Spring Grove Council

Regular Meeting – December 19, 2017

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The regular meeting of the Spring Grove City Council was called to order by MayorSchroeder at 6:30 P.M. on Tuesday,December 19, 2017 at168 W Main Street, Spring Grove, MN.

Present:Sarah Schroeder, Mayor

Scott Solberg, Council Member

Todd Bornholdt, Council Member

Not Present:Travis Torgerson, Council Member

Karen Folstad, Council Member

Also Present:Erin Konkel, City Clerk/Treasurer

Joe Hammell, City Attorney


Council Member Bornholdt moved to approve the agenda. Seconded by Council Member Solberg. All approved. Motion carried.


Council Member Solberg moved to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by Council Member Bornholdt. All approved. Motion carried.




Truth in Taxation

Council Member Solberg moved to open the Truth in Taxation Public Hearing. Seconded by Council Member Bornholdt. All approved. Motion carried.

There was a discussion on the proposed tax levy of $610,000 for 2018. No changes to the previous budget were made.

There were no public questions or questions/comments from the council.

Council member Solberg moved to approve Resolution 17-48 Approving the 2018 Levy. Seconded by Council Member Bornholdt. All approved. Motion approved.

Council Member Solberg moved to close the public hearing. Seconded by Council Member Bornholdt. All approved. Motion carried.


City Attorney/Prosecutor Discussion

City Clerk/Treasurer Konkel presented a few different options for City Prosecutor. The council agreed to stay with Hammell & Murphy Law Office for prosecutions and use Mike Murphy in the office at an hourly rate of $125. Attorney Hammell stated that he would remain the City Attorney for a while until a replacement is found.

City Administrator Discussion

Tabled until January when the full council is present.


Hazard Mitigation Plan

Olivia Niday presented the final draft of the Hazard Mitigation Plan. Resolution 17-49 Adopting the Hazard Mitigation Plan 2017 was presented. Council Member Solberg moved to approve the plan. Seconded by Mayor Schroeder. All approved. Motion carried.

Recommendation to Hire Ice Skating Rink Attendants

Council Member Solberg moved to approve the hiring of Chris Lamm, Miah Tate, Alyssa Johnson, and Julia Halverson as Ice Skating Rink Attendants. Seconded by Council Member Bornholdt. All approved. Motion carried.

Recommendation to Hire Swim Center Manager

Council Member Solberg moved to approve Grace Edgington as the 2018 Swim Center Manager. Seconded by Council Member Bornholdt. All approved. Motion carried.

Fire Department Fire Call Pay

City Clerk/Treasurer Konkel recommended increasing the Firemen’s Fire Call pay to $9.60 in 2017 and $9.65 in 2018, and would follow large employer minimum wage. Council Member Solberg moved to approve the increase. Seconded by Council Member Bornholdt. All approved. Motion carried.

Cable TV

Robert Vogel, representative for the city’s cable tv, stated that the Mediacom Franchise Agreement was needing renewal. The council agreed that franchise fee should be increased to 5%. Upgraded equipment and another drop should also be considered. Attorney Hammell will call the Mediacom representative and negotiate the contract.

Vogel also discussed changing Kathleen Taylor’s wage from hourly to salary. The council will discuss the option after the new contract is negotiated.


Big Box Stores

Council Member Solberg moved to approve the ordinance with the changes discussed. Seconded by Mayor Schroeder. All approved. Motion carried.


The next regular council meeting will be January 16, 2018.


Mayor Schroeder stated that the EDA discussed the sale of the incubator building. Council Member Solberg from the Parks Committee discussed the ice rink and the final fundraising push for brick pavers at Trollskogen Park. The deadline is January 1 to purchase a brick paver. Planning and Zoning discussed revisions to the Zoning Ordinances.


Motion to adjourn the meeting was made at 7:42pm by Council Member Bornholdt. Second by Mayor Schroeder. All approved. Motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted and

Approved on January 16, 2018

Attest:______Erin Konkel

City Clerk/Treasurer