Regular Monthly Meeting

7 PM Monday, May 2, 2016

CALL TO ORDER Amin Bahrour called the meeting to order at 7 PM

ROLL CALL Amin Bahrour, Kevin Emery, and James Roberge (Trustees); Bethany German, Office Manager, Tom Harmon, Administrative Assistant; Skip Clough - Superintendent; Absent: Tobin Yager and Paul Stanley (Trustee)


Regular Monthly Meeting Monday April 4, 2016

PUBLIC AUDIENCE none present


·  20160426 United States Bankruptcy Court District of Maine Notice to Additional Creditors, Re Constance B. Rocco.

·  20160425 United States Bankruptcy Court District of Maine order Confirming first Amendment Chapter 13 Plan and Setting Deadlines for Certain Action; Re:Jessica M. Mayo and Duncan Travis Raeside.

·  20160425 United States Bankruptcy Court District of Maine Motion to Allow a& Disallow claims and To ModifyPlan and Objections to Claims; Re:Jessica M. Mayo and Duncan Travis Raeside.

·  20160531 South Berwick Sewer District to Jonathan Douglas Berwick Academy re:Billing

·  20160516 South Berwick Sewer District to Mr. And Mrs. Ken Purdy Re: Vent Installation Approval.


No new business.


·  Berwick Academy billing

o  Discussion to continue to bill the debt service as is until after a year of flows have been recorded. Possibility of combining all meters to determine billed units.


·  Odor Control

o  No new issues

o  Back flow on Academy Street added

·  Septic Billing Accounts

o  Discussion of rewriting the general conditions of payments for Septic customers

·  30 Day Notices

o  Reviews of notebook for any notices to be sent out

o  Notices will be sent out May 5, 2016 to all customers with balances remaining for 2015 (136 accounts)


Kevin Emery made a motion to pay the bills in the amount of $89021.75. Amin Bahrour seconded; all in favor.


·  Next meeting June 6, 2016


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Kevin Emery, seconded by Amin Bahrour.

Meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM

J:\SBSD\minutes\2016\20160502 Monthly Meeting Minutes.docx