Staff Equality Support Groups
Why not join today!
Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust is committed to championing staff support groups.
What are Staff Support Groups?
The primary aim of staffsupport group (SSG) is to provide an effective forum in which skills, knowledge and experience can be developed and shared in a safe and learning environment between staff who share a protected characteristic,championor who areallied withthat group. SSG’s also work in partnership with the Trust Equality and Human Rights team to ensure positive outcomes are achieved that meet our continuous agenda to ensure equality for all.
SSG form an important part of the consultative process across a wide range of workplace issues. Staff support groups are independent of HR, are led by interested members of staff, and seek to provide information and support to colleagues who might appreciate an informal, confidential, peer-run environment.
What groups can I join?
We currently have five Staff Support Groups:
•Black & Minority Ethnic (BME) Staff group
•Carer’s Staff Group
•Disability Staff Group
•Interfaith Staff Forum
•Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) Staff Network
Who can join?
Staff Networks are open to all staff, of all grades.
The groups tend to meet over lunch time or at a time to maximize attendance to avoid clashes with work commitments. They have the support of the Trust management team which is embedded in the Staff Support Group Guidelines which is available on E-source.
How can I join a staff support group or groups?
Details on how to join any of the Staff Support groups are available overleaf. You can also find a link to the confidential registration process on the staff support group home page here.
Staff Support Group
Confidential Registration Form
Membership is freely available to allLPT staff.
Information provided will only be used by the selectedstaff support groups committeeto communicate and maintain records of membership. Information will be stored securely and only available to the respective support group.
Please tick the staff support group/s you would like to join in the box next to the respectivelogos below. You will automatically be asked to register onto the Trust E-forum for each of the groups you have elected. If you do not wish to be registered on the E-forum please tick this box
Interfaith Forum / / Disabled/ / Carers
/ / LGBT
/ / BME
We currently have no staff groups for the following equality strands. If you would like to know more about setting up any of these groups please tick any of the boxes that apply
Age / / Gender /About You
Please tick boxes that apply
First Name / DivisionSurname / Section
Mobile Number / Email
Preferred method of communication
Phone / Post / E-mail
Txt / Twitter / Other Please give details below
Sign here / Date
What happened next?
You will be added to the staff support group mailing list and kept informed of meetings and associated activity. Keep a look out for news on the staff support group e source pages and updated on the e forum once your registration has been completed.
Please e-mail completed forms to
Alternatively it can beposted (Marked Private and Confidential):FAO Vyv Wilkins Equality Team Lakeside House, 4 Smith Way, Grove Park Leicester, LE19 1SS.
THANKYOU for your support!