CalmViewConfiguration Document
Configuration Document
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Hall View Drive
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No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher
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Customers must follow all published instructions when installing, upgrading or running Calm, CalmView or DServe applications. Axiell cannot be held responsible for any data loss by a customer. All application and data files should be backed up by the customer before carrying out any installation, update or upgrade of Axiell software. If you have any doubts about running any process, please contact the Calm helpdesk first.
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Issue Number / Date / Author/ Editor / Details of Change
1 General Design
1.1Font Size
1.2Style Selection Buttons
1.3Top Banner Image
1.4Colour Scheme
1.5Quick Links
1.5.1Site Map
1.6Left hand menu
1.6.1About the Catalogue
1.6.3Useful Links
1.6.4How do I search the database?
1.6.5What are acceptable searches?
1.6.6What is in the catalogue?
1.6.8Send us feedback
2 Themes
2.1Default theme
2.2Showcase theme
3 Image Gallery
3.1View Label
3.2Image Records to Display
3.3Page Name
3.5Page Header
3.6Page Footer
3.7Link text
4 Showcase
4.1Records to Showcase
4.2Page Name
4.4Page Header
4.5Page Footer
5 What’s New
5.1Records for the ‘What’s New’ Section
5.2What’s New Title
5.3Link text (View Record)
6 Home Page
6.1.2Welcome text
7 Searching
7.1Simple Search
7.2Advanced Search
7.2.1Page Name
7.2.4Breadcrumb Title
7.2.5Databases to be searched
7.2.6Advanced search fields
7.2.7Field Labels
7.2.8“Expandable” search options
7.2.9Field Tooltips
7.2.10“Search” Button
7.2.11Subject Browser
7.2.12Term Browser
7.3Search Filters
7.4Search Results Overview
7.4.1Fields for the Overview – including display labels
7.4.2Overview Column Widths
7.4.3Overview text length
7.4.4Number of records to display on an overview page
7.4.5Skip Overview where single record found
7.4.6Top Pager and Bottom Pager
7.4.7Page Header
7.4.8Page Footer
8 Full Record View
8.2Page Header
8.3Page Footer
8.4Graphic/Multimedia Fields
8.4.2Caching Images
8.5Links to Other Records
8.5.1Linking text
8.5.2Linked Record Underviews
9 Collection Hierarchy Browser
9.1Page Name
9.2Breadcrumb title
9.3Page Header
9.4Page Footer
Testing the Website
Schedule of Work
Appendix 1
Default text for “How do I search the database?” page:
Appendix 2
Default text for “What are acceptable searches?” page:
This implementation proposal will outline in detail the configuration work that Axiell will undertake on the CalmView software for you.
For general information on CalmView and to view both live customer sites and sample sites set up by Axiell, please go to the CalmView Home page on our website:
1 General Design
The font size “switcher” is the option situated below the top banner and looks as below:
It enables users to change the size of the font as required, and is present by default but may be removed.
Default / Customer choiceFont switcher is shown / Keep/Remove font switcher (delete as appropriate)
There are three tooltips which are displayed as you hover over the different sized fonts shown in the font switcher. It is possible to alter the text in these tooltips. The defaults are shown below; these will be used if you choose not to provide your own text in the table below:
Default text / Customer textChange font size to medium
Change font size to large
Change font size to largest
1.2Style Selection Buttons
It is possible for users to switch between the default “Graphical View” and the “Text Only” view by clicking the Text Only/Graphical View buttons below the top banner.
The buttons are present by default but may be removed.
Default / Customer choice‘Graphical View’ and ‘Text Only’ buttons are shown / Keep/Remove these buttons (delete as appropriate)
It is possible to change what is written on each button and the tooltip for each button. The defaults are shown below; these will be used if you choose not to provide your own text in the table:
Default text for buttons / Customer textText Only
Graphical View
Default text for tooltips / Customer text
Remove all styling
Apply default styling
1.3Top Banner Image
The top banner image will be displayed at the top of your website on every page. In other words, across your entire CalmView website every page will show the same top banner.
Any text that you require on the banner must be incorporated in the image.
Any logos shown in the banner must comply with your corporate standard.
The following are examples of top banner images:
City of Westminster top banner image
Black Cultural Archives top banner image
Sample CalmViewwebsite top banner image
Please provide us with a top banner image in GIF format (CompuServe Graphics Interchange Format) of the following dimensions:
775 pixels wide
70 pixels high
The filename for the top banner image for yourCalmView website is:
The colour schemes used by CalmView are controlled and configured through a series of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS files). We have provided a set of default CSS files that display a neutral corporate colour scheme. However, if you prefer, we can edit these files to meet your colour scheme requirements.
The CSS files are unique to CalmView, so it is not possible to place existing style sheets directly into CalmView, instead we can sample colours from your existing web pages for consistency.
Please provide the URL of a website from which the colour scheme can be taken or the hexadecimal value of the colour to be used:
1.5Quick Links
The quick links section is displayed at the bottom of everyCalmView page as below:
It is possible to alter the text that is displayed in this footer. The defaults are shown below; these will be used if you choose not to provide your own text in the table:
Default text / Customer textQuick links:
Site Map
NB: the only link available at this stage is that to the Site map, it is possible to change the text for this link but not to add new links or to change the target URL for the link.
1.5.1Site Map
Here is an example of a site map that could be displayed when the option is chosen from the footer.
Page Name
It is possible to alter the page name which appears in the browser’s tab for the Window in which the Calmview Site Map is displayed. The default is shown below; this will be used if you choose not to provide your own text in the table:
Default page name / Customer site map page nameCalmView: Sitemap
The title for the site map page, shown as “Sitemap” in the example above, may be altered:
Default title / Customer site map titleSitemap
Page Header
It is possible to add “header” text to the Sitemap page to provide additional information or explanation to users of your site. Please note there is no header text by default.
Customer text for the site map page header (optional)INSERT TEXT HERE
Page Footer
It is possible to add “footer” text to the Sitemap page to provide additional information or explanation to users of your site. Please note there is no footer text by default.
Customer text for the site map page footer (optional)INSERT TEXT HERE
1.6Left hand menu
By default, there are nine options in the left hand menu on aCalmView screen, as below:
Default left hand CalmViewmenu
These navigation buttons remain consistent and visible no matter which page is being viewed. Further details of the default options (buttons and the pages they link to), with space for you to supply content for the pages, are given on the following pages. You may wish to read these descriptions before deciding on your menu options and completing the table below.
The text that appears on the buttons can be customised. The order of options appearing in the menu can also be altered. New buttons can be added, whilst existing buttons can be removed.
If you wish to change the left hand menu from the default shown above, please describe your alternative menu (including any default buttons you wish to keep) below:
Customer menu buttons (in the order required) / The page this button should link to (leave this column blank to keep the default page)Please add more rows to this table if you require them
Any content you have for the following pages (available from the left menu) will need to be supplied in the format that you wish it to appear on your CalmView website. We will convert your text and formatting to HTML code within CalmView. Whilst every effort will be made to maintain your formatting this process may not always give a perfect conversion as HTML does not contain the range of features found in advanced word processors.
Please be aware that it will only be possible to undertake one round of minor modifications to the text to correct spelling, case changes and punctuation once the text has been converted to HTML.
1.6.1About the Catalogue
The ‘About the catalogue’ page is intended as a place for you to describe the nature and history of your collection. The default text on the menu button is ‘About the catalogue’, if you wish to change this please provide your new text in the menu buttons table above.
Please provide the content of this page below:
Customer content (text with formatting) for the ‘About the catalogue’ page1.6.2FAQs
The FAQs page is intended as a place for you to define questions that are frequently asked about your collection, along with answers, in order to assist those using your CalmView website. The default text on the menu button is ‘FAQs’, if you wish to change this please provide your new text in the menu buttons table above.
Please provide the content of this page below:
Customer content (text with formatting) for the ‘FAQs’ page1.6.3Useful Links
The Useful Links page is intended as a place for you to list links to websites you wish to promote to those using your CalmViewwebsite. The default text on the menu button is ‘Useful links’, if you wish to change this please provide your new text in the menu buttons table above.
Please provide the content of this page below:
Customer content (text with formatting) for the ‘Useful links’ pagePlease detail below the URLs that the text should link to. Please note, unless otherwise requested, links (listed here) will open in a new window.
Text for link (from box above) / Corresponding URLPlease add more rows to this table if you require them
1.6.4How do I search the database?
This page is intended as a place for you to explain the searches available in CalmView to those using your website. For example, the page could explain that simple searching and advanced searching are available, what the refine search criteria options are in advanced searching and how searching for a picklist field, term or subject works.
The default text on the menu button is ‘How do I search the database?’, if you wish to change this please provide your new text in the menu buttons table above.
See Appendix 1 on page 61of this document for some sample text for the ‘How do I search the database?’ page.
Please indicate below, whether you wish to use this sample text or provide your own:
Use the sample text shown in Appendix 1 (tick if applicable) / Customer text for the ‘How do I search the database?’ page1.6.5What are acceptable searches?
This page is intended as a place for you to explain the type of search terms and syntax that can be entered for simple or advanced searches in CalmView.
The default text on the menu button is ‘What are acceptable searches?’, if you wish to change this please provide your new text in the menu buttons table above.
See Appendix 2 on page 63 of this document for some sample text for the ‘What are acceptable searches?’ page.
Please indicate below, whether you wish to use this sample text or provide your own:
Use the sample text shown in Appendix 2 (tick if applicable) / Customer text for the ‘What are acceptable searches?’ page1.6.6What is in the catalogue?
The ‘What is in the Catalogue?’ page is intended as a place for you to describe the types of items you have in your online collection.
The default text on the menu button is ‘What is in the catalogue?’, if you wish to change this please provide your new text in the menu buttons table above.
Please provide the content of this page below:
Customer content for the ‘What is in the catalogue?’ page1.6.7Glossary
The glossary page is intended as a place for you to define terms used by your organisation, in order to assist those using your CalmView website.
The default text on the menu button is ‘Glossary’, if you wish to change this please provide your new text in the menu buttons table above.
Please provide the content of this page below:
Customer content for the ‘Glossary’ page1.6.8Send us feedback
The Send us feedback page is intended to contain some text encouraging feedback from those using your CalmViewwebsite, with an email address/contact details to which feedback may be sent.
The default text on the menu button is ‘What is in the catalogue?’, if you wish to change this please provide your new text in the menu buttons table above.
Please provide the content of this page below:
Customer content for the ‘Send us feedback’ page2 Themes
There are different themes available for CalmView. These dictate the way in which features such as the Image Gallery, Record Showcase and Advanced Searching are accessed and whether or not the ‘What’s New’ feature is available.
2.1Default theme
The default theme is displayed in the example below:
Home page in default theme
The default theme contains:
- a What’s New section (see below for definition options) on the right hand side
- a horizontal row of navigation buttons for Home, Advanced Search, Showcase and Image Gallery
- a smaller text area than the Showcase theme
2.2Showcase theme
The Showcase theme is displayed in the example below:
Home page with the showcase theme
The Showcase theme has
- no What’s New section on the right hand side of the screen
- no horizontal row of navigation buttons; the Home, Advanced Search, Showcase and Image Gallery buttons can be added to the left hand menu instead, if required.
- a larger text area on the home page (than the default theme)
The theme required for our CalmView website is:
If you have chosen the Showcase theme and wish to have Home, Advanced Search, Showcase and Image Gallery options added to the left hand menu, please add them to the table in section 1.6 Left hand menu.
3 Image Gallery
You may have some Calm records in your catalogue or persons database which have images attached to them. The image gallery is a feature that enables you to display a small number of selected Calm records and their attached images in a “gallery” layout. For example you may wish to select records which illustrate a certain theme.
3.1View Label
Users of your CalmView site will be able to choose to view your image gallery in List or Gallery mode:
Image Gallery in list mode
Image gallery in gallery mode
It is possible to change the text for the “View” label that appears next to the drop-down box (where the user can choose ‘Image Gallery’ or ‘List’):
Default Text / Customer text for the View labelView
3.2Image Records to Display
We recommend that you display approximately 6-8 records in your image gallery. These must be records from your Calm catalogue or persons database which have images attached. Please provide a list of records you wish to add to your image gallery, the following information is required for each record:
Image Id:The contents of the Image or Thumbnail field from the Calm record, this will be the image file name (including the extension) and perhaps some elements of the path.
Key:The contents of the RefNo field (for the Catalogue database) or the Code field (for the Persons database) from the Calm record that you wish to showcase.
Description:Text you enter here will be displayed in the list view of the image gallery. It should ideally be a one sentence description (of the record you wish to showcase).
Database: The Calm database which contains the record that you wish to showcase; Catalogue or Persons.