California State University at Fullerton

Economics 315, Section 03

Spring 1998

Instructor:Munir MahmudOffice Hours: Mon, Wed 9-10 a.m.

Office:LH 703And by appointment.

Phone:(714)278-5847Classroom:LH 307

Email:lass Hours:MWF 10-10:50 a.m.

Required Text: Dominick Salvatore, Managerial Economics in a Global Economy, McGraw-Hill, Third Edition, 1996.

Prerequisites: Economics 201, 202 and Math 135.

Course Objectives: The objective of the course is to introduce you to the economic and quantitative tools which underlie most business decisions. Although most of what will be covered in this class is theoretical, emphasis will be placed on their economic and business applications.

Power Point Slides & Course Specific Web Site: I shall try to use interactive Power Point slides for many of my lectures. In that case I shall make the slides available to the students before each lecture, through a course specific web site, at the internet address, “ I would require all the students to learn how to access this web page and download the required files and information from there. Besides the slides, I also plan to make other information and announcements available to the students through this web site.

Grading: In addition to the Pre-test, there will be 4 quizzes, two midterms and a comprehensive final exam. There will be no makeup exam or quiz. Among the 4 quizzes, only the best three scores will count. If a midterm exam is missed, the final exam will carry the extra weight (this will be allowed for only one missed midterm. If both midterms are missed, the student will not earn any credit for the midterms). Under no circumstances a student should miss the final exam.

Distribution of Points:

Quizzes 15 %

1st Midterm 25 %

2nd Midterm 25 %

Final Exam 30 %

Instructor Discretion 5 %


Total100 %

5% allotted under instructor discretion depends on your class participation and overall performance in the course. In this section, substantial portion of this 5% would depend on passing or not passing the pre test.

Tentative Course Outline and Exam Dates:

The course outline following this page, is provided to give you some idea about the material that will be covered in this course and the pace at which we shall be moving. The actual coverage and exam dates may slightly change depending on the actual pace of the course. The chapter on Risk Analysis will be covered only if we have sufficient time.

Date / Topic / Chapter
02/01 / Pre Test
02/03 / Managerial Economics: Its definition and scope / 1
02/05, 08 / Continuation of Chap 1 / 1
02/10, 12, 17 / Optimization Techniques / 2
02/19, 22, 24, 26 / Demand Analysis / 3
02/26 / Quiz 1
03/01, 03, 05 / Demand Estimation / 4
03/08 / First Midterm Exam
03/15, 17, 19 / Production / 6
03/22, 24, 26, / Cost / 7
04/05 /

Quiz 2, Perfect Competition

/ 9
04/07, 9, 12, 14, 16 / Continuation of discussion on Perfect Competition / 9
04/19 / Second Midterm Exam
04/21, 23, 26 / Monopoly / 9
04/28, 30, 05/01 / Monopolistic Competition / 9
05/03 / Quiz 3, Oligopoly / 10
05/05, 07, 10 / Continuation of Oligopoly / 10
05/12, 14 / Pricing Policies / 11
05/17 / Quiz 4, Risk Analysis / 11
05/19, 21 / Risk Analysis / 13
05/26 /

Final Exam (9:30 to 11:20 a.m)