August 19, 2014
The meetingwas held at the Board of County Commission Meeting Room andwas called to order by Chairman Flowers at 6:00 p.m., CT. CommissionerMcDougald led the Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Chairman Flowers reminded everyone the Board recently adopted a Public Participation Policy pursuant to Florida Statute 286.0114 and those on the agenda will have three minutes to speak on their topic. The public will have an opportunity to speak on items before the Board for a vote before any action is taken.
A motion to approve the August 4, 2014 Emergency Meeting Minutes, August 5,2014 Regular Meeting Minutes, August 12, 2014 Special Budget Meeting Minutesand vouchers for warrants: Payroll Warrant 081514 and AP-PR14-B13; Accounts Payable Warrants:1408-2G, 1408-2RD, 1408-2L, 1408-2E, 1408-2W was made by CommissionerSheltonand seconded by Commissioner Brown. Chairman Flowers called for public comment. There were no comments from the public. The motion passed unanimously 4-0. (Commissioner Grant Absent)
The Chairman called for public comment regarding the Cindy Lollie application for conditional land use permit for an assisted living facility at 17994 NE SR 69. There was no public comment. The Chairman stated the Planning Commission recommends approval of the permit by Ms. Lollie for operating an assisted living facility. (Planning Commission Meeting held August 19, 2014 5:00 p.m.)
Commissioner McDougald made the motion to approve the application by Ms. Lollie for operating an assisted living facility at 17994 NE SR 69. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment and there was none. The motion passed unanimously 4-0.
OPEN/AWARD SEALED BIDS-State Housing Initiatives Partnership program (SHIP)
- Matt Fuqua, Board Attorney opened and read aloud the sealed bid for S. Terry from Yoder Septic Service Inc. for $3,650.00. (Sole Bidder)
Commissioner McDougald made the motion to award the bid for $3,650.00 to Yoder Septic Service Inc. for installation of a septic system for S. Terry. Commissioner Shelton seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment. There was no public comment. The motion passed 4-0.
- Matt Fuqua, Board Attorney opened and read aloud the sealed bids as follows:
Client / Chariot Construction / Ivey McClain Construction
Local Bidder
Shirley Holmes / $5,800.00 (Low Bid) / $6,500.00
Annie Carter / $5,500.00 / $5,500.00 (Low Bid/Local)
Mary Mosley / $5,600.00 / $5,500.00 (Low Bid)
Commissioner McDougald made the motion to award each project to the apparent low bidder with the tie being awarded to the local bidder. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment. There was no public comment. The motion passed 4-0.
OPEN/AWARD SEALED BIDS-WeatherizationProgram
- Matt Fuqua, Board Attorney opened and read aloud the sealed bids as follows:
Client / Gulf Coast Home Solutions, LLC
Bonnie Sulewski / $4,185.00
Dora Mosley / $4,115.00
Chris Castleberry / $3,985.00
Commissioner Shelton made the motion to award each project to the sole bidder, Gulf Coast Home Solutions, LLC. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment. There was no public comment. The motion passed 4-0.
Mr. Stone asked the Board to consider allowing Gulf Coast Home Solutions, LLC to be their sole choice for Weatherization projects. Mr. Stone stated based on his research it is legal for the County to contract with one service provider for all Weatherization projects. Mr. Stone further stated he cares about Calhoun County and noted most of his employees are Calhoun County residents. Mr. Stone also said he recently opened an office on Main Street. There was discussion among Board members and a request from the Board for the SHIP and Weatherization Coordinators to further investigate the possibility proposed by Mr. Stone.
Mr. Stanley gave the Board an update on four (4) County projects:
- CR 69 South – The contractor is currently placing lime rock for road widening. There are five(5) days remaining on the contract.
- CR 392 – The contractor is currently working on emergency box culvert repairs and cross drain extensions. There are 26 days remaining on the contract.
- Silas Green Street – No work has been completed. There are five (5) days remaining on the contract.
- Roy Golden/John F. Bailey Road – The contractor is working on concrete endwalls on Roy Golden Road. There are 24 days remaining on the contract.
At the last regular meeting Mr. Stanley advised the Board it may be necessary to extend the days on some of the contracts.
Mr. Stanley presented Change Order #3 on the CR 69 South project to extend the contract for 50 additional days and to increase the contract amount by $4,675.00 for concrete collars also stating there are grant funds available for the increase of $4,675.00.
Chairman Flowers made the motion to approve Change Order #3 as outlined by Mr. Stanley. Commissioner McDougald seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment. There was no public comment. The motion passed unanimously 4-0.
Mr. Stanley asked the Board to extend the contract on Silas Green Street by 50 additional days.
Commissioner McDougald made the motion to extend the contract on Silas Green Street by 50 days. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment. There was no public comment. The motion passed unanimously 4-0.
Mr. Stanley presented Change Order #1 on Roy Golden/John F. Bailey Road for an increase of $2,000 and ten (10) additional contract days.
Commissioner Shelton made the motion to approve Change Order #1 on Roy Golden/John F. Bailey Road as outlined by Mr. Stanley. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment. There was no public comment. The motion passed unanimously 4-0.
Mr. Stanley presented Change Order #1 for the Pine Island Water System Project; removal of the master meter from the contract for a reduction of $21,981 to bring the project within the grant funding amount.
Commissioner McDougald made the motion to approve Change Order #1, a reduction of $21,981 to the contract, for the Pine Island Water System Project. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment. There was no public comment. The motion passed unanimously 4-0.
Mr. Stanley recommended the Road Department replace the culverts on Silas Green Street prior to paving. The approximate cost for the materials is $2,200; materials to be paid from the Road Department Budget.
Commissioner Brown made the motion for the Road Department to replace the culverts on Silas Green Street prior to paving. Commissioner Shelton seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment. There was no public comment. The motion passed unanimously 4-0.
Mr. Stanley discussed emergency project on CR 392; a void was discovered under the box culvert and a change order was issued for filling the void with concrete. Mr. Stanley stated there is an additional problem caused by groundwater on both sides of the box culvert causing the wing wall to separate from the culvert. The cost to relieve the pressure behind the box culvert is estimated at $150,000. Although these repairs are necessary the Board, the Engineer, and the Director of Operations determined additional repairs to the box culvert on CR 392 could wait until the project is funded by FEMA. (Declared Disaster DR 4177)
Mr. Fleck informed the Board the IDA Board met last night; the new IDA Board Airport General Consultant AVCON, INC. attended the meeting. Mr. Fleck stated it was determined as part of the transition to AVCON, INC. URS Corporation will complete the following projects: the airport layout plan, hangar construction, and the final (October 2014) wetland monitoring at Atkins Park. Mr. Fleck further outlined that Preble-Rish will be responsible for the entrance road to the airport and AVCON, INC. will perform the taxiway design and all future capital improvement plans/projects.
Mr. Fleck gave the following project updates.
- Hangar construction continues; the steel is up on both hangars and the skin is being applied to one of the hangars and the project is anticipated to be completed in early December.
- Panhandle Construction is finished with the North Apron project.
Mr. Fleck presented to the Board for their approval and execution URS Corporation Amendment #1 to Supplemental Agreement # 4 for an increase of $10,000 for testing services at the Airport Apron Project by NOVA Engineering. Rain hampered the testing adding additional labor hours for testing due to smaller lot sizes being tested. Mr. Fleck stated the additional fee of $10,000 will be funded 100% by FAA.
Motion made by ChairmanFlowers to approve and execute Amendment #1 to Supplemental Agreement #4 as presented. Commissioner Shelton seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment. There was no public comment. The motion passed unanimously 4-0.
Mr. Fleck presented to the Board for their approval and execution Panhandle Construction, Inc. Change Order #3 for the North Apron project for a decrease of $22,684.87also increasing rain delay days to 82. Mr. Fleck explained the $22,684.87 would be set aside by FAA for future airport projects.
A motion was made by CommissionerMcDougald to approve and execute Change Order #3 as presented. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment. There was no public comment. The motion passed unanimously 4-0.
Ms. Smith informed the Board of the advertisement to receive sealed bids at the September 2, 2014 regular Meeting for the Hurricane Retrofit Project at Blountstown High School; the Board was provided with a copy of the advertisement. ($1.3 Million)
Ms. Smith presented to the Board for their approval and execution an agreement with Arcadis to conduct the grant administration for the Blountstown High School Hurricane Retrofit Project. (100% Grant Funded)
A motion was made by Commissioner Shelton to approve and execute the agreement with Arcadis for grant administration of the Blountstown High School Hurricane Retrofit Project. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment. There was no public comment. The motion passed unanimously 4-0.
Ms. Smith stated there were six (6) applicants for the GIS/Mapping and Addressing vacant position. The two (2) most qualified applicants were interviewed and a decision has been reached on which applicant would be offered the job with the Board’s approval; the chosen applicant already has all of the required Emergency Management Training. The Board agreed by consensus for the job offer to be extended to the most qualified applicant as recommendedby Ms. Smith and Mr. Wood and to allow them discretion to set the salary within the advertised salary range.
Ms. Smith asked the Board for their approval for Mr. Ronnie Stone to extend his employment for two additional weeks to help with orientation and training of the GIS/Mapping and Addressing newly hired employee.
Chairman Flowers made the motion to allow Mr. Stone to extend his employment for two additional weeks for training of the new employee. Commissioner Shelton seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment. There was no public comment. The motion passed unanimously 3-0. (Brown left at this time)
Recess at 6:53Reconvene at 7:02
Mr. Wood presented for the Board’s approval a request from the Sheriff for payment of invoices for school supplies totaling $2,942.16 from the Crime Prevention Fund.
Motion by Commissioner Shelton to pay the invoices as requested.
Second by Commissioner McDougald.
Chairman called for public comment. No public comment.
Motion passed unanimously 3-0
Mr. Wood presented for payment an invoice from Peavy and Sons for hot mix asphalt used to fix holes on Hwy 69 S on an emergency basis setting forth the need to set aside the procurement policy. Mr. Wood further explained there are only two local sources for hot mix asphalt and of the two only one had hot mix asphalt available.
Motion by Commissioner McDougald to declare the purchase as an emergency (sole source supplier) and pay the invoice to Peavy and Sons as presented.
Second by Commissioner Shelton
Chairman called for public comment
There was no public comment.
Motion passed unanimously 3-0
Chairman Flowers made the motion to purchase enough lime rock to complete J W Alexander Road, seven (7) loads, from the Road Department Budget. Commissioner Shelton seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment. There was no public comment. The motion passed unanimously 3-0.
Mr. Wood explained Ken Shepard is requesting the Board allow the Road Department to haul 15-20 loads of milling to the Ag Pavilion when milling becomes available noting Liberty County will spread the milling.
Motion by Commissioner McDougald to haul 16 loads of milling to the Tri County Agriculture Pavilion as requested by Mr. Shepard
Second by Commissioner Shelton.
Chairman called for public comment.
No public comment.
Motion passed unanimously
Mr. Wood informed the Board that Mr. Tim Jenks, Maintenance Supervisor, requested and received a quote for an automatic gate with opener at Sam Atkins Park for approximately $8,400. Mr. Wood asked the Board if they would like for Mr. Jenks to follow the procurement policy and get three (3) quotes. There was discussion about the annual cost of opening and closing the gates and it was noted the automatic gate with opener would be paid for in approximately one year from the cost savings. There was a general consensus by the Board for Mr. Jenks to obtain three quotes to present to the Board at a later meeting for their further consideration of the matter.
Mr. Wood informed the Board lightning damaged the scale at the Recycling Center and the approximate cost to repair is estimated at $21,000. Mr. Wood also stated an on-sight scale is required to operate the Recycling Center. Mr. Wood recommended the Board authorize an amendment to the 2013-2014 Small County Solid Waste Grant to allow the repair instead of the purchase of a forklift and move the purchase of a forklift to the 2014-2015 grant budget. Mr. Wood also asked the Board to set aside the procurement policy as an emergency and request quotes to repair the scale and have the repairs made.
Commissioner Shelton made the motion to amend the 2013-2014 Small County Solid Waste Grant for repairs to the scale at the Recycling Center and allow Mr. Wood to proceed with having the repairs made to the Scale by setting aside the procurement policy as an emergency. Commissioner McDougald seconded the motion. The Chairman called for public comment. There was no public comment. The motion passed unanimously 3-0.
The Clerk asked the Board if they would like to schedule a special meeting to further discuss the budget and the reductions necessary to balance the budget without using reserves. The Board directed the Clerk to place this item for discussion on the Board’s September 2, 2014 regular meeting.
The Clerk informed the Board it is time to renew the contract with Verizon for county employee cellular service also noting new telephones will be provided at no additional cost.
Motion by Commissioner Shelton to allow the Clerk to renew the contract with Verizon for county employee cellular service.
Second by Commissioner McDougald
Chairman called for public comment. No public comment.
Motion passed unanimously 3-0
The Clerk informed the Board there are no remaining funds available in the budget account titled “other current charges” 01513-51349.
The Attorney mentioned the property access agreement for monitoring wells at the Road Department and stated he reviewed the agreement and is presenting the agreement to the County for their approval and execution (with AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc.); the agreement is a requirement of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Petroleum Program.
Motion by Commissioner McDougald to approve and authorize the Chairman to execute the property access agreement with AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc.
Second by Commissioner Shelton
Chairman called for public comment. No public comment.