China Review 2015
1. Place the following dynasties in the correct order and the numbered of years they ruled China. Song, Han, Ming, Sui, Tang, Yuan
2. During the Song Dynasty how did the government workers get their job? Why is this important?
(Hint: meritocracy, aristocracy, nepotism, bureaucracy)
The Song dynasty relied on civil service exams and opened them up to the largest group of citizens. The exams were based mostly on the teachings of Confucius although it did contain questions from Buddhism and Daoism.
3. If you were a member of the lower class during which dynasty would you have had the best chance of becoming a civil servant?WHY?
During the Song dynasty people of lower classes had the best opportunity of becoming civil servants. The civil service exams gave poor men the opportunity to be government officials. Schools were opened to all members of Chinese society to attend.
4. During which dynasty were foreigners appointed to government jobs? Who was the ruler during this time period?
Yuan dynasty (Mongol Rule)
Kublai Khan appointed relatives and trusted friends to government positions. Unfortunately due to the size of China he also had to appointment Chinese people to help fill the jobs to rule China.
5. If you were an emperor and you wanted to be remembered positively after you died, which group would you put into the government?Why?
aristocrats, bureaucrats or scholars? Scholars write the history in a society and will remember the emperor favorably.
6. What was one effect of wealthy landowners becoming wealthier?
Markets grew as the demand for luxury items increased. New business opened, jobs increased, and trade grew all of these strengthen the Chinese government.
7. What was an advantage of paper currency and adrawback of paper money?
Paper money helped trade to increase because it was easier to carry around. Paper money could be counterfeited and it does not have any real value like copper coins.
8. What had to happen in order for China’s population to grow?
China needed to produce more food in order for the population to increase. Since there were improved agricultural techniques and a new strain of rice which doubled the amount of rice produce this created a food surplus. The population grew and cities began to develop.
9. Identify two factors that: These are short answers questions on the China test.
- Changed Agriculture: Better tools and techniques including the dragon backbone pump, plow and harrow, and a new strain of rice which doubled output. Farmers moved to the south to fertile land because of fear of invasion by Mongols.
- Movement of farmers from the north to thesouth
- New type of rice allowed farmers to plant two crops per year (rice production boomed)
- New and better farming techniques and tools:
- Improved plow, Harrow, Chain pump
- Use of fertilizer to produce larger crops
- Farmers created flat areas terraces this increased amount if land that could be planted
- Reasons Cities Developed: more food was produced; landowners became rich from selling more food, and demanded luxury items. Landowners moved to the cities to be closer to the growing markets and improved social life. Growth of commerce and trade. More job opportunities people could become merchants, traders or shopkeepers.
- Wealthy landowners were eager to buy luxuries
- Water transportation made shipping goods faster and easier (Canals and Rivers)
- Improved navigation helped increase overseas trade (Compass)
- The use of paper money (replacing copper coins)
- Reasons Trade Increased: better transportation on the canals, improved navigational tools like the compass, invention of paper money, and because of the demand for luxury items
- Growth of commerce encouraged people to move to the cities
- People who moved to cities could make a living as merchants, traders, peddlers, and shopkeepers
- Landowners left their farms because they preferred the shops and social life of the cities
- More people brought more opportunities for business (cities grew even larger)
10. Which inventions made it easier to travel long distances safe at sea? How did it make it safe?
Compass helped sailors travel to faraway lands. The lodestone helped the sailors navigate to foreign countries. They no longer needed to rely on the sun and stars.
Canal locks allowed boats to pass from one level to another in a canal.
They also built water tight compartments which helped ships to stay afloat.
11. What did Chinese inventors discover while experimenting with saltpeter?
Chinese inventors discovered gunpowder which at first was used for fireworks and later where used for weapons.
12. What invention did the Chinese use when making playing cards in the 9th century?
The Chinese used woodblock printing to make playing cards. Famous artists drew designs that were on the backs of the playing cards.
13. Briefly explain the main ideas of the following philosophies: Buddhism, Confucius, and Daoism?
Confucius focused on relationships and respect for the position you have in the relationship.
Ruler –subject Husband –wife
Father-Son Older sibling-younger sibling
Daoism concentrated on living simply in harmony with nature. Daoism believe in accepting change and going with the flow.
Buddhists believe your goal in life is to reach Nirvana which means to turn away from your desires which cause pain and suffering.
14. What is one achievement of the Sui, Tang, Song, Ming, and Yuan dynasty?
Sui-Grand Canal which promoted domestic trade
Tang-equal-field system
Song-merit system which allowed all male citizens to take the civil service exam
Yuan increase the number of Buddhist temples, Marco Polo visited
Ming- Built the Forbidden City (Peking today Beijing) rebuilt bridges, canals, and roads
15. Describe the Silk Road and its importance.
The Silk Road was a series of over 4000 miles which connected ancient and medieval civilizations. Along the trade routes goods, ideas, knowledge, and cultural exchange took place.
BONUS:Which philosophy Buddhism, Confucius, or Daoism had the greatest influence on medieval China?
Confucianism encouraged scholarship, hard work, and respect for elders and traditions.Sui, Tang, Song and Mingruled according to the ideals of Confucius. The civil service exam tested Confucius ideals. This philosophy stressed that people should follow and be obedient to the emperor. He also stressed hard work and honesty.
If you could travel back in time, to the middle ages in China which dynasty would you want to live with? WHY?
Please support your response with the following key points of your dynasty:
Name of your dynasty
Time period
Name of the rulers
How did the dynasty govern China?
What belief systems did they encourage?
How did this dynasty affect daily life?
What were the accomplishments of your dynasty?