The National Dance Production Centre Scenario Pubblico/Compagnia Zappalà Danza launched its recent project ACASA in 2015 to provide residencies for choreographers.
The project’s main objective is to produce the work, and support the creative development, of a new generation of choreographers, in a contemporary context, across all nations, registers and styles.
The ACASA project is an open call for artists, spanning three years, from 2018 to 2020.
Open call for residencies for one project3
Scope and objective3
How to apply3
Selection process3
Conditions of residencies4
About the residency4
In 2015, Scenario Pubblico, production house for Compagnia Zappalà Danza, became one of Italy’s leading Dance Centres. Around this time, it started to welcome new artists within its creative walls.
This new trajectory led it to pursue deeper relationships with its guests, to produce premieres and previews of their work. Artists started to conceive or at least give birth to their art within these walls. Their presence opened the possibility of debates with the audiences and local communities on the Sicilian soil. Scenario Pubblico set up the residencies to inject new blood within its realm, spread its wings and make itself known to audiences.
The aim was both to support a new generation of choreographers, build a strong list of productions, and also inject new subject matter, ideas, life force in the area, ultimately leading to its emancipation.
Scenario Pubblico managed, over time, to pursue emancipation, by forging deeper relationships with audiences, through public meetings, open classes, seminars and social gatherings across Sicily.
It now requests artists or companies-in-residence to perform part of their work on the Sicilian soil, inviting communities to share in the creative process, through meetings, seminars with professional dancers and amateurs, open trials, readings, film screenings, events in partnership with the University of Catania and other cultural gatherings.
These various events are in line with Roberto Zappalà’s efforts to render Scenario Pubblico a place that forges minds of artists, a place that has a deep, long-lasting effect on bodies that inhabit urban spaces.
Scenario Pubblico provides these residencies, in great part, to inject the city with the artist’s life force, and submit it to the artist’s gaze.
It henceforth proudly announces its ACASA project, an open call for artists, spanning three years.
Open call for residencies for one project
1.Scope and objective
The National Dance Production Centre Scenario Pubblico/CZD proudly announces its ACASA project, an open call for artists or companies-in-residence, spanning three years, from 2018 to 2020, to support the development of specific choreographies during residency[1]. Scenario Pubblico will open its work spaces for five hours daily and a maximum of 23 working days to artists or companies to create one work and perform it (as a preview or premiere) in the Centre’s seasonal dance program. In addition, it will provide free accommodation for three artists a day, a grant of 2000 euros, in exchange for one artwork created in residency, performed twice before an audience and one open-door.
The length and time of residencies will be arranged after selection of artistic proposals, according to the artists’ or companies’ application form and Scenario Pubblico’s own engagements.
2.How to apply
Applicants seeking a type of residency in the three-year ACASA project are requested to complete an online application form at the following address:
Deadline for completing and submitting applications is 31 January 2017.
Applicants are requested to upload the following materials when submitting their online application:
❏Artistic project proposal and potential showreel for completed parts of the project (only provide link)
❏Résumé of the artist submitting their application for residency
❏Résumé of all other artists known to be involved in the project
❏Link to at least one previous work (provide showreel and full video)
3.Selection process
The selection process is at the discretion of the artistic commission, that reviews the quality of the artistic proposals, their national and/or international scope, marketing potential, the résumé of artists involved, their contribution to productions in other establishments and/or festivals and productions on the Sicilian soil.
Priority is given to artists exploring expressions of the body and movement as a primary agent.
Final selection will be announced by the artistic commission on 28 February 2017.
Selected applicants are requested to confirm attendance by 15 March 2017.
4.Conditions of residencies
Artists or companies-in-residence under the ACASA project will obtain residency from Scenario Pubblico in exchange for an artwork created within the triennium 2018 - 2020. They must comply with the following terms:
4.1.Provide the Centre, at least three months in advance, with their preferred dates and times of residency, and arrange a schedule according to the demands and obligations of artists within the establishment
4.2.Provide all additional activities free of charge, in accordance with the terms and schedule arranged, in advance, with the Centre.
4.3.Provide, in advance, all necessary resources to promote and spread their project, artwork and additional activities (photos, videos, texts, abstracts...);
4.4.Provide the administrative office, in advance, with all necessary paperwork to ensure the successful completion of their artwork[2];
4.5.Ensure their staff and themselves maintain work spaces in good condition during their residency, including rehearsal spaces, the theatre venue, dressing rooms and other spaces, including accommodation, keeping doors and windows closed, lighting and air-conditioning off at the end of the day.
4.6.Ensure their staff or a third-party mark all promotional materials (digital and paper) with the following words:
Artist (or Company) in residenceat Scenario Pubblico/CZD - Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza for the project……..
4.7.Ensure their staff or a third-party mark all promotional materials (digital and paper) with the following words regarding the artwork created in residency:
a production in collaboration with Scenario Pubblico/CZD - Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza
5.About the residency
Scenario Pubblico will provide guests with the following facilities during their residency:
5.1.A shared appartment that can accommodate up to three guests for the whole residency period and performance days;
5.2.Studios for rehearsals, available five hours a day, in accordance with the guests’ arranged schedule, and a maximum of 23 working days;
5.3.A fully equipped stage and technical support for four days – two days leading up to the premiere and two days in which guests have their dress rehearsal and performances;
5.4.A grant/financial compensation, up to 2000 euros for every artwork created in residency at Scenario Pubblico and subsequently produced as part of the Centre’s performances, as a short-length performance (short time) or full-length evening performance.
5.5.Human and material resources for guests to promote their project through the Centre’s communication channels;
5.6.Human and material resources for guests to document their work through photos for the Scenario Danza exhibition;
5.7.Up to three MoDem[3] dancers to help guests prepare and perform their production. The artist or company-in-residence may include MoDem dancers from Scenario Pubblico in their work and activities, upon making a request in their application form and discussing this with the artistic commission and MoDem’s[4] academic office.
Performances and additional activities will be arranged as follows:
6.1.Full-length evening performance: 50-70 minute production, performed twice at the end of the residency.
6.2.Short time: 20-30 minute production, performed twice at the end of the residency; or as an evening performance in front of other artists or companies (made up of two short times by two artists or companies-in-residence)[5].
6.3.Open door: 60 minute open trial in Scenario Pubblico’s White Box, half way through the creative process: 15-20 minute trial and 35-40 minutes of activities or exchange when audiences reveal their impressions (no material resources or technical staff allowed, 60 minutes maximum).
6.4.Roundtable: (optional) time when audiences meet and talk with artists at the end of their performance, maximum 40 minutes.
6.5.Amateur classes: 60-90 minutes, free of charge for audiences of Scenario Pubblico to discover new forms of contemporary dance and build rapport, participate in the creative process.
6.6.Masterclassand paid classes organised by the dancers[6].
6.7.Seminars and public meetings with our partners: local events organised by the artists to raise awareness and open a debate around contemporary dance and bodies that inhabit urban spaces, in line with the ethos of Scenario Pubblico.
Artists-in-residence have access to the following rehearsal spaces and theatre venue:
Black Box (theatre) White Box (rehearsal space)Grey Studio (rehearsal space)
Artists or companies-in-residence will obtain residency from Scenario Pubblico in exchange for one artwork. Scenario Pubblico agrees to support their artwork and launch it in its Centre, within the framework of its seasonal dance program.
Autonomous companies and/or artists will have to provide the necessary paperwork at least 10 days prior to their performance and open door. Likewise, foreign artists will need to provide the following documents (A1 for EU citizens and Social Security and Work Permit for non EU citizens).
MoDem’s codici gestuali (gestural expressions) is an advanced high-quality training program, lasting four months, for dancers that want to refine their work in keeping with the style and language of Roberto Zappalà’s choreographic work (
If the residency occurs within the first four months of the MoDem project (between September and December), artists or companies-in-residence will be allowed to arrange the selection and inclusion of dancers in their activities, with the relevant offices. Selected MoDem dancers will be allowed to accept or reject the artists’ proposal and upon acceptance will agree not to withdraw from their prior engagements with the MoDem project in their partnership with the artists-in-residence. To this aim, they will arrange times and days of partnership before the residency begins, with the relevant staff. This will ensure MoDem dancers keep to their prior engagements in terms of lessons, trials and activities.
Artists will be allowed to choose between a standard performance and short time for their work at the end of the residency; they will arrange which type to perform in advance with the artistic commission and state this in their application form (see point 2.1)
Artists will arrange this with the MoDem office at the artistic commission’s discretion, according to Scenario Pubblico’s engagements over the residency period. Compensation regarding this will be added to the financial agreements and re-imbursements already provided in the residency.