Riverside Club of Ft. Myers Condominium Association, Inc.
Board Meeting Minutes
July 11, 2017

Call to Order- The meeting was called to order by President Rick Luke at 5:04 P.M.

Quorum- A quorum was established by the presence of all Board Members: Rick Luke, Vince Yambrovich and Eric Chavez.

Notice- Notice was posted in accordance with the Association’s governing documents and Florida Statutes.

Approval of Minutes- The Board reviewed minutes from the May 22 Board Meeting. Changes were noted and are now reflected in the minutes. Vince made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected, Eric seconded and the motion passed 3-0

Treasurer’s Report- Matt reviewed the May 2017 Financial statement and noted key areas where the Association is over/under budget. Vince made a motion to approve, Rick seconded and the motion passed 3-0.

Manager’s Report- Matt Deavers from Sandcastle Property Management and Brokerage reported on issues listed below:

Tile in the closet of unit 104 still needs to be replaced after is was torn up by Van Franey Plumbing. The owner of that unit has not given a proposal for cost of work that needs to be done.

Plumbing in the pool equipment room was fixed by Van Franey.

A leak in unit 401 caused damage to the ceiling and walls in 301. Fire and Flood was called in to dry out wet areas and remove plaster. Because the owner of 301 was planning on removing walls himself, Fire and Flood will not be doing this work. An invoice for drying out was given to the Board for review.

Two owners have been sent letters regarding violations of the Association’s rules and regulations for improper storage of personal property.

A contract for the purchase of 206 was recently entered. Matt advised the Board that it may be necessary to decline the sale of this unit due to pending legal action between the Association and unit owner. We need to hear from the Association’s attorney before approving the sale.

The south elevator’s hydraulic pump was recently replaced with should alleviate the shaking and door closing issues.

Old Business:

1. Van Franey Proposal for Maintenance of the Sewer Pipes-Van Franey provided an estimate for clearing sewage lines underneath the building ($1200) quarterly. Vince would like to have this done at least once in 2017 and then twice per year going forward. Matt suggested adding this into the 2018 budget. Rick made a motion to perform this twice in 2017, once now and second time towards the end of the year depending on the Association’s financial state, Eric seconded and the motion passed 3-0.

2. Washer/Dryer Installation Standards-Rick suggested implementing standards for allowing owners to install washers and dryers within units. Vince stated that the Bylaws do not allow for washers and dryers, therefore standards are not necessary. Rick is working with a Bill Smith Appliances to come up with standards for installing units within the building.

3. TRC Window Replacement Standards-TRC Engineering provided a standard for replacing windows within the building. This standard will be reviewed by the Board and voted on at a future meeting.

4. Cooling Tower Improvements-Rick contacted Bill Van Rite regarding improvements to the cooling tower, but Bill does not have time to undergo additional projects at this time. Rick found another company (Atlas Engineering) and will speak to them regarding potential changes.

5. City Water Metering Proposal-Vince contacted the City to discuss a installing water meter on the cooling tower to avoid paying a sewage treatment fee on the water bill. The City refused because only irrigation systems are eligible for sub-metering and billed on a water-only basis by ordinance. Rick and Vince would like to switch to City water for a month to see how much it increases the Association’s water bill.

6. Riverfront Lamp Post Replacement-Eric and Rick provided a proposal for replacing lamp posts adjacent to the river. Specific materials need to be used to prevent rust issues and ensure the posts last as long as possible. Vince suggested using carbon fiber or schedule 40 galvanized posts since they do not rust.

7. 2017 Interior Improvement Plan- The Board discussed potential upgrades to the interior of the building, such as paint, carpeting and redecorating the lobby. Currently, we are targeting carpeting replacement for the end of the year.

New Business- None

Owners Comments:

Jim Wall- Still missing a screen. Rick informed him that the project is still in progress.

Anthony Sarlo suggested having tile installed in the hallways instead of carpeting and also mentioned installing a different kind of baseboards in hallways.

Faye Gratz brought up issues with weeds and the xoras and other plants, and would like some kind of shade around the pool.

Board Comments:

Vince would like to replace a few signs in the parking lot that are old and peeling.

Next Meeting Date- August 15

Adjournment-Vince made a motion to adjourn at 6:53, Eric seconded and the motion passed 3-0.