California Council for the Social Studies
Common Core Strand
Elementary Strand / Secondary Strand / General StrandFRIDAY / 8:30 – 10:45 a.m. / Developing Historical Thinking through the Common Core Lens for Elementary Teachers
Explore strategies to engage our K-5 learners in Historical Thinking. Close reading of informational text, analysis of primary sources, drawing evidence from text, and developing speaking and listening skills will be addressed.
Linda Kidd
Coordinator, Elementary History-Social Science
Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Los Angeles Unified School District / Historical Thinking and the Common Core State Standards, Grades 6 – 12
Participants will engage in a Review of Historical Thinking, an in depth analysis of the CCSS, and gain an understanding of the depth and complexity of work required of students by the CCSS.
· Kieley Jackson
Coordinator, Secondary (6 – 12) History/Social Sciences
· Elaina Garza
Coordinator, Secondary History/Social Sciences
Office of Curriculum, Instruction and School Support
Los Angeles Unified School District / Close Reading and the Use of Evidence
Participants will engage in hands-on activities designed to support the close reading of relevant primary sources and the use of those sources as evidence in writing. Specific strategies will include the use of cognitive markers, helping students make inferences, gathering and organizing evidence, and answering text-dependent questions.
· Phyllis Goldsmith
UC Berkeley History-Social Science Project
· Shennan Hutton, Ph.D.,
California History-Social Science Project Statewide Office
1:30 –
3:45 p.m. / Close Reading, Collaborative Conversations, and
Competence in Writing: Implementing the Common Core State Standards
Preparing students for college, career and citizenship are the overarching goals of the Common Core State Standards. So what does that look like in the elementary classroom? Experience strategies that help teachers translate those goals into everyday practice.
Rebecca Valbuena, M.Ed.
Stanton Elementary School
Glendora USD / Writing in the History-Social Science Classroom
This workshopwill utilize the Common Core’s emphasis on analysis to develop student writing skills. Participants will first discuss the role of critical thinking as a source for historical writing and then the strategies to support student writing in a variety of discipline-specific genres.
Mary Miller and Emma Hipolito
California History-Social Science Project / “Coverage” in the Age of Common Core
So now, we're told, we must teach individual documents "in greater depth". Where does that leave us in terms of "covering" all the material in the CA Content Standards we're still supposed to address? Strategies for turning this challenge/dilemma into an opportunity to make course curricula more coherent and powerful.
Avi Black
History/Social Science Coordinator
Alameda County Office of Education
SATURDAY / 8:30 – 10:45 a.m. / Rigor in the Common Core Elementary Classroom: Depth of Knowledge and Implications for SBAC
The Common Core Literacy Standards expect students to perform more cognitively demanding tasks. How do you know that the Social Studies tasks students complete meet these rigorous standards? Webb's Depth of Knowledge (DOK) measures these tasks. Explore Rigor and Relevance, SBAC examples, questions and tasks that lead to DOK Level 3-4 learning and thinking, and why Project Based Learning (PBL) is congruent.
Joy Soares
Social Studies/PBL Instructional Consultant,
Tulare County Office of Education / Close Reading of Historical Documents
In August of 1865, Jourdon Anderson, a freedman living in Dayton, Ohio, sent a letter in response to his former master's request that he return to work on the plantation. We will explore this extraordinary letter in depth using the strategy of close reading, reviewing it three times for different purposes in order to introduce distinctly different applications of this key Common Core strategy.
Avi Black
History/Social Science Coordinator
Alameda County Office of Education / Common Core and English Language Learners
This Common Core workshop will explore various strategies to help teachers scaffold Common Core instruction and assessment for English Language Learners (ELLs). Strategies for differentiated instruction will include the use of cognates, interactive word walls, visuals, culturally relevant pedagogy and the 4 Worlds curriculum to help promote students' critical thinking, writing and speaking skills. The use of graphic organizers and interactive notebooks to assist ELL students in analyzing and integrating primary and secondary sources to support "analysis, reflection and research" required in the Writing Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies for grades 6-12 will also be addressed. Furthermore, participants will be exposed to resources that support the implementation of Common Core with ELLs, including various websites that discuss implication for assessment.
· Ruth Luevanos, Teacher
Pacoima Middle School
· Dr. Margarita Jimenez-Silva
Arizona State University
1:30 –
3:45 p.m. / 21st Century Common Core and More
K-5 teachers have been limited on how much time they spend teaching Social Studies. To prepare our students for the 21st century, teachers need to provide students with opportunities to think critically and creatively, connecting discoveries and mistakes from our past to their future. Begin to enjoy the freedom of melding Social Studies and Language Arts into every day lessons through the avenue of the Common Core Standards. Gain a better understanding of the ELA CCSS and strategies you can use next week in your classroom as you incorporate Social Studies topics.
Carole Wiley
ELA/ELD Instructional Consultant
Tulare County Office of Education / The Evolution of Equality: Confront Controversy with Clear Criteria
Grades 9-12
Explore analytical frames for race relations to support deep critical thinking for "Close Reading of complex text”. Speeches, news, court cases and literature are used to examine the road to full equality.
Christina Goodman and Jen Osorio
Common Core Pilot Project
Center for Active Learning in International Studies (CALIS)
USC School of International Relations
with support from the Arsalyn Program / The College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social studies State Standards
The C3 Framework for Social Studies State Standards, released last year by National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), was designed to guide states in their work to update history-social studies standards. It is also a valuable resource for teachers to increase the rigor of their social studies programs and serve as a bridge for meeting the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts. Come hear about the work of NCSS and the implementation phase of the C3 Framework.
Steven Armstrong, President
Michelle Herczog, President-Elect
National Council for the Social Studies