APRIL 1, 2014

CALL TO ORDER The Supervisors meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Chairman Eshleman.

PRESENT Supervisors Craig C. Eshleman, Steven R. Charles, Sr., & John Berry, Don Linton, Cheryl Linton, Joanna Gruber, Jim Hindes, Corey Collins, John T. Wiker, Jr., Larry Frankford, Jr., Eric Doman, Nancy Pechiro, Jim Hillard, Doreen Hershey, Bob Hershey, Sr., Charles, Byers, Rhonda Byers, Wes Bruckno and Officer Jesse Blank.

MINUTES The Supervisors approved the March 2014 meeting minutes on a motion by Charles, seconded by Berry. All in favor, none opposed.

TREASURER’S REPORT The Supervisors approved the February and March 2014 Treasurer’s Reports on a motion by Eshleman, seconded by Berry.

APPROVE BILLS The Supervisors approved all bills paid during the month of March on a motion by Charles, seconded by Eshleman. All in favor, none opposed.

POLICE REPORT Officer Jesse Blank gave the March police report.

ZONING REPORT Jim Hindes gave the March report which included a warning letter to a halfway house on Green Hill Road.

ROAD REPORT Corey Collins read the road master’s report for the month of March. The road crew did some cold patching, replaced various road signs, cleaned up limbs from the February ice storm, trimmed trees and did regular equipment maintenance.


537 PLAN UPDATE Dave Lockard, Township SEO, will be going door to door to 70 random homes in the mapped area to obtain water samples. The water samples will be sent to Lancaster Labs for testing. When all of the tests and results are obtained, DEP will receive their copy of the results and they will determine if there are any further steps the township must take.

ACT 167 PLAN On a motion by Berry seconded by Charles, the Supervisors approved the advertising of the ACT 167 plan, which is planned to be adopted during the May 6 meeting. All in favor, none opposed.

RAIL TRAIL UPDATE On a motion by Eshleman, seconded by Berry, the Supervisors voted to join with Providence, Martic and the other townships involved for the new grant, which will be funded largely by the State. The bridge will have to be re-bid. All in favor, none opposed.

CONESTOGA AMBULANCE The Supervisors and Kelly Ream discussed dropping the worker’s comp. insurance coverage for Conestoga Ambulance since the Ambulance Association merged with LEMSA. The Supervisors do not want to pay coverage for volunteers or paid EMT’s if they can be covered under LEMSA’s policy. There seems to be some misunderstandings regarding whether or not there are any employees (volunteer or paid) still under Conestoga Ambulance. Some of the details are fuzzy due to lack of information but we are working to try to get the details ironed out. Steve Charles indicated that he would talk with Fred Warfel to see if we could figure things out.

GREEN HILL ESTATES Jim Hillard was present of behalf of Green Hill Estates and Richard Abbiati. Mr. Hillard requested that the supervisors go ahead and authorize Randy Shearer (township engineer with Wilson Consulting Group) to inspect the roads in anticipation of formal street dedication to the township in the future. It should be noted that Mr. Abbiati is not requesting a reduction in escrow. Mr. Abbiati would like to have the roads inspected and paved now, with dedication occurring sometime after the next three years has passed. Vice Chairman Steve Charles expressed concerns about the integrity of the road if it is paved to standard now, but not dedicated to the township for three years. Mr. Hillard explained that the reason for Mr. Abbiati to not request a reduction of escrow at this time is so that he can have the paving done now (it will have to be done to township specifications with all problem areas brought up to standard), and then if the integrity of the road is compromised before the dedication occurs, the township would have to pull money from the escrow account to cover the damages to the road and to have it repaired and brought back up to the specifications outlined in the township road ordinance. After some other discussion about the cable across Buck Run Road, and some other items, the supervisors approved authorization for Randy Shearer to begin the inspection process at Jim Hillard’s request.

2014 POOL MANAGEMENT On a motion by Charles, seconded by Berry, the Supervisors approved the pool management contract for the 2014 pool season. All in favor, none opposed. Eshleman abstained.

ORCHARD HILLS Charles Byers of Orchard Lane asked the supervisors to do something about the constant dumping on Berrydale drive as you enter the Orchard Hills development. The township responded that the dumping ground and trees and limbs in the township right-of-way had recently been cleaned up by the road crew. Mr. Byers expressed concern that he would like to see it stay cleaned up. On a motion by Eshleman, seconded by Berry, the supervisors instructed Kelly Ream to send a letter to the landowner informing him of the constant dumping that is occurring on his property and asking him to assist with helping to prevent people from dumping there again. All in favor, none opposed. The township is going to place “no dumping” signs there as well. The public should also be aware that dumping trash, brush or other personal belongings on anyone else’s property is against the law. Mr. Byers also expressed concern about the condition of Orchard Lane and requested that the road crew repair some of the bad spots. The supervisors indicated that this is going to be addressed.

2014 BID ITEMS FOR PAVING On a motion by Charles, seconded by Berry, the Supervisors approved advertising of the bid package for paving of River Road, Sassafras Road and 1200’ on Green Hill Road. All in favor, none opposed.

LCCD On a motion by Eshleman, seconded by Berry, the supervisors signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the Lancaster County Conservation District for the year 2014. All in favor, none opposed.

2013 AUDIT On a motion by Eshleman, seconded by Charles, the Supervisors accepted the 2013 audit report by Bertz-Hess and Co., LLP. There were no findings. All in favor, none opposed.


LARRY FRANKFORD Larry Frankford, Chief of the Conestoga Volunteer Fire Department, was present and gave the year-end report for 2013. Larry expressed the importance of the great relationship the Fire Company has with the township supervisors and employees. Larry also mentioned many new programs the Fire Company is offering.


EXECUTIVE SESSION The supervisors held an executive session and discussed some road crew issues and the 167 plan fee schedule. No decisions were made.

ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 pm on a motion by Eshleman, seconded by Berry.


Kelly A. Ream

