Teacher: God afternoon, my friends. Today we’ll speak about a very beautiful holiday – St Valentine’s Day. It is a day for all people who are in love. People on this day tell each other about love, present each other valentines, sweets and flowers. I want to congratulate you too with this day. But do you know the history of this day? Some people from our class have prepared a little funny play about the history of St Valentine’s Day.

God: Listen to me, my dear children. I’ll tell you a new story about St.Valentine’s Day. Once upon a time there were two little Cupids. All day long they frisked in soft clouds and on green flowering lawns of Paradise. They were very happy. But once their arrow accidentally hit a man’s heart. It happened so unexpectedly and at first they were frightened, but then they were amused by the man’s reaction.

He: You don’t know how much I love you. Or else, darling, you shouldn’t be crying.

She: Hush, darling! You should know – I love you!
’Cause my heart, dear, is trembling just for you!

God: They laughed so much that didn’t notice that another arrow flew and hit the woman’s heart. The cupids stopped laughing and watched them.

He: You don’t know how much I love you.
Or else, darling, you shouldn’t be crying.

She: Hush, darling! You should know – I love you!
’Cause my heart, dear, is trembling just for you!

God: These two were very happy and lived a long life. His name was Valentine and her name was also Valentine, so the Cupids called this day Valentine’s. I saw it. Since then shooting arrows at people’s hearts has become the Cupids’ profession. I told them to make all people happy, ordered them to meet every year on the 14th of February and shoot their arrows.

Teacher: Well, now you know the history of this holiday. But let’s see what else you know about St Valentine’s Day. Let’s play the game. For the game we need two teams. On the blackboard you see a table. It consists of some sectors for quizzes and for puzzles. The numbers 10, 15, 20 and 25 mean the difficulty of the task. For example, quiz 10 is very easy while quiz 25 is the most difficult. So you can choose the sector and I’ll give you short riddles. At the end of the quiz you should make up a phrase from the red letters. The team that will have more points wins. But before we start I want you to name your teams. Your name should be connected with love and romanticism.

Quiz 10:

What colour is associated with St Valentine’s Day?




Which are the most common flowers given on St Valentine’s Day?




What date is Valentine’s Day?

a)15th of February

b)14th of February

c)8th of March

Quiz 15:

How do you spell 14th?




Which Roman God is one of the symbols of St Valentine’s Day?




What greeting is often said on this day?

a)Happy love life!

b)Good luck!

c)Happy Valentine’s Day!

Quiz 20:

Where did St Valentine live?

a)In Greece

b)In Rome

c)In Great Britain

Quiz 25:

According to a popular belief, why was St Valentine beheaded?

a)Because he secretly married young couples

b)Because he ran away with Emperor Claudius’s daughter

c)Because he was always in love with someone

When St Valentine was in prison, whom did he fall in love with?

a)His prisoner’s daughter

b)His prisoner’s wife

c)His prisoner’s sister

The girl St Valentine fell in love with was



c)Blind and deaf

Puzzle 10:

  1. A special card sent on St Valentine’s Day, usually anonymous.
  1. A jar or container that you use for displaying flowers. This is often filled with roses on St Valentine’s Day!
  1. A very strong feeling of liking someone.
  1. Valentine’s Day is celebrated during this month.
  1. This colour is a symbol of love.

Puzzle 15:

  1. Roses, tulips and other plants with colourful blossoms. Very pretty when arranged in a bouquet!
  1. A sweet brown treat that is made from cocoa powder, milk and sugar – very tasty!
  1. A man who is about to be married or just married.
  1. A woman who is about to be married or just married.
  1. Something that is given as a gift on Valentine’s Day, like a box of chocolates.

Puzzle 20:

  1. An organ in your body that pumps blood. If you put your hand over this organ you can feel its beating.
  1. A person whom someone loves. This word is often usedin Valentine’s poems:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Honey’s sweet

And so are you.

I’ll be your ______

If you’ll be mine,

All my life

I’ll be your Valentine!

Puzzle 25:

  1. This verb means “to make an offer of marriage”. A true man will always kneel in front of a woman before asking her to become his wife.
  1. If a boy is completely, uncontrollably in love with a girl, we say: “He is head over ______in love with her!”

Teacher: Well, you’ve done all the tasks successfully. Now, please, look at the words on the blackboard. Can you find a clue phrase?


Teacher: So, now you know some more about St Valentine’s Day. Our next contest is called “Crambo” (вАнглиитакназываютигруврифмы). You know a lot of words which are connected with this holiday. I give you a word list. Change the first letter and you will find holiday words. Try and do!

Каждаякомандаполучаетсписокслов: bandy, miss, nose, race, lift, move, vote, ward, slower, fear, money.

Учащиесямогутнаписатьслова: candy, kiss, rose, lace, gift, love (dove), note, card, flower, dear, honey.

Teacher: Now let’s play with a balloon. Throw this balloon to each other and say kind and nice words. For example: You are very nice.

Teacher: The poems that were prepared by your classmates are also filled with magic and beautiful words.

Звучат праздничные стихотворения в исполнении учащихся.

Teacher: Now let’s see the score of our contests. The team … is the winner today. Our congratulations to the winner! This is a sweet prize for your team. Let’s sing our Valentine’s song!

To each and every friend of mine,

Friend of mine, friend of mine

I’ll send a lovely valentine

A lovely valentine.

Mum and Dad and brother too

Granny too, Grandpa too

Will receive a heart that says,

“Darling, I love you!”