Present: Councillor Mrs Best, Mrs Hutchings, County Councillor Standley
Also in attendance: Sarah Codling (Clerk), Ian Johnson (Principal Traffic and Safety Officer), Sam Clee (Highways Steward).
Start: 10.00am
1 Apologies
Cllr Mrs Howell (family) sent their apologies which were accepted.
2 Minutes from the meeting on 8 October 2015 and matters arising.
The minutes were signed as a true and accurate record.
Matters Arising
· Upon reviewing the agenda it was noted that the works on Frant Road, A267 has been removed from the planned maintenance work. Mr Clee is to review. Action: SC
· Cllr Mrs Hutchings advised that Speedwatch has been put back to 1 March. An advert is to be run again in the Parish News. Action: SH
· At the last meeting it was raised about installing bollards outside Knowle Farm, Wadhurst Road. Mr Johnson advised that, having driven the road, Highways are happy with the road furniture. Therefore, no changes are proposed. When the previous road review took place Highways reserved the right to install bollards where a neighbour refused them but this is not necessary in this instance.
3 Highways maintenance; Parish liability, work that can be completed by Parish Contractor, approved contractors.
· Public liability should be £10m. It is possible to hire contractors from ESCC, as advised at the Full Council meeting. Otherwise the Council can employ a workforce which has £10m liability and specific qualifications.
· Mr Johnson is to check the procedure regarding booking the ESCC contractors. Action: IJ
· It was noted that the cost may be higher if ESCC contractors were employed as it would be a gang of 2-3 people. It would be the responsibility of the parish to consider cost implications of hiring the contractors vs private individuals.
· Cllr Standley noted that JAKK Country Furnishers could be approached. Action: Clerk
· It was noted that a permit is needed for each time Highways work is completed. An enquiry is to be made to Highways for a permit but it may not always be necessary. This procedure is to ensure, amongst other things, that no one else is working on the Highway.
· There may be a problem working on A26 owing to the speed of the road and where stopping places are available. Traffic lights may be necessary.
· Councillors ventured that it may be possible for the Parish Council to be responsible for cleaning small signs but, with together with other Parish Councils, could employ ESCC Highways.
· Compiling a log of parish signs is to be brought up at the Full Council meeting. Action: Clerk
· Cllr Mrs Hutchings mentioned Mr Taylor who cuts hedges. The contact details are to be given to the Clerk. Action: SH
· Work on footpaths also need permits. Highways have completed some work on the footpath at the Forstal.
· Street cleaning is a Wealden responsibility. However, if work needs to be completed it is a Highways responsibility.
· The Clerk is to approach neighbouring parishes about joining together to employ Highways contractors to clean road signs. Action: Clerk
4 Quote for grit bin, opposite Brecknock, Bells Yew Green.
Mr Clee gave the Clerk a form to complete. The bin, installation and first fill is £275. However, a quote is required for removing the existing bin. Action: Clerk
5 Speed limit review (BYG) plus accidents in Little Bayham
· It has been quoted in a number of places that County are reviewing speed limits.
· Mr Johnson explained that since 2007 there has been a Countywide review of A and B roads. Recently Highways approached the Lead Member about 2015 roads, submitting all reports to date which include data regarding crashes. It has been approved to spend money on 6 changes out of 150 proposed. Mr Johnson is to advise if any of Frant Parish roads were included in the review. Action: IJ
· Cllr Standley is to receive the whole list from Mr Johnson or the Lead Member. Action: IJ
· Councillors asked for B2099 and Bayham Road to be reviewed. However, this may not go very far as recent work has taken place.
· Mr Johnson advised that there has been a request to look at West of Bells Yew Green, beyond the station past the bend. It was noted that the road has just been resurfaced which has sped up traffic.
6 Licence to install posts, Fairview Lane
The Clerk is to ask neighbouring parishes regarding contractors. Action: Clerk
Mr Clee advised that it would be necessary for the contractor employed to find out what is in the ground. There may be information in the documentation supplied with the licence.
Mr Clee is to draw up a checklist of requirements which may be helpful to contractors. Action: SC
A risk assessment will be necessary, as will a permit to work on the Highway.
7 Flooding at Sleeches Cross on the A267
· Owing to recent rain volumes there has been flooding at Sleeches Cross. There is not usually a problem. Mr Clee advised that the Highways Engineer has arranged for an emergency jetter to clear the drains on 11 January.
· It was noted that there is only one jetter in East Sussex. There are currently 2,500 defective drains. They are rated on the following priorities:
1. Water in dwelling
2. Water on property but not in dwelling
3. Water on road and the road is unsafe
4. Water on road but the road is still safe
· There are currently many priority ‘1’. Therefore, Sleeches Cross may be superceded by other cases.
8 VAS on A267
It is anticipated for the trenching, cabling and pole installation to take place by the end of January.
The Clerk is to advise Cllr Standley of the refund due to the Parish Council. Action: Clerk
Cllr Standley is to ask Rupert Clubb when the refund will be paid to the Parish Council. Action: RS
9 Construction and Planned Maintenance
Road No / Locationfrom - to / Work Type / Traffic Management / Start date / Duration / Finish Date
U7842 / Fairview Lane / C/W Resurfacing / TBC / 16/3/16 / 1 day / 16/3/16
10 Any Other Business
· The Parish Council wishes to be consistent throughout the parish regarding advertising permitted and that asked to be removed. Mr Clee advised that Heathfield contact Highways about advertising which needs to be removed.
· It is necessary to have a licence for bus shelters on the Highway which, in turn, makes the bus shelter the responsibility of the Parish Council. ESCC do not licence bus shelters which have advertising.
· The Clerk is to ask Wealden planning department regarding the procedure to obtain permission for signs. Action: Clerk
· This matter is to be raised at the next Full Council meeting. Action: Clerk
· It is possible to use Section 333 of the Highways Act which advises regarding removing an obstruction.
One way system outside Frant Stores
· It was noted that the only way to stop cars disregarding the one way system outside Frant Stores would be a physical build out. This would not be supported by Highways.
· It may be possible to note registration numbers to send to the police for Operation Crackdown.
Settlement along Wadhurst Road
· Mr Johnson advised that correspondence was sent regarding a housing settlement on A267 Mayfield Road. The Parish Council was asked whether it had a name. This is to be raised at the next Full Council meeting. Action: Clerk
· A route survey has been completed between Mark Cross and the Kent boundary. It is one of two length studies.
11 Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for 10am, 21 April 2016
End 11.05am