ACT301 - DATABASE Applications

Final Project

The following is an example of the business case similar to what you must create:

The Video Library

Business Case

You have been hired by the general manager of The Video Library to develop a working database system to handle their video inventory, customers and rental transactions. Their specialty is older classic movies that may be hard to find. They have many titles but only a few of each. Their store is too small to display them all, so they want to allow their customers to be able to browse for movies using a computer. Customers tend to look for movies based on their favorite actors or directors, its genre ( comedy, western etc…) and even the country where it was filmed. Some customers also like to choose their movies based upon whether it received awards. They basically want to browse to see what is available and decide if it might be a movie they would enjoy. Each rental item has a unique stock code that identifies the item.

The Video Library database must also store data about its customers, in particular, a customer’s name, address, city, state, zip code, and email. A customer may rent any movie in inventory, if it is available. The employees will need a rental form that displays the customer’s name and address, the name of the video rented, along with the return due date, the total rental fee, and the method of payment.

You can NOT use any of the stored database templates to create your database. Your case must be rigorous enough to need at least 4 related tables. This written report must be submitted by next Wednesday, Nov. 18.


Instructions: The following is the minimal list of requirements your database application must contain.

  1. Create a written narrative of your business case. Include the following:
  1. What is the purpose of the database?
  2. What do you want the database to accomplish?
  3. Who are your intended users?
  4. Is there already acurrent manual process is your databaseautomating?
  5. What are some of the main pieces of data that should be collected for your database and why?
  1. Create your database – It must include “at least” the following:
  1. Four related tables. Customer, Inventory, Rentals, Rental Details.
  2. Add at least 3 more related tables (1 can be a lookup table).
  3. Each table must have the proper Primary and Foreign keys defined to create the relationship.
  4. Each table must include:
  5. At least 3 fields (lookup table can have less).
  6. If applicable each field must have:
  7. Proper data types
  8. Validation rules and messages
  9. Format masks
  10. Proper captions
  11. Logical field sizes
  1. You must build the relationships within your relationship window showing how each table is related and enforcing referential integrity.
  1. Forms for each created table.
  2. Each table must have a form linked to it to allow data to be added, updated or deleted.
  3. You can use a master/detail or sub-forms if you would like. Each form must have a nicely formatted, informative matching header with at least 1 graphic image.
  4. Tab order must be set correctly.
  5. Logical organization.
  6. Neat and user friendly
  7. Include button macros to allow your users to control the form.
  8. You must load at least 4 data records into each of your tables from the form.
  9. Make sure you put proper data into all key fields.
  1. Queries – build at least 2.
  2. Each one must be built from at least 2 tables.
  3. One of them must have:
  4. A calculated field
  5. sort criteria
  6. conditional statement
  1. Build 1 pivot table and chart from the data you have entered.
  2. Must be logical
  3. Chart must have proper axis names, title and legend
  1. Build 2 reports.
  2. One based upon a query.
  3. One based upon a table or tables.
  4. Reports should be:
  5. Nicely formatted, informative matching header with at least 1 graphic image.
  6. Logical organization.
  7. Neat, user friendly.
  8. No duplicate data – One must have grouping.
  9. Logically sorted.
  10. Include Close macros.
  1. Build a switch board or Menu using at least 1 macro to run your application.
  2. Hide your objects for your presentation
  1. Submit your database as an Attachment to meby the listed due date.
  2. Do not have your objects hidden in your submission.
  3. Submit a hard copy of the written narrative of your business case

DELIVERABLES on Final Day (130 pts.):

  1. 100 pts. Your final Database file attached to an email to me with your class time and Final written in the subject line before class time.
  2. 20 pts. Before your presentation hand me a written hardcopy report that includes :
  3. Business case description
  4. List of all the objects that were made that show me that you met the criteria specified above.
  5. List of all items you created or things that you did that went above and beyond the basic requirements.
  6. 10 pts. Presentation.
  7. During your presentation, you must explain your business case then demonstrate your database application showing the class and I your database and it’s various objects. You must also convey to me that you put a lot of analytical thought into your project with possibilities of actually being able to use it and perhaps being able to expand upon it.
  8. Show off any extra’s you incorporated into your design.

This database will be worth 100 exam points. Your presentation will be worth 10 more. You may choose to NOT present with a 10 point deduction.

Each student will only have 5-10 minutes to present your database (depending on class size). You must have it stored on a thumb drive to present it.

I will post my grading rubric on our website during the last week of classes.