NUTR 35.210LAB 4
OBJECTIVE:To assess and evaluate vitamin/mineral status to determine the safety and necessity of using supplements.
For this lab, you will focus on vitamin and mineral deficiencies and toxicities.For each assessment category (ABCDE) you will complete an assessment. Once you have gathered all your data, you will decide if you are in danger of any deficiencies or toxicities and make a plan to either increase or decrease intake, depending on your findings.
To perform a full nutrition assessment, you want to gather as much information as possible about a person’s nutritional health.The ABCDE method stands for:
Calculate % usual body weight using the following formula:
%UBW = (100 x Actual Weight)/Usual body weight
Biochemical: For this you will measure your blood pressure in class as an indication of sodium, magnesium, and potassium status.Record blood pressure in raw data table.
Clinical:Use the Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies and Toxicities: Clinical Assessment Chart to identify any clinical signs of vitamin or mineral deficiency or toxicity.
Dietary:Use your two-day day food diary to analyze intake of nutrients.Instructions for entering dietary data into the computer program to analyze your diet are as follows:
- Go to
- Create a profile using your information.
- Click on Track Food &Activity- a drop down will appear.
- Once in the Super Tracker you will enter all the foods you ate.Record everything you ate, and be sure to be as accurate as possible. DO NOT forget to include all liquids- portions count here too.
- By the “Related Links” tab you can choose “Nutrient Intake Report”. Run the report and export this as a word document then PRINT 1 copy of the Nutrient Intake report.
Environment:Identify environmental factors that can influence vitamin and mineral status like financial barriers, living situations, jobs, etc.that would impact what food you can purchase.
Lab report (Please type the final report)
Your introduction should include a short title for this lab.
You also need a discussion of why this lab is important, what you hope to learn from it, and what the information gathered can be used for.
Materials and Procedures:
This section should include a list of any materials or supplies you used to complete this lab.
You also need to include a step by step description of what you did during this lab.
Results and Analysis:
Please include,
Raw data table - make sure you create a descriptive title for you raw data table
Raw data: two-day food journal
Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies and Toxicities: Clinical Assessment sheet
Yournutrient analysis report that analyzes your dietary data (from
Create a table that includes TOTAL intake (from food and supplements) for all vitamins and minerals listed in the nutrient analysis report.
Use the ABCDE method to summarize your findings about your nutrition status. Make sure to discuss whether any suspected deficiencies or toxicities put you at a health risk.If so, discuss how you can reduce health risks.
Conclusions Part 2:
Using thetable you created in the Conclusions, add another column titled “supplements”. In this column, enter the nutrition information from the back of the bottle of any micronutrients supplements you take. If you do not take any supplements, find a multivitamin and mineral supplement (you can search online, or borrow a friend’s bottle) and add the nutrition information for all the micronutrients that are on your table. Now create one more row that adds your usual intake with your supplemental intake. Do you think most Americans need to take supplements?
Raw data table:
Anthropometric/ Biochemical:
Please create a title for this raw data table:
Variable / ValueWeight from last week (lbs)
Weight from this weekweek (lbs)
Blood pressure (systolic) mmHg
Blood pressure (diastolic) mmHg
Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies and Toxicities: Clinical Assessment Chart (CIRCLE ANY THAT APPLY TO YOU)
Vitamin/ Mineral / Physical Signs of Deficiency / Physical Signs of ToxicityVitamin A / Hair follicle blockage with a permanent “goose-bump” appearance
Dry, rough, skin
Small, grayish, foamy deposits on the conjunctiva adjacent to the cornea
Drying of the eyes and mucous membranes
Night blindness / Bone pain
Vitamin K / Small hemorrhages in the skin or mucous membranes / None known
Thiamine / Unexplained weight loss
Muscular wasting
Sometimes edema
Malaise or fatigue
Tense calf muscles
Distended neck veins
Jerky movement of eyes
Difficulty walking
Round, swollen (moon) face / None known
Riboflavin / Tearing, burning, and itching of the eyes with fissuring in the corners of the eyes
Soreness and burning of the lips, mouth, and tongue with fissuring and/or cracking of the lips and corners of the mouth
Purple swollen tongue
Capillary overgrowth around the corneas / Bright yellow urine
Niacin / Dermatitis or skin eruptions
Sore tongue
Diarrhea / Flushing, nausea, vomiting
Vitamin B6 / Tongue inflammation
Inflammation of the lining of the mouth
Fissures in the corners of the mouth / Tingling in hands
Folate / Weakness, fatigue, and depression
Pallor/pale skin
Skin lesions / None known
Vitamin B12 / Lemon-yellow tint to the skin and eyes
Smooth, red, thickened tongue / None known
Vitamin C / Impaired wound healing
Swollen, bleeding, and/or retracted gums or tooth loss; mottled teeth; enamel erosion
Lethargy and fatigue
Skin lesions
Small red or purplish pinpoint discolorations on the skin or mucous membranes (petechiae)
Darkened skin around the hair follicles / Nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps
Magnesium / Tremors, muscle spasms, and tetany
Personality changes / Diarrhea, cramps, nausea
Iron / Skin pallor
Pale conjuctivia
Thin, concave nails with raised edges
Pica (ice chewing) / Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation
Zinc / Delayed wound healing
Hair loss
Skin lesions
Eye lesions / Nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, impaired immune function
Sodium / Rare / Hypertension
Selenium / None known / Brittle hair and nails, skin rash, garlic breath odor, fatigue
Instructor Signature______
Excellent (3 pts) / Good (2 pts) / Adequate (1 pts) / Needs Work (0.5 pt) / Not attempted (0)Introduction / Includes the question or purpose to be answered by the lab, states the reason why this is important
and has a short, relevant title. / One of the "excellent" conditions is not met, two conditions met / Two of the "excellent" conditions is not met, one is met / Introduction present, no exemplary conditions met
Materials and Procedures / Description or step-by-step process is included, could be repeated by another scientist / Description included, some steps are vague or unclear / The description gives generalities, enough for reader to understand how the lab was conducted / Would be difficult to repeat, reader must guess at how the data was gathered or lab was conducted
Results and Analysis / Results and data are clearly recorded, organized so it is easy for the reader to see trends. All appropriate labels are included / Results are clear and labeled, trends are not obvious or there are minor errors in organization / Results are unclear, missing labels, trends are not obvious, disorganized, there is enough data to show the experiment was conducted / Results are disorganized or poorly recorded, do not make sense; not enough data was taken
Conclusions / 1. Summarizes data used to draw conclusions
2. Conclusions follow data (not wild guesses or leaps of logic),
3. Discusses applications or real world connections / 2 of 3 of the "excellent" conditions is met / 1 of 3 of the "excellent" conditions is met / Conclusion section is present but no conditions are met
Conclusions part 2 / Answers all additional questions required correctly. / Answers 2 or 3 additional questions correctly. / Answers 1 of 3 additional questions correctly. / Attempts to answer questions but none are correct.