Classified Staff Conditional Offer Letter – Limited Employee


[Employee Name]

[Street Address]

[City, Sate Zip]

Dear [Employee]:

Welcome to ArizonaStateUniversity! I am pleased to confirm our offer to you for the position of [Job title]at a starting salary of $ [XX.XX] per hour in [College/Department]. Your first day of employment will be [beginning employment date] through [ending employment date] – if there is an end date, and you will report to [Name], [Job Title], of the [Dept/College]or [Title].

This employment offer is contingent upon the satisfactory outcome (as determined by the university) of the pre-employment screening activities (including criminal history check) required under Arizona State University policy and Arizona Board of Regents policy 6-709. I am required to call your attention to the fact that the Arizona Board of Regent’s policy provides that misrepresentation of an individual’s qualifications or credentials in securing employment at the University may be grounds for dismissal.

If you are employed with another employer in addition to ASU employment, please complete the following information:

Name of Employer : ______

Address/Phone : ______

Approx. Hrs/Week : ______
Listed below are your employment rights and responsibilities as a limited classified employee at ArizonaStateUniversity. This listing is not intended to replace federal and Arizona statutes, Arizona Board of Regents' policies, and approved university policies contained in the Staff Personnel Policies and Procedures (SPP) manual. Please take this opportunity to review the information so that any questions you may have can be addressed.

Limited employees:
1. Do not serve a probationary period.
2. Are covered by state law prohibiting conflicts of interest, restriction of political activities, endorsements, gifts, gratuities, and misappropriation of university assets.
3. May be required to work overtime to accomplish the work of the department and are not exempt from the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
4. May be required to be available for work before or after normal working hours and on weekends.
5. Must have employment taxes withheld from salary each payday in accordance with state and federal laws.
6. May be required to participate in a university sponsored retirement program in accordance with SPP 501-01: Retirement Programs.

7. Are covered by Workers' Compensation.
8. Are eligible to use the services of the Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Office and the Ombudsperson Program to resolve problems but are not eligible to use the university grievance process.
9. Are eligible for time off for voting and religious holidays, in accordance with SPP704-01, "Voting Leave" and SPP 703-02, "Religious Holidays."
10. Are eligible for participation in employee development training and university recognition programs.
11. Are not included under the provisions of the university's progressive discipline process.
12. May be terminated from employment at any time.
13. Are not included under the provisions of the university's performance evaluation processes.
14. Are not eligible to earn or accrue vacation or sick leave.
15. Must comply with university policy in its commitment to maintaining a workplace free from drugs and discrimination.

Enclosed, please find your New Employee Payroll Packet forms, with instructions, that are required to enter you into our Human Resources information system and to ensure that ASU complies with the federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA), requiring all of our employees to verify their employment eligibility to work in the United States. Upon acceptance of the above offer, please complete the enclosed forms and return, as soon as possible, to HR Payroll located off the lobby of the UniversityServicesBuilding, 1551 S. Rural Road, Tempe, AZ85287. Please remember, early submission of these papers will expedite all new employee processes.

On or before your first day of employment, you will be required to complete Section 1 of the I-9 Form. Within three (3) business days of the date your employment begins, you must also present to [Contact Name, in your department] -OR- [HR Payroll] original documentation to establish (1) true identity and (2) eligibility to be employed in the United States. Please contact HR Payroll at 480-965-2701 if you have any questions.

We look forward to working with you and are pleased to have you join our team. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Please indicate below whether you accept this offer by signing and returning this letter to me no later than [Month XX, 200X] (This should be at least 5 days from the date the letter is mailed.).


Supervisor Name,


The foregoing conditional offer of employment is accepted:

[Employee Name]Date

Encl: SPP 501-01: Retirement Program

Cc: Personnel File