Tactical Operations Command: Rank Structure / 2015
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Cadet Rank Structure
101. TacOps Rank
Gaining rank in any unit is an honor. Retaining that rank requires constant and strict attention to the duties that go with it. Tasks must be accepted and completed promptly and thoroughly. The most important factor in advancement or promotion is personal example. Rank comes with an expected level of maturity and responsibility. You will lose rank if you do not uphold these requirements and expectations.
102. General Advancement
Advancements in TacOps will be based on demonstrated performance in the areas outlined by TacOps R-2, and by recommendations from Command and Cadet Staff. Promotion to officer ranks will be at the discretion of Senior Director Waninger, with input from current cadet staff. Leadership skill and potential, maturity, initiative, management skill, dedication, and level of respect are also considered by the Command Staff for promotions and advancements.
All new TacOps members start as Cadet Trooper. Time in unit and other eligibility requirements may be temporarily waived by Senior Director Waninger and the Command Staff, for cadets in leadership positions.Precedence will be by rank and then by grade (i.e. a Freshman Corporal over a SophomoreTrooper).
103. Demotion
Demotion of rank will take place at the discretion of the Command Staff for a variety of infractions. Examples include; neglect of responsibilities, failure to maintain uniform standards, disrespectful behavior, actions/behaviors that do not meet the values and ideals of TacOps, etc. The Command Staff will set conditions for future eligibility at their discretion upon demotion.
104. Unit Organization
At full strength, TacOps is organized as a military company. The company is usually divided into four platoons, each typically with three squads. The number of squads and platoons will vary based on the number of active TacOps cadets. The effective Chain of Command can be found in the current version of TacOps R-1C.
105. Command Staff
The Command Staff is the senior administrative and governing body of the Tactical Operations Command. The Command Staff is made up of the Deputy Directors and led by Senior Director Waninger. It is the goal of TacOps that cadets will run the unit, under the guidance of the Command Staff. However, cadets must remember that their decisions are always, ultimately, a recommendation to the Command Staff.
106. Cadet Staff
Cadet staff is the senior body of the TacOps company. Cadet staff is made up of the most senior cadet officers in the Chain of Command. This usually includes (in order of precedence) the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, Command Liaison, Operations Officer, Administrative Officer, Training Officer, Supply Officer, the Master at Arms, and the Deputy Training Officer. The Cadet Staff must serve as proper examples to the rest of the unit, report all offenses to the Command Staff, and carry out all duties assigned to their rank and position.
107. Support Staff
Support Staff are positions that provide assistance to the Cadet Staff to fully and effectively carry out the duties and requirements of the Tactical Operations Command as a whole. Although important to the successful operation of the unit, support staff are officers of the department they report to (Ops, Admin, etc) and are therefore not usually officer ranked positions. Generally the support staff will include; Academic Officer, Assistant Admin, Public Affairs Officer, Awards Officer, Physical Training Officer, Assistant Supply Officer, Store Quartermaster, and Platoon Safetys/Safety Officers.
108. Specialty Commands
One of the purposes of the Tactical Operations Command is to provide for additional leadership positions and responsibility through the use of specialty commands or teams. These commands, or teams, will fluctuate based on the interest, ability, and size of the unit each year. Typically, a specialty command or team will be led by a Cadet Lieutenant, and directly report to a member of Cadet Staff. Specialty commands may include; Platoon Commanders, CPR Training Center President, Color Guard Commander, and Marksmanship Team Commander.
109. Event Captains
Event Captains are appointed for major special events where more coordination than usual is needed both before and during the event, or when circumstances require the absence of the Senior Director from an event. Cadets appointed to these positions will act as liaison between the event’s host organization and Senior Director Waninger before the event, and serve as the ranking operations officer during the event. Event Captains will be appointed as needed at the discretion of Senior Director Waninger and will be responsible for all members attending the event and for the successful pick-up of all members present.
110. Probations and Rank
Those cadets on Director’s or Academic probation may be withheld from advancement in rank if they fail to rectify their probation. Continuously being placed on Academic and/or Director’s probation is not in standing with the ideals and values of the Tactical Operations Command. Continual violations that result in probations may lead to cadets being suspended from, or relieved of, rank or positions, suspended from the unit, or dismissed from the unit. Cadets may also need to appear before the Academic Review Board in such circumstances.
111. Cadet Ranks
Cadets are given rank as a sign of promotion and accomplishment. With rank, comes certain expectations, responsibilities, and required levels of respect from other cadets in the unit. All cadets need to remember that TacOps ranks hold meaning because of the environment of discipline and structure created by TacOps andSenior Director Waninger. Flaunting or attempting to over indulge on the importance of rank is not in standing with TacOps ideals, however failure to acknowledge rank and its importance is equally faulty. TacOps ranks are, in order of precedence:
Cadet Major (c/MAJ)Cadet Sergeant (c/Sgt)
Cadet Captain (c/CPT)Cadet Corporal (c/Cpl)
Cadet Lieutenant (c/LT)Cadet Lance Corporal (c/LCpl)
Cadet Master Sergeant (c/MSgt)Cadet Trooper First Class (c/TFC)
Cadet Staff Sergeant (c/SSgt)Cadet Trooper (c/Trpr)