Donald R. Fox
Dear Editor:
Can we learn from history? On 22 January 2001, we will mark the 28th Anniversary of Roe Vs Wade. Pro-Choice abortionist like to state in a matter of fact manner that abortion is legal, we have the law on our side. Abortion (Pro-Choice) is legal; it is the Law of the Land, and therefore, it is right, justified.
It is interesting that this is the same argument that Nazi's war criminals made in their defense during the Nuremberg Trails. The Nazi war criminals in a matter of fact manner stated we were not guilty; we were just obeying orders. We were following the Law of the Land. In deed they were following their law. In 1933 when Hitler took power, they made sterilization law. Under their law, the extermination of the Jewish people began along with others they deemed unfit. The March toward “crimes against humanity” began! The international tribunal did not buy their defense that they were just following their law. The judgment of the tribunal ruled that there was a higher court, power. Humans are bound by higher principles that transcend law made by mere men.
Abortion, killing of babies cannot be right. It is never right to do wrong. As a people, a nation, we must regain our sense of natural affection. Can we learn from history? God Help Us!
Donald R. Fox
Saltillo, Mississippi
End Note: I do not believe this letter to the editor was published. I sent the letter via e-mail to the Tupelo Daily Journal on Saturday, December 30, 2000. Other than a copy of this e-letter, I, therefore, believe the Daily Journal did not publish the letter. I found this letter among old material/writings about two weeks ago, January 2017.