Procedures for Class Assignments

  1. Passing out tests
  2. When you receive test handouts for your row, take one copy, leave it upside down, and pass the rest to the student behind you.
  3. Do NOT turn the test over to look at it until the teacher tells you to begin.
  4. When you are finished with the test, turn your answer sheet over and sit quietly. You may NOT take out your folder or other work.
  1. Writing answers to questions
  2. When answering a question, write in a complete sentence. Also, clearly state the question in your answer:
  3. “Why do JB students wear green shirts?”
  5. “School color.”
  6. “Because it is the school’s color.”
  7. “They wear them because it’s the school’s color.”
  9. “JB students wear green shirts because green is the school’s color.”
  10. All answers to questions in any assignment in this class must be answered in this format. Incomplete or incorrect responses will either be returned to the student for revision, or marked down.
  1. Writing your name on your paper
  2. Use the top right hand margin (just below the top edge of the paper) for your name, period, and date.
  3. On the top, write your first and last name.
  4. Underneath your name, write the class period.
  5. Underneath the class period, write today’s date.
  6. On the first line, write the assignment heading (title) in the center. Include name of story, page numbers, etc.
  7. Skip ONE line, and begin writing on the 3rd line.
  8. Indent ONLY 1 inch for the first sentence of each paragraph. Use two spaces for the beginning of each subsequent sentence.
  9. Do NOT skip lines.
  10. Do NOT create an extra margin on the right hand side. Write all the way to the end.
  11. It SHOULD look like this:

Rosa Alvarez

Per. 3


Compare and Contrast essay on “The Hitchhiker” and “Monsters”

Scary stories have a lot in common. Usually we find a few suspenseful scenes, some

frightening details, and a surprise ending. In both “The Hitchhiker” and “Monsters,” all

of the usual scary elements are present. However, there are still some interesting

variations in each story that enable them to leave behind distinctly terrifying memories…

  1. Your paper should NOT look like this:

Rosa Alvarez

Per. 3


Today’s assignment

Scary stories have a lot in common. Usually

we find a few suspenseful scenes, some frightening details,

and a surprise ending. In both “The Hitchhiker” and

“Monsters,” all of the usual scary elements are present.

However, there are still some interesting vari-

ations in each story that enable them to

leave behind distinctly terrifying memories…

How many formatting errors can you find in the above sample?

  1. Papers not received in its proper format will either be returned to the student for revision, or marked down.
  1. Handing in completed assignments/tests in class
  2. Receive completed assignments from the students sitting behind you.
  3. Place your assignment on TOP of the assignments you have received.
  4. Pass assignments to the student in front of you.
  5. For students sitting in the front:
  6. After all assignments have been turned in from the back, receive the assignments from your left. Place the bundle of assignments from your row on TOP, and pass to the student on your RIGHT.

Mr. C. W. Lee

English Department

JohnBurroughsMiddle School