Calendar and Process

There are four major phases to the Consecrated Stewards process:

  1. DECISION PHASE: This is the time in which the congregation gathers information about the program and considers participation in the program. The length of time will vary by congregation depending upon the type of approval needed. This should take place as soon as possible, offering as much lead time as possible before the actual preparation and program phases.
  2. PREPARATION PHASE: This is a period of approximately four weeks prior to the congregational program phase. It is a time of prayer, preparation, and publicity for the program. It could be longer, but should not be shorter.
  3. PROGRAM PHASE: This is a period of four weeks of concentrated emphasis on stewardship education and commitment. Experience has shown this is the best length for such an emphasis. It should not be spread out over a longer period.
  4. FULFILLMENT PHASE: Capital Funding Service has always emphasized attention to follow up. This phase addresses issues of initial offering, evaluation of the program, and ongoing attention to stewardship education.

The chart on the next two pages shows the four phases and provides two columns of information:

The first column provides a linear calendar and indicates participation by the CFS Guest Leader. The calendar uses the base date of Consecration Sunday. All dates are shown in weeks either before Consecration Sunday (CS-3, etc.) or after Consecration Sunday (CS+2, etc.). Presence of the Guest Leader is indicated as follows:

# = Telephone support. Present at a meeting by speaker phone. The Guest Leader will also be in touch by phone at other informal times.

## = On site visit.

The second column describes particular events in the program. Since we require all congregations enrolled in Consecrated Stewards to purchase “New Consecration Sunday” materials as a core reference and resource, we have indicated in footnotes those places where the two calendars differ and have marked with an asterisk (*) those elements of the process where there are significant Consecrated Stewards program enhancements.






Initial expression of interest by Pastor or Stewardship Chair – Usually by phone

Pastor or Stewardship Chair orders Starter Kit
Guest Leader sends introductory Consecrated Stewards materials
ASAP # /

Initial Presentation to Council or Leaders*

Usually by speaker phone

Voters approval, if necessary

Pastor orders manuals and commitment cards
Pastor recruits committee
Guest Leader makes phone arrangements for Initial Committee Meeting


CS-8 ##
(or earlier) /

Initial Committee Meeting [1]

Plan for a two-hour meeting.[2]
CS-6 /

Sunday – Poster

Wednesday – Event plans are arranged
Wednesday – Newsletter article is ready
# /

Sunday – Bulletin Announcement

Wednesday (or other day) – Committee Meeting with Guest Leader Phone Support*
Friday – Materials ready
Financial Secretary Process ready
CS-4 /

Sunday – Posters and Bulletin

Monday – Letter #1 (Publicity)


CS-3 /


Bulletin Flyer*
Bible Study #1*
Sermon #1 (optional)*
Celebration of Ministry*
Stewardship Witness #1*
Program Announcement
Monday – Letter #2 (Invite to Leaders Lunch)
CS-2 /


Bulletin Flyer*
Bible Study #2*
Sermon #2 (Optional)*
Celebration of Ministry*
Stewardship Witness #2*
Program Announcement
Reservation Card Opportunity #1
Monday-Wednesday – Calls to RSVP on Leaders Lunch
Friday – Letter #3 (Final Publicity)
Saturday – Optional Workshop (CFS Consultants only)*
CS-1 ##
## /


Bulletin Flyer*
Bible Study #3*
Stewardship Sermon by Pastor
Celebration of Ministry*
Stewardship Witness #3*
Reservation Card Opportunity #2
Special Bible Study led by Guest Leader*
One Step Forward Process [3]
Leaders Luncheon & Call Assignments
Sunday-Wednesday – Confirmation of RSVP contacts with those not returning reservation cards
CS ##
## /


Bulletin Flyer*
Bible Study #4*
Sermon by Guest Leader
Celebration of Ministry
Stewardship Witness #4*
Commitment Process
Celebration Luncheon
Committee Follow Up Meeting
Monday – Letter #4 (To non-attenders)


CS+1 /

Celebration and Thanksgiving announcement

Monday – Letter #5 (Thank you letter)
CS+2 /

First Offering Sunday*

CS+3 /

Wednesday?? (Could be anytime)

Phone support wrap up meeting with committee*

[1] The “New Consecration Sunday” Program schedules this at CS-6.

[2] “New Consecration Sunday” calls for a one-hour meeting.

[3] “New Consecration Sunday” now schedules this at CS-2.