Page 1

What do you call a location in space that has no size?
Point / ?
Lines that have no points in common?
Parallel Lines
A length consisting of two endpoints and all the points of the line between the endpoints?
Segment / ?
What are lines that are not parallel and do not intersect? They lie in different planes.
Skew Lines
What is a segment consisting of one endpoint and all the points of the line on one side of the endpoint?
Ray / ?
What are two rays with a common endpoint?
What is a flat surface with no thickness that extends in all directions?
Plane / ?
What is the point of the intersection of two sides of an angle or figure?
What are lines that have exactly on point in common?
Intersecting Lines / ?
What is the unit of measurement used on a protractor?

Page 2

What do you call a series of points that extend in opposite directions?
A Line / ?
A vertex is the point of intersection of two sides of angle or figure? True or False
What are lines that intersect to form right angles?
Perpendicular Lines / ?
What is it called when the sum of the measures of two angles is 90?
Complementary Angles
What is it called when the sum of the measures of two angles is 180?
Supplementary Angles / ?
What angle is this called? Right Angle

What angle is this called? Obtuse Angle
/ ?
What angle is this called? Acute Angle

What angle is this called? Straight Angle
/ ?
What are angles called when they are across from each other and are equal?
Vertical Angles

Page 3


Line / ?


Name C.
Point / ?

Name CD.
Line segment
Name a pair of skew lines. AB and CD

/ ?
What are angles called that are side by side and have a common vertex?
Adjacent Angles
What are angles that on opposite sides of the transversal and inside the other two lines are congruent?
Alternate Interior Angles / ?
What are the angles that are on opposite sides of the transversal and outside of the other two lines are congruent?
Alternate Exterior Angles
What are angles that are in the same position on the two lines in relation to the transversal are congruent?
Corresponding Angles / ?
What is the line that intersects two or more lines called?

Page 4

Name this Triangle:
Isosceles Acute / ?
Name this Triangle:
Equilateral Acute
Name this Triangle: Isosceles Obtuse
/ ?

Name this Triangle:
Isosceles Right
Name this Triangle: Scalene Right
/ ?
What is a figure that is formed by 3 line segments?
What is a four sided figure called that is also a parallelogram with 4 congruent sides?
Rhombus / ?
What is a 4 sided figure that has 2 sets of parallel lines, and 2 sets of parallel sides?
A quadrilateral that has only one pair of parallel sides?
Trapezoid / ?
A quadrilateral that has 4 congruent sides and has 4 right angles?

Page 5

What does a figure have when it can be folded over so that one half of the figure matches the other half?
Line Symmetry / ?
What does a figure have when it can be rotated or turned less than 360 about its center so that the figure looks exactly as it does in the original position?
Rotational Symmetry
What is it called when a figure is rotated to a degree measurement?
Angle of Rotation / ?
What is it called when a figure has a mirror image when it’s flipped over a line?
What’s it called when a shape is changed in size or position?
Transformation / ?
In the Triangle Sum Theorem, how many degrees must the angles add up to?
What is a translation?
The movement of a figure from one position to another without turning it. / ?
What is a transformation involving the turning or spinning of a figure?
What is a Tessellation?
It’s a tiling made up of copies of the same shape or shapes that fit together without gaps or overlapping. / ?
What does it mean to find the Volume of a 3-D shape?
Finding the amount of cubic units needed to fill in a solid region.

Page 6

What is Surface Area?
The sum of all the sides on a solid figure. / ?
What figure would be covered from this net?

A Cylinder / ?
What is the flat surface of a shape called?
What is a 3-D shape called when all sides come to a point?
Pyramid / ?
What 3-D shape is a polyhedron with two congruent, parallel bases, and other faces that are all parallelograms?
What is Area?
Finding the amount of surface it covers in square units. / ?
What is the difference between perimeter and area?
Perimeter is the distance around and object. Area is the amount of space inside and object.
What is the distance across the middle of a Circle called, and what is half of it called?
Diameter and Radius. / ?
What is perimeter of a circle called?

Page 7

If you are wearing anything with geometry on it, take a bonus roll. Move that many spaces forward. / 10
Find a geometric shape in the room and give it the correct name. If correct, advance 2 spaces.
Count the number of spaces you are from the finish line. If fewer than 10, go back 2 spaces. If more than 10, go forward 2 spaces. If equal to 10, stay where you are. / 10
Roll 2 dice. Take the smallest number as the diameter of this circle. Find the circumference. If correct move the sum of the dice.

Send any player back to Start.
Say you’re sorry, even if you’re not. / 10
Move forward 2 spaces, or move another player back 5 spaces.
Move forward 2 spaces, or move every player back 1 space. / 10
Roll 2 dice. Use these as the length and width of a rectangle. Find me the area. If correct move the sum of the die.
Draw a translation of any shape. Move ahead 2 spaces.
. / 10
Compute the perimeter of this card in centimeters. If correct, advance 2 spaces.

Page 8

Roll 2 dice. If the sum is 10, go to the next? space. Follow directions on the ? card. / 10
Find the area of the game board in centimeters. If correct, advance 2 spaces.
If an opponent has an October birthday,
move ahead 5. / 10
Find the area of the circle. If correct move ahead 3 spaces.

10 Find the measure of this angle. / 10
Draw an Isosceles Right Triangle.
Move 3 spaces ahead.
Namethe Line / 10
Name a pair of vertical angles.
Move ahead 2 spaces.
Name a pair of complementary angles. / 10
Find the missing measure. Move 3 spaces ahead.

Page 9

Find the angle measurement. Move ahead 2 spaces.

/ 10
If < 1 is 130in supplementary angles, what is the measure of <2? If correct move ahead 3 spaces. If wrong move back 3 spaces.
<4 <6 What are the names of these angles /
<4 <6 What are the names of these angles.
What is the sum of the angles in a quadrilateral?
Move ahead 2 spaces. / 10
Name a 5 sided shape. If correct move ahead 2, if not move back 1.
An Octagon has how many sides. If correct move ahead two, or move everyone else back 1. / 10
Find a pair of skewed lines in the classroom. Move ahead 3 spaces.
Roll 1 die three times. Add the numbers subtract 10, and move ahead that number. If a negative number, move back that number. / 10
Roll 2 dice. If the sum is 10, move ahead 5 spaces.

Page 10

Roll 2 dice. The 1st die is the base of a triangle.
The 2nd die represents the height of the
triangle. Find the area of the triangle.
If correct, advance 2 spaces. / 10
Roll 3 dice. The dice represent the length, width,
and height of a box. Find the volume.
If correct, advance 2 spaces.
Roll 1 die. The number represents the diameter
of a circle. Find the area of the circle.
If correct, advance 2 spaces. / 10
Roll 3 dice. The dice represent the length, width,
and height of a box. Find the surface area.
If correct, advance 3 spaces.
Roll 1 die. The number represents the radius
of a sphere. Find the volume of the sphere.
If correct, advance 2 spaces / 10
Roll 2 dice. The 1st die represents the height of a
cylinder. The 2nd die represents the radius of the
base. Find the volume of the cylinder.
If correct, advance 2 spaces.
Roll 1 die. The number represents the radius of a sphere. Find the surface area of the sphere.
If correct, advance 2 spaces. / 10
Roll 2 dice. The 1st die represents the height of a cylinder. The 2nd die represents the circumference of the base. Find the surface area of the cylinder.
If correct, advance 3 spaces.
Roll 2 dice. The dice represent the 2 legs of a right triangle. Find the hypotenuse of the triangle using the Pythagorean Theorem.
If correct, advance 2 spaces. / 10
Roll 2 dice. The 1st die represents the height of a pyramid. The 2nd die represents the radius of the base. Find the volume of the pyramid.
If correct, advance 2 spaces.

Page 11- Answers for some of the questions we have to write in.

On page 3. Cube questions. WE are just drawing in Letters on the corner of the cubes. The answers are the words tabbed off to the right hand side.

On page 8. On the 10 questions cards. On the card that asks to name a line. Just plot in 5 points on those lines. On the Card next to it for Vertical angles. Write in 4 angles. <1, <2, <3, <4.

Do the same for the card beneath it for complementary angles. Write in eight angles. <1, <2, <3, <4, <5, <6, <7, <8.

On the last question of this page. Find the missing measure, I was going to write in 45, and have them find the larger angle since there is a question later having them find the smaller angle. And put in Xon the other half of the supplementary angles.

On page 9. The last two questions to write something in. The Set of 8 congruent angles. The first cards answer is Alternate Interior Angles. We just need to write these angles in <1, <2, <3, <4, <5, <6, <7, <8. so that <4 and <6 are Alternate interior angles.

The next questions the answer is Alternate Exterior Angles. WE just need to rearrange the angles so that <4 and <6 are still the correct answer to alternate exterior angles.

Those are the only write ins’ that I have.