CADD 121 CAD for Land Surveyors

Credits: 3

Instructors:Nitin Bhakta PE, Tom Hannum PE


Phone:Tom 775-738-8058

Nitin 775-738-8058

Catalog Description

Students will learn how to use of computer-aided-drafting (CAD) software to

create survey plats, and topographic maps. The first ten weeks of instruction will

focus on learning basic CAD commands. The remaining five weeks will focus on

the production of typical survey plats and topographic maps.

Course Outline

First 10 weeks of instruction

Drawing setup and using a Engineers & Architectural scale

AutoCAD basics, Using units of measurement and drawing limits.

Drawing aids: Line, Construction line, Polygon, Circle, Arc, Ellipse & Fillet.

Printing / Plotting, file storage and retrieval

Absolute and relative coordinates system, WCS and UCS.

Modify and erase functions: Erase, Move, Copy, Undo, Redo, Trim, Extend,

Lengthen, Chamfer, Scale, Offset, Mirror, Break, Rotate and Stretch.

Layers: On, Off & Freezing layers

Linetype: Continuous, Center, Hidden, & Special linetypes (gas, water, tele, etc.)

Multi-line, Polyline, Divide, Array, Text, Mtext

Dimension and Hatch.

Object Selection: Pick, Grips, Window select, Grid, Snap, Osnap and Ortho.

Display features: Zoom, Redraw, Regen

Inquiry functions: Measure, Distance, List & Properties.

Insert Block Commands

Dimensioning and labeling

Last five weeks

Importing points

Editing points

Placing bearing and distance on lines

Generating a surface model

Editing and Printing the Triangle Mesh (TIN)

Generating Contour Lines

Labeling Contour Lines

Produce a topographic map given an input file of points.

Produce a survey plat provided as ‘best practice’

by the Nevada Association of Land Surveyors.


We will not have a text book for this class.

Learning Outcomes

1. Import measured points from field survey.

2. Set up and scale the drawing to accept the imported survey measurements.

3. Use common CAD commands to create a survey drawing.

4. Create a surface model from an input file of measured survey points.

5. Edit the triangle mesh contained in the surface model.

6. Use the surface model to create contour lines.

7. Label the contour lines.

8. Implement “elements of best practice’ in the creation of survey plats and maps.

Measurement of Outcomes:

Achievement of the course learning outcomes will be evaluated with short course

projects, survey plats, and topographic maps created by each student with

computer-aided-drafting software.

Method of Instruction

Maximum flexibility should be maintained and encouraged in the development of

this course. It is anticipated that the first offering will be a live classroom format.

The course will be developed around a number of course projects each

containing a performance requirement of the student which may be completed

outside of class utilizing the CAD Software available to the student. Careful

development around this format should allow the course to eventually be offered

as an Internet or LiveNet Course.


Grading will be based on:

50% Course Projects

20% Survey Plats, Topographic Maps

30% Final Exam

Grading will be based on the following breakpoints:

A - 90-100%

B - 80-89%

C - 70-79%

D - 60-69%

F - <60%

Not a Contract:

This document does not in any way represent a contract. It is only a summary of

how the instructor expects the course to proceed. The instructor may make

reasonable changes to the course at any time.