Form CFI 30

Rule 302

Application for deputisation of Judgment of ADGM Courts

Case Details
Court* / [#Civil Division #Employment Division #Small Claims Division #Court of Appeal]
Case number*
Title of Proceedings
[First] Claimant* / [full name]
[Second Claimant] [number of Claimants (if more than two)] / [#full name #number]
[First] Defendant* / [full name]
[Second Defendant] [number of Defendants (if more than two)] / [#full name #number]
Party seeking deputisation of Judgment
Filed for* / [name, e.g. Claimant]
Legal representative / [name]
Firm / [name of firm]
Firm reference / [reference number]
Contact name* / [name]
Contact telephone* / [telephone]
Contact email* / [email address]
Details of Judgment to be deputised
Date made or given* / [insert date]
Judgment* / [attach a copy of the judgment or, if applicable, the order of the Court recognising an arbitral award, affixed with the executory formula, and a copy translated into Arabic by a legal translator][1]
Amount outstanding under judgment*
Judgment sum / [insert the amount of judgment sum]
Recovery under judgment / [insert the amount of judgment sum recovered to date of application and the date(s) of recovery]
Judgment sum outstanding / [insert the amount of judgment sum outstanding at date of application]
Details of interest
Judgment sum / [insert the judgment sum on which interest is claimed]
Rate(s) of interest / [insert the rate or applicable rates of interest applied during the period in which it has accrued]
Period of interest / [insert date range over which interest has accrued]
Amount of interest / [insert the amount of the interest claimed on the judgment sum]
Details of service*
[attach a copy of the notice sent to the judgment debtor serving the judgment]
Enforcement action*
[state the measures or actions sought for enforcement e.g. attachment of bank accounts]
Pending enforcement action
[provide details of any other procedure or enforcment action that is pending in any other jurisdiction]
Verification*(complete as applicable)
I am a Litigant in person
I certify that the details I have provided in this application are true and correct and that to my knowledge there is no application or other procedure for enforcement pending except as stated herein. I understand that the making of a false statement in this claim may lead to serious consequences, including being held in contempt of court.
Signature / ______
Date of signing / ______
I am the legal representative of the judgment creditor(s)
I certify that the details I have provided in this application are true and correct and that to my knowledge there is no application or other procedure for enforcement pending except as stated herein. I understand that the making of a false statement in this claim may lead to serious consequence, including being held in contempt of court.
Signature / ______
Date of signing / ______

CFI 301

[1]“The authorities and competent bodies must proceed to execute this instrument and to carry out the requirements thereof, and they must give assistance in the execution thereof even by force if so requested.”