NENA Data Structures Committee
Scopes/Goals/Direction/Status – UPDATED 09/30/2017
STRUCTURE: The Data Structures Committee operates within the NENA DevelopmentGroup under the direction of the Development Steering Council.
SCOPE/GOAL: The Data Structures Committee coordinates development of MSAG and GIS formats, ALI and PIDF-LO formats, Additional Data formats, Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) integration, NIEM conformance, alignment with other stakeholder organizations (NIMS, US Fire Administration, NCIC, NTSB), etc. Due to the complexity and breadth of the topics involved, document development is normally achieved by organizing a working group and gathering input from NENA members with specific technical and/or operational expertise.
DIRECTION The Data Structures Committee oversees and advises its working groups and reports to the Development Steering Council as required.
CURRENT STATUS as of 09/30/2017:
All Data Structures Committee members are currently involved in one or more of the working groups described in greater detail below.
- Class of Service (COS) WG (update of 02-010)
- GIS Data Model for NG9-1-1 WG (new)
- NG9-1-1 Additional Data WG (update of 71-001)
- XML Schema WG (as needed)
John Beasley:r 903-244-3524
Brooks Shannon: or 320-240-0040
GROUP NAME: XML Schema Development Working Group (XML WG)
STRUCTURE: The XML WG operates under the Data Structures Committee.
SCOPE/GOAL: The XML Schema Work Group Addresses data formats and protocol technical issues that impact data elements as part of the overall 9-1-1 architecture. This subcommittee has overall responsibility for the Data Technical Standards document 02-010 and all XML schemas.
DIRECTION As WGs determine the need for an XML data exchange structure, to which the XML Schema Work Group will help the WG process the XML schema for the creation of such an outline (e.g., schema). The WG is currently investigating changingweb services interfaces from SOAP/XML to REST/JSON.
CURRENT STATUS as of 09/30/2017:
Working on completion of pro/con whitepaper.
Estimated Completion Date of all Schemas: Completed, ongoing routine maintenance.
Estimated Completion Date of JSON/REST Whitepaper: 6 months after first workgroup meeting
Brian Rosen -
Jason Horning -
GROUP NAME: NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model Working Group (GIS WG)
STRUCTURE: The GIS WG operates under the Data Structures Committee.
Scope/Goal: The NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model Work Group is defining the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) database model that will be used to support the NENA Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) systems, databases, call routing, call handling, and related processes. This GIS database model and the NG9-1-1 system rely on standardized, accurate and up-to-date geographic information system (GIS) data.
DIRECTION The WG is designing the NG9-1-1 GIS Data Model is designed to meet the demands and needs of a NENA NG9-1-1 system, while being largely backwards compatible with existing E9-1-1 systems.
CURRENT STATUS as of 09/30/2017:
Public Review ended 2/28/2017.126 of 208 comments have been addressed by WG.
Estimated Completion Date of WG Draft: November 22, 2017.
Marc Berryman: or 713-715-9980
Cheryl Benjamin: or (518) 242-5034
Steve O’Conor: or 407-439-4911
GROUP NAME: NG9-1-1 Additional Data Working Group (NGAD WG)STRUCTURE: The NGAD WG operates under the Data Structures Committee.
SCOPE/GOAL: The Additional Data Work Group seeks to specify the processes and data formats required to source Additional Call Data, Additional Caller Data, and Additional Location Data to NG9-1-1 functional elements and end-users. This work group has overall responsibility for NENA Standard for NG9-1-1 Additional Data, document NENA-STA-012.
DIRECTION This work group seeks to select and adapt existing data standards to meet the requirements of NG9-1-1 Additional Data. This work group also provides input into other work groups where their work intersects with Additional Data topics.
CURRENT STATUS as of 09/30/2017:
Document in IPR Stable Release Notice Period.
Matthew Serra: or 201-245-1557
Karl Larsen: or 320-281-2147
GROUP NAME: Class of Service (CoS) WG
STRUCTURE: The CoS WG operates under the Data Structures Committee.
SCOPE/GOAL: The Class of Service WG was organized to address changes that may be required within NENA documents to support emerging call types and identify the appropriate Class of Service (CoS) values to support them.
DIRECTION:The WG will begin, initially, on a review of CoS within the context of E9-1-1 and recommend changes to impacted NENA documentation. Once complete with this initial process, the WG will then consider the importance of CoS within the context of NG9-1-1 and recommend any changes to relevant NG9-1-1 documentation.
CURRENT STATUS as of 09/30/2017: Responded to all comments.
Estimated Completion Date of WG Draft: Completed – reviewing comments
Richard Muscat (chair): or 512-280-0042
Matthew Serra: or 201-245-1557
GROUP NAME: NG9-1-1 Data Flow WG
STRUCTURE: The NG9-1-1 Data Flow WG operates as a joint effort between the Data Structures Committee and PSAP Operations Committee.
SCOPE/GOAL: The NG9-1-1 Data Flow WG was organized to clearly define recommended structure and content of data to be provided to the PSAP (or alternate point) under NG9-1-1 operations, and how to transition from today’s legacy E9-1-1 process to NG9-1-1, and the expansion for other data items from PIDF-LO, multi-media, and other sources can be accomplished utilizing NEIM-compliant schemas, or other documentation of how non-NEIM compliant schemas should be mapped to NEIM-compliantschemas.
DIRECTIONThis WG seeks to author documentation on the above mentioned issues.
CURRENT STATUS as of 09/30/2017:
WG chairs are working on charter.
Estimated Completion Date of WG Draft: TBD
Richard Muscat: or 512-280-0042
Amy McDowell: or (864) 467-5915
Old Documents to be Reviewed:
Doc # / Doc Name (ALL CURRENT NENA DOCUMENTS AS OF 04/21/2015) / ApprovedDate / Estimated
Completion Date / Actual
Completion Date
02-501 / Wireless (Pre-XML) Static andDynamic ALI Data Content Information Document (may need to check 02-010 to see if this is in there also or if its newer) / 2006/10/16
04-005 / ALI Query Service Standard / 2006/11/21
02-503 / XML Namespaces Information Document / 2007/02/23
71-501 / Synchronizing Geographic InformationSystem Databases with MSAG & ALIInformation Document / 2009/09/08
71-001 / NG9-1-1 Additional DataStandard / 2009/09/17 / 4Q2017