CAE MOCK Nº 2 – Paper 3 (Use of English)
Parts 1 - 3put something to (good) use: to use something such as knowledge or skills for a particular purpose: a job where her management skills can be put to good use.
likewise: in the same way[=similarly]: Nanny put on a shawl and told the girls to do likewise.
follow: to be true as a result of something else that is true: It doesn't necessarily follow that you're going to do well academically even if you're highly intelligent.
comply (with): to do what you have to do or are asked to do: Failure to comply with the regulations will result in prosecution.
coarse: (adj) rough. A jacket of coarse wool.
crude: 1 not exact or without any detail, but generally correct and useful[↪approximate]: a crude estimate of the population available for work. 2 not developed to a high standard, or made with little skill: a crude wooden bridge
3 offensive or rude, especially in a sexual way[=vulgar]: crude pictures
displacement: when a group of people or animals are forced to leave the place where they usually live.
welcoming: 1 someone who is welcoming is friendly when you arrive in a place: Everyone was very welcoming.
2 a welcoming place is pleasant and makes you feel relaxed: a restaurant with a welcoming atmosphere
reassuring: making you feel less worried or frightened: a reassuring smile
set fire to something/set something on fire: deliberately make something start burning.
opinionated: expressing very strong opinions about things: I found him very arrogant and opinionated.
fairness: the quality of being fair.
1) not covered or blocked by anything that stops you from doing or seeing what you want: The roads were fairly clear this
morning. The emergency exit should be kept clear at all times.
2) be clear of something: to not be touching something, or to be past someone or something: Wait to cross until the
street is clear of cars.
3) without any planned activities or events: Next Monday is clear; how about 10 o'clock?
4) easy to understand; impossible to doubt.
5) lean and fresh, without clouds or mist: a clear June morning
6) healthy, very pure in colour, and without any redness: clear blue eyes
7) (skin) smooth and without any red spots: a clear complexion
1) to form or give an opinion about someone or something after thinking carefully about all the information you know
about them: The therapistjudged thatMargaret had made a serious attempt to kill herself.
2) to decide on the result of a competition: I had the difficult task of judging the competition.
1) to play against another person or team in a competition, or to fight another army in a war: Manchester United will
meet Blackburn Rovers in the sixth round of the Cup.
2) if two things meet, they touch or join at a particular place: The two roads meet just north of Flagstaff.
3) to experience a problem, attitude, or situation[=encounter,come across]: Wherever she went she met hostility and
4) meet a need/demand/requirement/condition etc: to do something that someone wants, needs, or expects you to do or
be as good as they need, expect etc: The company says it is unable to meet the workers' demands for higher wages.
5) meet a deadline: to finish something at the time it is meant to be finished: We are still hoping to meet the deadline.
6)meet a goal/target etc: to achieve something that you are trying to achieve: It's impossible to meet the sales targets.
7) meet a debt/cost/expense etc: to make a payment that needs to be made: The government has promised to meet the
cost of clearing up after the floods.
1) in/within the space of something: within a particular period of time: Mandy had four children in the space of four
2)a short space of time: a short period of time: They achieved a lot in a short space of time.
3) the freedom to do what you want or do things on your own, especially in a relationship with someone else: We give
each other space in our marriage.
4) open space, green space, parking space
1) help, such as money or food, given by an organization or government to a country or to people who are in a difficult
situation: Foreign aid from many countries poured into the famine area.
2) with/without the aid of something: help that you need to do a particular thing: Father Poole walked painfully, with the
aid of a stick.
3) in aid of something: in order to help a charity: We're collecting money in aid of cancer research.
4) come/go to somebody's aid(=help someone) I didn't speak any French, but a nice man came to my aid.
If + subject + past perfect // subject + would/could/might /should + have + past participleIf he had known that, he would have decided differently. (But he didn't know about that)
We could have stayed if there hadn’t been so many people. (But we didn’t; it was too crowded).
name: the opinion that people have about a person or organization[=reputation]: The restaurant got a bad name for slow service.
make your name/make a name for yourself(=become famous for something) He quickly made a name for himself in the Parisian art world.
clear your name(=prove that you did not do something bad or illegal)
to- infinitive forms
to + verb
not to + verb
to have + verb (past participle)
not to have + verb (past participle)
CAE MOCK Nº 2 – Paper 1 (Reading)
Part 1
dread (n) : a strong fear of something that is going to happen or may happen: The dread of losing those we love.
dispel (v): to make something go away, especially a belief, idea, or feeling: We want to dispel the myth that you cannot eat well in Britain.
gabble (v): to say something so quickly that people cannot hear you clearly or understand you properly: Just calm down, stop gabbling, and tell me what has happened.
engaging (adj): pleasant and attracting your interest: an engaging smile.
Part 4: Offshore vestments
drape (v): to put something somewhere so that it hangs or lies loosely: He took off his coat and draped it over a chair.
baggy (adj): baggy clothes are big and do not fit tightly on your body [≠tight]: She was wearing jeans and a baggy T-shirt.
deter (v): to stop someone from doing something, by making them realize it will be difficult or have bad results: The company's financial difficulties have deterred potential investors. The security camera was installed to deter people from stealing.
soar (v): to increase quickly to a high level: The price of petrol has soared in recent weeks.
retail (n): the sale of goods in shops to customers, for their own use and not for selling to anyone else [↪wholesale]: a manager with twenty years' experience in the retail business
staple (n): the main product that is produced in a country: Bananas and sugar are the staples of Jamaica.
crop up (v): 1. if a problem crops up, it happens or appears suddenly and in an unexpected way [=arise] 2. If something such as a name or a subject crops up, it appears in something you read or hear [=come up]: Your name kept cropping up in conversation.
dinghy (n): BEC a small open boat used for pleasure, or for taking people between a ship and the shore
pursuit (n): formal an activity such as a sport or hobby, which you spend a lot of time doing: pursuits such as swimming and tennis
be ripe for sth: to be ready for a change to happen, especially when it should have happened sooner: The police forces are ripe for reform.
fleece (n): an artificial soft material used to make warm jackets.
breathable (adj): clothing that is breathable allows air to pass through it easily.
rejoice (v): to feel or show that you are very happy: His family rejoiced at/in/over the news.
besotted: to love or want someone or something so much that you cannot think or behave sensibly: He's completely besotted with her.
trendy (adj): influenced by the most fashionable styles and ideas: Trendy clothes.
at/from the outset: at or from the beginning of an event or process : It was clear from the outset that there were going to be problems.
hitherto (adv): up to this time: a species of fish hitherto unknown in the West.
lining (n): a piece of material that covers the inside of something, especially a piece of clothing [↪lined]: a jacket with a silk lining.
keep pace (with sth/sb): to change or increase as fast as something else, or to move as fast as someone else: Salaries have not always kept pace with inflation.
CAE MOCK Nº 2 – Paper 2 (Writing)
- Make sure you include all the ideas in the notes.
- Expand on the information
- Do not copy the words from the task (lifting).
A) Vocabulary & prepositions: Correct the errors in vocabulary.
1. We use to have something to drink at the coffee bar.
2. You can watch great titles before they appear on cinemas.
3. The club is organised by the college drama teachers.
4. This theatre data from the nineteenth century.
5. Entry prices are very cheap.
6. Everybody can assist to our conferences.
7. Many popular people have come to our club, including Quentin Tarantino and Al Pacino.
8. You can order the films through the internet.
B) Grammar and verb tenses: Find and correct the errors.
a. Take a look at the praised College Film Club, that is said to be the best college club in town. (1 error)
b. You can have a coffee at the bar, which is opened until late, so is a a great way of making friends. (3 errors)
c. There is usually more than three copies of each film. (1 error)
d. Julia Roberts and Steven Spielberg are some of the celebrities who were in the club last months. (2 errors)
e. Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola and Wes Anderson are some personalities that offered unforgettable talks, just
to mention a few. (3 errors)
C) Spelling: Write down the words that your teacher will dictate.
No te contesté antes porque estuve bastante ocupada este fin de semana. Acá van algunas opciones más para agregar a los sábados (son medio rebuscadas y tal vez no te sirvan mucho, pero es algo más):
- Este miércoles 2-7 me cancelaron una clase y podría ir a tu casa a las 13.00 o 13.15 hs más o menos (no más tardeporque tengo clases en Leaders).
-El jueves 3-7 podríamos hacer lo mismo.
- El martes 8-7 podemos tener una clase a las 16.15 hs en tu casa.
- En la primera semana de vacaciones podemos ampliar el horario.
- La opción original era sábados a las8.15hs en mi casa.Esa queda en pie.
No te contesté antes porque estuve bastante ocupada este fin de semana. Acá van algunas opciones más para agregar a los sábados (son medio rebuscadas y tal vez no te sirvan mucho, pero es algo más):
- Este miércoles 2-7 me cancelaron una clase y podría ir a tu casa a las 13.00 o 13.15 hs más o menos (no más tardeporque tengo clases en Leaders).
-El jueves 3-7 podríamos hacer lo mismo.
- El martes 8-7 podemos tener una clase a las 16.15 hs en tu casa.
- En la primera semana de vacaciones podemos ampliar el horario.
- La opción original era sábados a las8.15hs en mi casa.Esa queda en pie.