DaviotDunlichity Church

February 2017

Dear Friends

As you may know already, the Presbytery of Inverness & Nairn has been conducting a planning review of all its congregations. It realises that things have changed over the generations and what suited once does not always suit now. They also recognise that there is a shortage of ministers in the whole of Scotland, not just in our Presbytery. In our Presbytery there are three vacancies at present – ourselves, DoresBoleskine, and Dalneigh & Bona. The other two congregations have their own problems to address.

At a Presbytery conference on 21 January, the planning committee presented its draft plan. However,we were all assured that what the planning committee has proposed in its draft plan,is not set in tablets of stone.

We, at DaviotDunlichity, had already been tasked to dispose of the present manse, and provide ourselves with another which would conformwith Church of Scotland guidelines for what is required, before we could call another minister. A lot of work has been done to progress this, and an application will have gone into Highland Council for two houses on the site of the old manse, by Monday 6 February. If that is passed, then we will be able to sell one house to pay for the second, we hope.

So, at the conference, the draft plan was published, and unfortunately, it held no surprises. First of all, it was suggested that we were to change the linkage with Moy, Dalarossie and Tomatin, to a union of the two parishes. Secondly, we have to close Dunlichity Church. And thirdly, when a new minister is called, he/she will be called on the basis of reviewable tenure – though for how long is not specified. But the planning committee convenor kept reiterating on 21 January that nothing is in tablets of stone.

That was just two weeks ago. In the interim, our Interim Moderator, Rev Archer, has received an email which informed her that a proposal would be put to the Presbytery at their meeting in March, that the two congregations of DaviotDunlichity and Moy, DalarossieTomatinare to unite to form one charge, and that Dunlichity Church (and Dalarossie church) is to close. Presbytery has the last word. A member of the congregation may speak at the meeting if the congregation disagrees with any of the proposals. This is why I am writing. To be able to speak for the congregation, whoever is there, must know what the congregation and the community think. So please respond to this letter.

We have to be able to answer:

Do we want to become a union with Moy, DalarossieTomatin?

There are advantages – one Session – more people to work on our behalf; joint assets – more to work with; less meetings for a prospective minister to have to deal with; less miles he/she has to deal with; the groups we have already established would be able to work effectively?

On the other hand, the parish would be extraordinarily large; what is appropriate for one part – say Farr, would not suit another part, say Coighnafearn. Our parish at DaviotDunlichity already stretches from Dunmaglass to Leannach, W to E, and N to nearly Milton of Leys, and S to Moy. So already, the parish of DaviotDunlichity is large. If we add Moy, DalarossieTomatin, it becomes extremely large.

However, a minister would have to deal with the whole area whether it was a link as now, or a union – so would it be better as one parish with one set of meetings, or are we too different?

We also have to answer whether we want to dispose of Dunlichity Church.

Dunlichity was actually the original part of the link between DaviotDunlichity. The first church was established here, we believe, in the year 575, and was dedicated to St Finan. The building there presently is the third on the site and dates from 1759 – so in a couple of years it will be the 260th anniversary of this church on this site. However, it is 1442 years since the first church was established here, and actually next year, 2018, will be 400thanniversary of the link between DaviotDunlichity – one of the first in Scotland. Should that not be celebrated?

If there was a way to retain the church in the community, with the opportunity for us to have services there, would you be supportive of it. Could you see it being a community asset? Could we have even more ecumenical services here to the benefit of the whole community?

We are faced with difficult times ahead, but in order to represent the congregation faithfully, the Session of DaviotDunlichity Church needs to know what the community thinks. Our time is limited, which is why we have written this letter and we need to know your views by the end of February at the latest. So please answer the questions below and send them to me at my new address:

Mrs Kathleen Matheson



Inverness IV2 6EU

Or email me at:


  1. Do you believe that DaviotDunlichity should be united with Moy, DalarossieTomatin as one parish – say as StrathnairnStrathdearn?–Yes? – or should we remain as a linked parish, with separate Sessions and other work committees - No? (Please answer yes for the union, or no to remain a linked parish)
  2. Should Dunlichity Church be retained: a) as part of the parish of DaviotDunlichity; or b) as a community asset to be used by many groups in the community, as well as by DaviotDunlichity Church for services of worship?

Please answer either a) or b)

Thank you for reading this, and I hope to hear from you.

Kathleen Matheson