateful and obedient living, are invited to participate in this sacrament discerning that this bread and cup are signs and seals of God’s love for us and that we who participate are members of Christ’s body.
We serve gluten-free bread and non-alcoholic grape juice.
Ten o’clockNovember 6, 2016
Organ Prelude: “O God, Our Faithful God”Johann Sebastian Bach
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship: “Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now”Cantionale Sacrum
Lord Jesus Christ, be present now, our hearts in true devotion bow,
Thy Spirit send with grace divine, and let thy truth within us shine.
All glory to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three in one!
To thee, O blessed trinity, be praise throughout eternity!
* Opening Hymns: “There Is a Redeemer”#833:1-3
“We Are Your People”#248:1-4,6
(verses1,2 choir; verses 3,4,6 all)
* God’s Greeting
Call to Confession: “Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling”#615:1,3
Prayer of Confession:
Holy and merciful God,in your presence we confess
our sinfulness, our shortcomings,and our offenses against you.
You alone know how often we have sinned
in wandering from your ways,
in wasting your gifts,in forgetting your love.
Have mercy on us, O Lord,for we are ashamed and sorry
for all we have done to displease you.
Forgive our sins,
and help us to live in your lightand walk in your ways,
for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.
Assurance of Pardon:
Hear the good news:
Christ died for us while we were yet sinners;
that proves God's love toward us.
In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven!
In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven.
Glory to God. Amen.
* Affirmation of Faith: The Apostles' Creedfront cover of hymnal
* Song of Response: “In the Lord I'll Be Ever Thankful” [sing twice]#357
(Children may come forward during this song,
and are invited to bring Peter Fish with them.)
Message for Children
Blessing for Children
Leader: In the Lord we are ever thankful. We thank God for the worshiping community of all generations.
People of God, what is your prayer for these children?
Congregation:The Lord be with you.
Children:And also with you.
Congregation:Go in peace.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
* Hymn of Preparation:“Gift of Finest Wheat”#815:1,3,4
Presentation of Offerings and Passing of Friendship Pads
Offertory Prayer: Lois Huisman
Offering for Inner City Christian Federation
Offertory: “Nocturne in C# Minor”Frederic Chopin
Prayer for Illumination
Scripture Reading: Philippians 3:17-4:1page 955
Sermon:Dual Citizens
Prayer of Application
The Lord’s Supper#810
Distribution Anthem: “Amazing Grace” [#691]David Ashley White
Distribution Anthem: “Jesus, Sun of Life, My Splendor”George Frideric Handel
Jesus, Sun of Life, my Splendor, Jesus. Thou, my Friend most tender.
Jesus, Joy of my desiring, Fount of Life, my soul inspiring,
At Thy feet I cry, my Maker, let me be a fit partaker
Of this blessed food from heaven, for our good, Thy glory, given.
Jesus, Bread of Life, I pray Thee, let me gladly here obey thee,
By Thy love I am invited, be Thy love with love requited;
From this Supper let me measure, Lord, how vast and deep love’s treasure.
Through the gifts Thou here dost give me as Thy guest in heaven receive me.
Hymn of Response:“One People, Here, We Gather”#243:1-4
(Benevolence offering received)
* Benediction
* Doxology: “God, the Father of Your People”#927:1-2
God, the Father of your people, you have called us to be one;
Grant us grace to walk together in the joy of Christ, your Son.
Challenged by your Word and Spirit,
blest with gifts from heaven above,
As one body we will serve you and bear witness to your love.
May the grace of Christ, our Savior, and the Father’s boundless love,
With the Holy Spirit’s favor, rest upon us from above.
May we now remain in union with each other and the Lord,
And possess, in sweet communion, joys that earth cannot afford.
* Postlude: “Two Hymn-Tune Postludes”Robert J. Powell
Liturgist: Rev. Rebecca Jordan Heys
Preaching Pastor: Rev. Mark VanderWerf
Organist and Choir Director: Kenneth Bos
Ministry of Music: Sanctuary Choir
Accompanist: Lisa Meyer
Violinists: Cassandra Kroondyk and Julie Bowden
Cellist: Corrin Meyer
Scripture Reader: Suzi Steketee
Calvin CRC Announcements for November 6, 2016
WORSHIP Today, 10 AM and 5 PM
Morningworship:We celebrate the sacrament of communion, and we welcome Rev. Mark VanderWerfwho preaches from Philippians 3:17-4:1, "Dual Citizens." Rev. VanderWerf is a Bible teacher at Grand Rapids Christian High School.
Evening worship:We remember those from our congregation who have died in the last two years. The Elders host us for dessert and conversation around tables after the service. Pastor Rebecca gives a meditation on Isaiah 25:6-9, “A Mountaintop Promise” and Carl Kromminga gives a testimony of knowing God's presence and hope in the midst of loss.
WORSHIP Next Sunday,November 13
Morningworship: We will welcome Rev. Heather Stroobosscher, Director of Equipping for Ministries at Lee Street Christian Reformed Church. She will preach from 1 Peter 2:1-10, “Your New ID Card: A Chosen People.” The Allegro Ringers will lead us in worship. The offering will be for Mission Outreach.
Evening worship: Rev. Rebecca Jordan Heys will preach from John 8:12-20, “The Light of Life.” The offering will be for the Baxter Community Center.
WORSHIP SERVICE ETIQUETTE: Ushers pause from seating people when the order of worship begins. If you are late, please wait until the opening hymn and the congregation is standing to find your seat.
A funeral service was held for Jean Ettesvold (district 6), who passed away on October 28, this past Thursday at Calvin Church.
Gerry Slagter (district 11) passed away on Wednesday, November 2 at home surrounded by her family. Visitation will be at Zaagman Funeral Home today from 3-5 and 7-9 PM. The funeral will be at Calvin Church on Monday, November 7 at 11:00 AM with visitation the hour prior.
Dear Calvin Church, so many of you have been faithful in prayers and expressions of kindness all during Ruth's struggle with cancer. Although we have not been able to keep up with thanking everyone, we are using this means to be sure everyone is thanked for prayers, cards, food, flowers, and a few other surprises. We love you all for how much you have helped us along this tough journey. God be with you too. Ruth & Rodger Rice
Dear Friends at Calvin CRC,We are grateful that you are partnering with us as we go into our ministry with refugees in Berlin. This Sunday our sending congregation, Sherman Street Christian Reformed Church, will commission us, and we will depart for Germany on November 20. Please pray for us as we take care of departure details and say goodbye, and for our supervising organization, the Berlin City Mission, as they prepare to welcome us. We cherish our continued relationship with you as a congregation.
In Christ, Mary Buteyn and David Kromminga
2 - 4 year-olds “God Gives Us Food”Kim, Olivia, Rachel
Kindergarten “The Promised Land”
1st & 2nd grade “Jesus and the Storm”
Worship Center children are encouraged to continue their giving for missions and to bring their offerings for Family Assistance each Sunday.
CATECHISM CLASS TODAY: Please meet in the Lounge for class. Thanks for your flexibility.
78ERS: Our next meeting is this Wednesday, November 9, from 6:15 to 7:45 PM. Note the time change. We will be volunteering at Family Promise! Please meet in the Atrium.
GEMS SCHEDULE CHANGE: Dear GEMS and parents of GEMS, we have a slight schedule change for the month of November. We will NOT meet on Wednesday, November 9. We will meet the other scheduled dates in November, 16 and 30. See you then!
3 MILE PROJECT: Our event is this Saturday, November 12, from 1 to 4 PM. Join us for movies, volleyball, Re-Ball, Gaga Ball and more! Event location is 3050 Walkent DR, NW. Cost is $5, and you may bring additional money along for the snack bar. Friends absolutely welcomed!
LASER TAG: Join us for Laser Tag at The Lost City in Holland on Saturday, November 12, from 7:45 to 11:30 PM. Cost is $10 per person. We will carpool from Calvin Church and we plan to return to church by 11:30 PM. Parent drivers needed and can play Free of Charge! Please RSVP to Char via email or text. Friends welcome.
BLOOD DRIVE: Thank you to the fourteen people that gave blood. Since 1997 Calvin Church has given 1097 pints of blood. We have to keep this good record up. Our next blood drive is February 22. Put this on your calendar so we can have a good turnout.
COFFEE GROUNDS TODAY: Join us for a delicious specialty coffee or a hot chocolate with whipped cream! Coffee Grounds (who thought of this name?) will be served today after the morning worship service by CYG and the College and Career group. Donations to offset costs are appreciated.
Today—ADULT EDUCATION: The History and Significance of the Visual Arts at Calvin Church. Presenter: Mark Vanderhill
Learn the ways in which the Visual Arts are used to enhance our worship experience. We will talk about the use and placement of the many visual symbols in the sanctuary, as well as the art collection and changing exhibitions.
Next Sunday—ADULT EDUCATION: Religious Themes in American Landscape Painting. Presenter: Clare Walhout
Can landscape painting give expression to religious sentiments and themes? In the 19thcentury American artists turned to landscape painting as their primary vehicle of expression. The way they formed their landscapes suggests how cultural and religious values in America were developing and changing. We will look at a few painters whose Christian views are evident in their landscape paintings.
COLLEGE & CAREER LUNCH: Young adults, please join us for lunch TODAY in the Catacomb. Thanks to the Meyer and Bos families for providing our lunch. Lunch is from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM and transportation back to Calvin College will occur after church, and after the lunch. Take the stairwell near the nursery to the lower level and the Catacomb is the first room on the left.
BON APPÉTIT: There is room for two more people to join a dinner group. This is a great way to get to know other members at Calvin Church! Singles and couples are encouraged to join. The groups will function independently, like our movie groups do. You will have your choice of getting together for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.The people in the group will decide how often to meet, whether to meet in a home or go out to eat – the possibilities as to what day to meet, how often to meet, where to meet, and menu choices are endless! Contact Judy Jongsma at 616-516-9995 if you are interested.
FISH FOR MY PEOPLE: FISH day for Calvin Church is Tuesday, November 8. Volunteer drivers can expect a call on November 7 if you are needed. With thanks.
THE WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY will meet at 9:30 AM on Wednesday, November 9. We will discuss lesson 5, “Evangelism,” from Acts 17.
CALVIN CANCER SUPPORT GROUP meets Wednesday, November 9 at 4:00 PM in the conference room.
FAMILY SUPPER:A light supper will be provided at church on November 9 for adults and their children, especially those involved inWednesdayevening programming. A donation from each family will cover the cost of the meal. Food will be served from5:00-6:30, and nursery care will be provided from5:30-7:00.
GLOBAL GIFTS ANNUAL FUNDRAISER: Please join us on Friday, November 11 between 11:30 and 1:30 PM at Pietro’s (2780 Birchcrest Dr SE) for lunch and shopping. Purchasing a ticket allows Global Gifts to continue to support artisans and their families worldwide. You can purchase a ticket from Marilyn Bratt or Elaine Van Kley, or reserve one by calling Global Gifts at 245-2225.
FALL CLEANUP: November 19 is the Saturday when we rake leaves for church members who are in need of help. If you need this service or can help do it for others, please call the church office or your deacon.
CHURCH ORCHESTRA! We will be having our annual church orchestra this year for the first morning service of Advent, November 27! It would be amazing to have a large group like last year’s. We will play prelude, offertory, postlude, and some hymns. I can get the music to you to practice before time. Rehearsals will be November 20 from 3:30-4:30 PM and November 27 from 8:30-9:15 AM. If you have ANY questions, let me know (Amy Netz). Young, old, new members, long-time members - please join us and let me know if you will be playing with us so I can prepare music accordingly. Thanks!
SCRIPTURE IN 2017: Remember to sign up to purchase a discounted copy of The Wayfinding Bible. Next Sunday, November 13, is the last day to sign up.
GENTLY USED COUCHES: IHN/Family Promise and the Youth Group are looking for gently used couches. Please contact Karen Trap at 340-9158 or Cindy Lanning Burch at 451-4887 if you have one to donate.
Today, Sunday, November 6 Family Promise begins9:40a / Atrium Greeters: Bert & Sally deVries
East Greeters: Ray & Jeannine Lanning
Nursery Supervisor: Lindsay Molenbeek
Nursery Helpers: Tom & Laura Prince, Natalie Poortenga, Nick Overbeek
Parking Attendant: Ed Tolsma
11:15a / Library Volunteer: Kris Kamper
Coffee Servers: Crothers, Netz
11:20a / Church School
11:30a / Adult Education: The History and Significance of Visual Arts at Calvin CRC
Presenter: Mark Vanderhill
1-4p / Jeffrey & Lisa Schra Open House in the Fellowship Hall
4:40p / Parking Attendant: Bruce Tiejema
Tuesday, November 8
9:30a / Family Assistance
7:30p / Mission Outreach Committee meeting
Wednesday, November 9
9:30a / Women’s Bible Study
4:00p / Cancer Support meeting in the Conference Room
5:00p / Family Supper in the Fellowship Hall
5:30p / Junior Bells
6:15p / Cherub Choir and Covenant Choir (snack: Netz)
Allegro Ringers
6:30p / 78ers in the Catacomb
7:00p / Cadets
7:30p / Sanctuary Choir
Thursday, November 10
9:00a / Take Charge meeting
9:30a / Family Assistance
Saturday, November 12
1:00p / 78ers Outing
8:00p / CYG Laser Tag Outing
Next Sunday, November 13
9:40a / Atrium Greeters: Cindy Lanning Burch
East Greeters: Bob & Lynn McBroom
Nursery Supervisor: Christine Coulter
Nursery Helpers: Suzi Steketee, Merri Ezinga,
Tyler Koeman, Morgan Burghgraef
Parking Attendant: Steve Triezenberg
11:15a / Library Volunteer: Tammy Baker
Coffee Servers: Buettner, Sytsma
11:20a / Church School
11:30a / Adult Education: Religious Themes in American Landscape Painting Presenter: Clare Walhout
3:00p / Community Living Experiment in the Fellowship Hall
4:40p / Parking Attendant: Randy Nyhof
6:30p / CYG in the Catacomb
Join the song as the Calvin Alumni Choir presents “Reflections,” a concert featuring choral favorites—including spirituals and gospel—culled from the choir’s repertoire over its 40-year history. The choir will also present Dan Forrest’s evocative Requiem for the Living. Tickets for the 3 PM, Sunday, November 6 concert at Calvin’s Covenant Fine Arts Center Auditorium are available at the door.
INCOME TAX PREPARERS: Can you help lower-income families receive important tax credits and refunds?Did you know that tax creditsreduce poverty,promote work, improve the school performance of children, and help our neighbors pay important bills or generate savings? We'll provide the free training, materials, equipment and support that you need to be an IRS-certified volunteer tax preparer. Training will take place in December and January. A team of volunteers fromOakdale Neighborswill prepare tax returns on Thursday afternoons and evenings in February and March. If you can help or want to learn more about this valuable ministry, please contact Tom Bulten at Oakdale Neighbors: 248-2848
Growing in Discipleship …
…Transformed for Ministry
Welcome to Calvin Church
In Worship:
Our worship proceeds unannounced and follows the printed liturgy.
The Chancel banner expresses the Christian belief that in one God there are three divine persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The color green represents growth in this season of the church year.
Large print resources are available at the information desk.
Our facility is equipped with the Loop hearing system.
For Children:
Ages 0-2: Infant and toddlernurseries are available.
Preschool: The Little Children (TLC) gathers downstairs in room 19 prior to the morning worship.
K-2nd: After the Children’s Message the Children’s Worship ministry meets downstairs in rooms 11 & 13 until the conclusion of worship. Parents meet their children there following the service.
Busy Bags for young children are on the picket fence in the atrium.
Bulletins for older children are in the rack in the narthex.
Fellowship and Information:
Everyone is invited to the Fellowship Hall for refreshments following the morning service.
An introductory church DVD is available at the Information Desk.
All of our ministries are described in the colorful folders at the Information Desk near the nurseries.
Church office hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday—Thursday
Bulletin deadline: Wednesday Noon