Call for Nominations – Heritage Square Museum Board of Directors 2017-2019 Term
Heritage Square Museum (HSM), is seeking nominations of qualified professionals as candidates for election to their Board of Directors. The Museum's mission is to preserve, restore, and interpret the architecture, physical environment, and cultural diversity of Southern California during the first hundred years of statehood. HSM has been entrusted with the care and management of the local architectural gems on its grounds, and the Museum operates a variety of tours and programs that allow the public to enjoy these structures while it promotes the Museum mission.
The nonprofit Cultural Heritage Foundation of Southern California, Inc., operates HSM. Board Directors represent HSM and are active advocates for its mission and activities.
HSM seeks a wide spectrum of committed and talented people from diverse disciplines for this working board. Nominees with nonprofit experience and historical, legal, financial, or architectural backgrounds will help round out the skill set that current Directors bring to the Board. Additional criteria are leadership, innovation, and knowledge in the field. Self-nominations are welcome.
Board Directors are asked to serve a two-year term (April 2017 - March 2019). As a Board Director, you must participate as an active officer of the board and/or as a member of committees or task forces. You are required to participate in scheduled board meetings, typically one meeting every two months. If a nominee is not already a Museum member, the nominee must become a member upon election to the Board. Nominees must be willing to bear the cost of Board participation, which includes HSM membership at the Society level. Additionally, the give-or-get policy requires Board Directors to either personally contribute or be responsible for a certain number of new contributions annually. HSM typically does not reimburse personal expenses incurred as a Board Director. Most communications are electronic; familiarity with email and Google Docs is required.
The Nominating Committee will recommend a slate of nominees for consideration either at the Board meeting prior to the election or via electronic means. Elections will be held at the annual Board meeting on March 20, 2017, and new Directors will begin their term immediately upon being contacted by a member of the Nominating Committee.
Please complete the attached nomination form completely in order to be considered. Standard mail, fax, or email forms are all acceptable. Applications are available on the HSM website by emailing the HSM Nominating Committee Chair. Nomination applications must be received by February 20, 2017.
Thank you!
Pauline Prinz, Nominating Committee Chair
3800 Homer Street
Los Angeles, CA 90031-1530
626-429-2062 (cell)
323-225-2725 (fax)
Heritage Square Museum
Cultural Heritage Foundation of Southern California, Inc.
Board of Directors Application for the 2017-2019 Term
Membership Status (Individual, Family, Pending, etc.):
Membership or Entitlement in Other Organizations (indicate whether past or current, as well):
If you are interested in serving on the Executive Committee for 2017-2019, which position are you interested in (President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer)?
What special qualities and/or expertise would you bring to the Board?
Why do you want to serve on the Board?
What do you hope to accomplish during your time as a member of the Board?
By signing this form, I agree that: 1) I understand the commitments outlined in the Board Stewardship Agreement, including financial contributions; 2) I can and will meet all points outlined in the Board Stewardship Agreement; 3) If elected, I will sign the Board Stewardship Agreement; 4) All above information is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Please submit this form no later than February 20, 2017 to:
Heritage Square Museum Nominating Committee
3800 Homer Street
Los Angeles, CA 90031-1530
323-225-2725 (fax)
Heritage Square Museum Board Stewardship Agreement
Heritage Square Museum belongs to a non-profit community representing the most widespread expression of Americans’ dedication to the common good. To demonstrate our commitment to the mission of Heritage Square Museum and to validate the confidence of our constituents in the ethics and honesty of our organization, the Board of Directors has set the following standards for all Board members:
As a member of Heritage Square Museum Board of Directors, I commit my Time, Talent, and Treasure to the utmost of my ability. I will …
- As a regular Director, serve a 2-year term of office without compensation. As an officer of the Board, serve a 1-year term of office as elected. My “duty of loyalty” dictates that I put the interest of Heritage Square Museum above my personal interests when making decisions in the best interest of the Museum.
- Maintain my annual museum membership at the Heritage Square Society level. This is a true expression of my commitment to the museum mission and would be viewed as generous by a peer and potential sponsor.
- Commit to strengthen the Heritage Square Museum financial base by personally fundraising and engaging potential donors within my social and professional network with a minimum commitment of a $1,000 give-or-get by December 31 each year.
- Attend regular meetings of the Board of Directors according to the meeting schedule defined in the bylaws.
- Participate in strategic planning and setting long-term goals, approve those plans, and actively work to accomplish those goals.
- Serve on standing Board committees as applicable, attend all meetings of that committee, and be actively involved in completing the committee’s work.
- Attend at least one Heritage Square Museum program event per quarter as a Board representative, and at least one fundraising event per year.
- Coordinate the introduction of the Executive Officer and/or other staff and Directors to three (3) potential community partners.
- Participate in an annual Board self-evaluation based on the action items and deliverables of the Strategic Plan and active committees.
Board Member (Print Name): ______
Board Member Signature: ______
Date: ______