Enrollment Management Committee Meeting


September 4, 2014

3:00-4:30 pm / SC-104

Attendance: Marilyn Flores, Craig Rutan, Leonor Aguilera, Ruth Babeshoff, Debbie Brooks, Lucy Carr-Rollitt, Rudy Carrion, Ed Cervantes, Corinna Evett, Barbara Garrahy, Kari Irwin, Regina Lamourelle, Linda Miskovic, Tuyen Nguyen, Stephen Reed, Randy Scott, Martin Stringer, Alex Taber, Robert Waldren

Absent: Nicholas Magalousis, Andy Salcido, Barbara Sproat, Joyce Wagner

1.  Introduction of New Members
2.  Approval of Minutes: 5/20/14
3.  Report from Planning and Institutional Effectiveness (PIE) Committee
4.  Summer and Fall Enrollment Update
5.  Update on Priority Registration and “Pathway Reserved Seats”
6.  Course Cap Updates – Academic Senate Update
7.  Department Chair Tool Update
8.  Development of Table of Contents for EMC Plan / Introduced new members Ed Cervantes, Steve Reed and Alex Taber. Guests were Carolyn Breeden and Sergio Rodriguez.
Craig Rutan reported on yesterday’s PIE meeting. EMC has the opportunity to submit allocation requests for program growth or establishment of new programs, but the budget may not permit any new program development. The meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 3:30-5pm, in E-206 and are open to all.
Sergio Rodriguez compared the fall 2013 enrollments with fall 2014. The report was run after the first week of classes for this semester, so late start class information is not finalized. Currently, we have exceeded last fall’s total FTES, but at a higher cost than last fall. There was negative growth in weekly online classes. Classes using PAC (positive attendance method) are sliding due to state’s course repetition regulations, restructuring of math courses and apprenticeship. WSCH is the best method.
Marilyn Flores had a handout showing the updates on the Enrollment Targets which we need to meet in order to receive our revenue. She compared the 2013-2014 actual FTES with the 2014-2015 targets. She shared the committee’s research questions concerning 2014 Intersession and hope to have the data results at the next meeting, dependent upon Rudy’s work load.
The handout concerning Priority Registration was reviewed by Marilyn. Another handout included the AR5055 Enrollment Priorities. Information on the headcounts for the 3 different priority levels included SAC and SCC numbers.
Level 1: DSPS, EOPS, Veterans, Foster Youth, CalWorks
Level 2: Athletes, CAMP
Level 3: Early Decision/Welcome (numbers only for Fall semester)
Pathway Reserved Seat requests would include: Honors; International Students; Stem2; SOAR; CROSSroads; ASGSCC
We need to continue discussion and consider whether PRS would have any impact on overall enrollment for new and continuing students.
All courses will be reviewed concerning the effect of the cap numbers on the quality of instruction. Discussions are beginning at the Senate level so a plan can be developed that will consider the costs along with the focus on student success. Success rates will be considered.
The guidelines and a custom designed spreadsheet of data for each discipline were sent to the Department Chairs. The data ranges from fall 2011 to spring 2014. A demonstration of the spreadsheets will be done at the Joint Department Chair meeting.
We need to develop an Enrollment Management Plan. Which items should we include? Do we need additional data? / Motion to approve the minutes as presented (R. Carrion/R. Babeshoff) was passed unanimously
A directory or definitions for enrollment was suggested.
It was suggested that we get an update on the marketing outreach plans to reach potential students to include for further discussion. Kari Irwin will follow up and update committee.
It was suggested to consider the impact of following SAC’s lead if Early Decision would be for both fall and spring terms. We still need numbers on PRS potential number of students.
Requested feedback from the Dept Chairs on the data spreadsheets.
Suggestions: FTES should be included on the spreadsheet; need to fix the display; Intersession data needs to be included on spreadsheet.
Members need to look at the EMPS from the other colleges, recently reviewed by the committee, and bring their recommendations to the next meeting.
ITEMS / Update on Marketing plans/efforts.
Intersession data.
Demonstration of Dept Chair Tool.
ANNOUNCEMENTS / November 20, 2014 meeting will be cancelled.
Next Meeting / September 18, 2014, 3:00-4:30pm, Room SC-104

Santiago Canyon College

Mission Statement

Santiago Canyon College is an innovative learning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to foster student success and to help students achieve these core outcomes: to learn, act, communicate and think critically. We are committed to maintaining standards of excellence and providing an accessible, a transferable, and an engaging education to a diverse community. (Approved by College Council 4/12/11)