September 17, 2012
Mayor Gagne called the regular meeting of the Omak City Council to order at 7:00 PM and everyone joined in the flag salute.
Michael Foth Patrick Dalton, Building Official
Steve Clark Kevin Bowling, Fire Chief
Lew Goebel Larry Schreckengast, Police Chief
Nattalie Cariker Todd McDaniel, Public Works Director
Leanne Whitener Ralph Malone, City Administrator
John Sackman Kathy Lobdell, City Clerk
Dino DeCesari
Citizen Vern Haase asked to speak to Council and Mayor Gagne stated he would be called upon later in the meeting.
Member Sackman moved, seconded by Member Clark, to approve the consent agenda consisting of minutes from the September 4, 2012 regular meeting and claims checks numbered 7107-7163, in the amount of $302,029.40. As there was no discussion and no comments from the audience, Council voted and unanimously approved the motion.
Mayor Gagne reminded Council she had been invited to attend a Native American Veterans Award Ceremony on September 15th. She attended the gathering and was awarded a quilt which she pointed out was on display on one of the chairs in the audience. She stated it was well attended, noting the Colville Confederated Tribes provided salmon for the meal.
Set a Date of Saturday, November 10, 2012 for the Fall Cleanup
Member Sackman moved, seconded by Member DeCesari, to approve Saturday, November 10th as the Fall Clean-up Day in Omak. After a brief discussion, and no comments from the audience, Council voted and unanimously approved the motion.
Resolution 37-2012 – DNR Land Use Agreements for East Side Park
Member Clark moved, seconded by Member Cariker, to approve Resolution 37-2012. Public Works Director McDaniel told Council he had been approached by Greg Saltsman, the area representative for the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). The City has had on-going agreements with the DNR for several years allowing them to use Eastside Park as a base camp during fire season. These two agreements, a Type 2 Incident Command Base Camp and a Type 4 for overnight tenting, represent updated contact information, as well as acknowledging they cannot use the Eastside Park during Stampede week. These agreements also will be in force every year unless either party notifies the other within a reasonable time. Mr. McDaniel stated the Type 4 arrangement agrees to a $5 per person, per night cost for a sleeping area, specifically on the west side of the park near the Okanogan River. The Type 2 base camp agreement lines out a cost of $500 per day, $2,500 a week, or $7,500 per month, based upon the length of stay. After a short discussion regarding possible contract changes in the future, and no comments from the audience, Council voted and unanimously approved the motion.
Request for Vendors - Civic League Park Use-Halloween Harvest Festival-October 27
Member Goebel moved, seconded by Member Clark, to approve the inclusion of vendors during the Halloween Harvest Festival scheduled for Civic League Park on October 27th. Member Cariker told Council this is the second time this event has been held, sponsored by the City and the Chamber of Commerce. They are asking for permission to have vendors in the park during the event. She listed many events including a costume contest, kid’s carnival, pumpkin decorating and pie eating contest. Organizers are trying to show the movie “Casper” but are having some issues with copyright laws. She also spoke of a Halloween themed decorating contest for homes and businesses, with Papa Murphy Pizza sponsoring those prizes. After a brief discussion on the issues with showing the movie and the cost, and with no comments from the audience, Council voted and unanimously approved the motion. Member Cariker encouraged everyone to attend the event.
Kurt Danison – Revised Comprehensive Park & Recreation Plan-Set Council Public Hearing
Mr. Danison, representing Highlands Associates, reminded Council they had revised and adopted an updated park plan in 2006. When the new arena was constructed in 2009, along with it came ideas of changes in the uses for Eastside Park. A group of baseball and softball representatives devised a new vision for the layout of Eastside Park, and in late 2011, a process was brought to the Park Board for a slightly different design for the park sports fields. Mr. Danison stated there were several meetings with the Park Board and Councilmembers on this new design concept, and it is incorporated into the new Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan. The Park Board has recommended this draft Plan come before City Council for a public hearing. Mr. Danison told Council he has submitted the plan to the Clerk’s office and copies will be made available to Councilmembers. He added that NC Land Surveying has drawn a scale master plan for all of Eastside Park and locating all aspects of the Plan. He recommended the hearing be set for the October 15th Council meeting. Member Whitener moved, seconded by Member Foth, to set October 15, 2012 as the date for the public hearing on the amended Comprehensive Park and Recreation Plan. As there was no further discussion and no comments from the audience, Council voted and unanimously approved the motion.
Citizen Vern Haase – Discussion Regarding the Dept. of Transportation Roundabout Construction
Mr. Haase told Council he had submitted an alternative suggestion to the Washington State Department of Transportation (DOT) plan to construct a “roundabout” at the Highway 97 intersection with Armory Street and Cameron Lake Road near Okanogan. Mr. Haase has suggested dropping down or lowering the southbound turn lane that is used to turn off of Highway 97 and onto Armory Street. It was noted that the DOT will be conducting an information meeting on Wednesday, September 19th from 3-6PM at the highway department shop near Okanogan. Mr. Haase spoke of the difficulties related to roundabouts for large trucks, adding he knows of two roundabouts in Arizona that have been removed. He requested Council draft a letter to the DOT opposing the construction of the roundabout. Council discussed this issue and it was generally agreed that they should attend the DOT meeting and get more information before submitting a letter for or against. Citizen Sheila Kennedy told Council she understands the DOT has received a $2M grant to construct the roundabout. She expressed concerns for traffic turning south on Highway 97 from Cameron Lake Road and agrees with Mr. Haase that lowering the southbound right turn lane is viable.
Staff Reports
Fire Chief Bowling offered to sell the ice cream left over from the department’s ice cream booth at the County Fair. Member Cariker suggested the Key Club may be interested in it for the Halloween gathering.
Public Works Director McDaniel stated he would like to meet with the Water Committee regarding an issue with meters.
City Administrator Malone told Council he had received confirmation that the Public Works Trust Fund (PWTF) had approved list of projects they will provide funding for and the City’s $5.7M loan for Phase 3 of the Sewer Project is included. These funds should be available in mid-2013. There was a brief discussion regarding the possible increase in sewer rates as this project advances into Phases 3-5, and Mr. Malone felt they may be raised up to 7% per year to allow for payment of the loans. It was suggested there may be debt forgiveness opportunities or grants available and Mr. Malone stated he will check into those possibilities.
Member Goebel asked if it was time for the Community Events Committee to meet regarding upcoming Halloween and holiday events. Member Cariker confirmed it is time.
Member Goebel told Council he had sent a press release to the Chronicle and radio station looking to form a volunteer committee to pursue construction of a dog park in Eastside Park. The volunteers involved at this time will be meeting in City Hall at 7 PM on Wednesday, September 26th. They are hoping to be able to build in the spring. He added that Big R and Home Depot are interested in being involved in the project. He is also sending a flyer out to area businesses asking for participation in a dog club to care for the park when it is established.
Member Sackman reminded Council about a presentation they had seen several months ago in which the viability of Aston Island being opened up for public use was discussed. He recalled there were issues with flooding on the island and maintenance. Member Cariker stated this is still in the stage of gathering information from the community. Public Works Director McDaniel added there is a substantial amount of poison oak on the island and there would need to be some kind of access over the levee along with sufficient parking.
As there was no further business, Council was adjourned at 7:35 PM.
Kathy Lobdell, City Clerk Cindy Gagne, Mayor
September 17, 2012