CALVERT GREEN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of OrdinaryMeeting held on
Tuesday26 July 2016 – 7.30pm – Calvert Green Community Hall
Signed: Chairman Brian Pethick ………………………………………………………………………………………
Cllr Brian Pethick (Chairman)
Cllr Carl Blakeley
Cllr Phil Gaskin (Vice-Chairman)
Cllr Jim O’Rourke
Clerk Andrea Curtis
Cllr Angela Macpherson from 8.00 (AVDC and BCC)
Cllr Marie Swan
Also present:
Carly Robinson (EDA)
James Keel (Gigaclear)
Members of the Public: 4
- MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: The previous minutes were approved and signed,outstandingactions are covered in this month’s minutes.
- Broadband Update: Members of the public addressed their issues with the Gigaclear work to both Carly and James. Issues included kerbstones not being replaced to same standard, barriers and trench outside the Robinsons house, fibre not being laid in ducting, corners not mitred, unfinished verges. Carly explained that there had been problems with contaminated materials that has caused a delay to completing works outside the Robinsons house. Due to the time delay resulting from the contamination the topsoil was behind. It was indicated that Gigalclear as a company do not duct their fibre, probably down to cost. Cllr Pethick was concerned at the fibre not being ducted on the verges – it is only 150mm deep in sand and could easily be broken if a bus mounts the verge as they have a habit of doing. Hamish pointed out that BT had under-used ducting in Brickhill way and under government initiatives; they have to allow Gigaclear to use this. James was unaware of this guideline and will ask HO to investigate. This would prevent having to wait for road adoption. Cllr Pethick said that at the top of Cotswolds by Tudors, Gigaclear could have dug a trench either side of the road a run a mole through. Again, James said this was not something Gigaclear do. Cllr Gaskin noted that there is one cabinet at on Cotswolds – will there be a second one? James advised that the second one was to have been sited on Brackley Lane but when the initial work was started the ground was flooded so it was assumed to be a flood plane and an alternative site will be sought. Cllr Blakeley pointed out that it was more likely to have been a mains water leak. The clerk confirmed that AWA had been working in that location. Cllr Pethick asked when the first phase completion will be – James advised that the project is running some 4 weeks behind. Carly noted that some of this time delay was due to the contaminated materials and also the fact that the verges were full of brick and digging out had taken a lot longer than anticipated. Cllr Pethick, Carly, James and Mr Robinson left the meeting to walk around and look at the issues direct.
Proposed Development: No update.
DunstyHill :The barn conversion planning is going through.
Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan
With regard to future housing development directly affecting our community, the draft VALP indicates that both Calvert Green and Charndon are classified as ‘smaller villages’ with limited facilities.In summary the VALP 2018 – 2033 anticipates that development (in normal circumstances) will be around 5% growth of existing numbers.This could equate to around 40 new homes being built between Charndon and Calvert Green (the obvious location being the existing David Wilson Homes site).
Both Charndon and Calvert Green believe that any development in the short term will be unfair because of the expected impact of HS2 and EWR, and in the long term could only support sustainable development (eg not exceeding the 5% recommendation of the VALP).However, we cannot ignore the fact that DWH and Persimmon intend to develop the remainder of land owned by them, and may dangle a number of ‘community benefits’ to persuade AVDC to increase the number of residential units, and to this end we have joined forces on this matter with Charndon Parish Council.
Parish Boundary; between Calvert Green, Charndon and Steeple Claydon: The next meeting to agree our strategy was due to be held with Charndon PC on Wednesday 27 July but has been cancelled at short notice, and will now be rearranged for August.
Convenience Store Update:The store has opened and is being utilised. There have been some comments on Facebook about the rubbish laying around. Three bins are being delivered which should help. There was a suggestion that perhaps the PC should source two further bind for area 5.
Community Hall Extension: Unfortunately very little progress has been made on the hall extension due to holiday and work commitments from both the Architect and Cllr Swan.There has also been a delay with obtaining the land leasehold due to difficulties in agreeing fees between both AVDC’s and our Solicitors.Both matters although frustrating are in hand, but have put us under pressure to meet draw down grant deadlines from New Homes Bonus.Cllr Swan is awaiting confirmation from CGCA for the next available date of the hall and the attendees to hold a full meeting and bring matters up to date.
Adoption of The Steeples–not yet completed. Cllr Pethick is chasing.
Existing Greens and footpaths – chicanes have been put in; a grass cleanse is supposed to be carried out on the green once a month but this does not appear to have been done. Cllr Pthick is chasing this. Cllr Pethick asked the clerk to contact Garden Master and request a cut of the verges that had not been dug up – at half the normal price of a full cut. The rotting fences alongside the greens will be removed once dangerous as there are no funds to replace.
BCC Highways – still awaiting AWA to replace the broken manhole cover – they are waiting for a road closure order from BCC.
Community Hall maintenance: none carried out.
Petanque Court: This requires weeding.
Bus Shelter Maintenance: Still awaiting some repair quotes. Replacement cost is circa £5k and Cllr Pethick reported that the current shelter does not meet bus shelter regulations – it is actually a bike shelter.
Dog Fouling: Cllr Pethick has spoken to AVDC, the local PCO and the dog warden who are on the case. Cllr Swan sent in the following: We’ve been updating the PC website, and refer anyone to the ‘Useful information’ section of the website.We have provided ‘the rules’ on what to do in terms of Drones, Bonfires, Moto Cross, and Landfill.Dog behaviour and fouling becomes a much more difficult subject, the main reason is that both AVDC and BCC do not give clear guidance on their websites, and the generic government website is also sufficiently woolly.In the meantime I have attached guidance from the following link:
Mini-Motos: The latest incident was reported to Neighbourhood Watch who have taken it up with the police.
- HS2 UPDATE: Cllr Gaskin reported that Calvert Green are still waiting to be called to the House of Lords regarding their petition. There was a workforce traffic management meeting held by HS2 at which conflicting information was given that did not seem in line with other information. The presentation is in Appendix A. Helen Richmond is the liaison person for this. It was suggested that workers would be housed in Milton Keynes and Bicester and would be brought to site via car share, buses and bikes. A consultant is being employed to decide the methodology if roads deteriorate, there will be powers to close roads but not to repair them. Cllr Macpherson said that main roads were supposed to be upgraded beforehand – routes such as the A41.
- EWR UPDATE : No separate update – see HS2.
- FCC – no meetings.
- EfW–see above (a)
- NBPPC – PC’s have been invited to send in comments on VALP so that the NBPPC can collate a joint reply to the consultation.
- NALC –no meetings.
- LAF – Cllr Pthick and Cllr Gaskin recently attended the Waddesdon LAF. They considered it a better “fit” than Buckingham and would like to change. Cllr Blakeley proposed the move and Cllr Gaskin seconded. The clerk will contact them and action.
- Other – none.
- Summary of Spend and Approval of Items as per schedule attached as Appendix B
- Due to holidays and work commitments the meeting scheduled for August is now cancelled. The next meeting will therefore be Tuesday27September 2016 –7.30pm
The meeting closed at 10.15 p.m.
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