FALL SESSION: MONDAY, SEP 11, 2017 –DEC 8, 2017

PLEASE NOTE:NO CLASSESVeteran's Day: Fri.11/10, Thanksgiving Holiday: 11/22,23,24

Classes are provided to our students by the “Panther Partners of CCMS” through donations and fundraising events.

Your donation of ONLY $10 PER HOUR of class time, for the majority of the classes, or whatever you are able to contribute, is vital for us to fund these classes, which are solely dependent on your contributions to pay teacher salaries. If you are unable to contribute, your child’s registration will still be honored. Payment of materials fees is required. Please note: Each class has a minimum number of paying students required & if that number is not met by the second week, the class may be cancelled.


A fun and interactive class, that will lead students to acquire the skills and knowledge of American Sign Language. Topics will include: ASL vocabulary, fingerspelling, Deaf history, Deaf culture, numbers and phrases.


In my class we will be drawing, sketching in nature, painting, making collages, using different mediums like pastels and water colors in mixed media art creations. There will be the chance to make your own stationary, create a personal logo & signature, jewelry, pillow art, fine art that can be framed, and more. Most weeks classes there will be a choice of projects and crafts. This is your class, so if there is something you would like to learn, I am always open to suggestions and will work them into my lesson plan if at all possible!


This class is for those who want to learn how to play chess, learn new openings, learn strategies, and most of all those who want to play chess with their friends. We will also have timed games and competitive matches.


Explore different aspects of photography each week. Learn to shoot better pictures, download photos and manipulate them using

Photoshop. Bring a digital camera, an empty memory card, and fresh

battery. If possible students shouldalso bring a memory stick (flash drive) to class to store their photo projects.Each student will have their own Photoshop station to work at. Our photography class may take off campus photo walks within a few blocks of CCMSon some of the dates listed (depending on topics of interest to students and weather). Permission is needed foranyoff-campus activity and your student may not participate in off campus activity without this signed permission slip returned to CCMS.Signed Permission slip MUST be turned in by the 2nd class 9/20


Join us and experiment with many different art forms, styles and techniques. Develop new skills and create your own works in pencil drawing, watercolor, acrylic, pen & ink, colored pencil, pastel & charcoal, as well as fabric, foundobjects, papers and glue for collage and sculpture. We will

also explore illustration, life drawing, graphic design, comic book art, abstraction, mixedmedia, the work and lives of artists and much more. New projects each session. All ability levels welcome. Have fun and be an artist!


Learn and refine your drawing and painting techniques. Experimenting

with a range of materials and methods using photos and still life’s as reference material. Progress at your own pace as every individual will choose their photo sources, experiment with handling paint/hardware, sculpting, and mixing media. New projects for students who have taken the class before too!


Mexican Folklore dance, covering a wide range of Mexican dance forms. Teaching the customs and influences of other parts of the world


Learn how to Code and get the competitive edge for life!

JavaScript is one of the most important & dynamic programming languages! It’s widely used from game development to fashion design and is the language used to bring all websites to life! In this course, students will create art and make games -- they’ll draw game characters and rockets blasting off, make snow fall, fish swim and games like Magic 8-Ball and ping-pong, all with JavaScript code! In the process, they’ll learn what booleans are; how to use pixels, processing and the fundamental coding concepts necessary for all programming languages including

variables, loops, conditionals, functions and more. Coding is the universal language of the 21st century and kids who learn it now will have the competitive edge for

college; high-paying job offers; and be the creator of technology instead of the end-user. We’re not just training the next generation of coders, we’re creating the next generation of problem solvers and future leaders through code! Newcomers to coding are welcome. This course is a prerequisite for JS II in Spring 2018.


Build and program robots using the LEGO. Mindstorms system! Learn aboutmechanical and software design, loops, conditional statements, problem solving,and teamwork skills. Work in smallgroups, program and build your

robot, and rise to the challenge. Control the robot to avoid obstacles, pick up and carry objects, and play sounds. Projects are structured so that students work in an open-ended, investigative environment while having fun


Learn all the basics of how to play Magic: the Gathering: how to play, the basics of deck building, deck archetypes, the history of the game; competitive play & the rich history of Magic. The kids will be challenged with meta game analysis

and puzzles and will work together to come up with

the best possible solution in seemingly no-win situations to stretch their understanding of gameplay.


Do you like math & problem solving? Come to “MathCounts” and practice your math problem solving skills and compete against other Middle School students at school and regional competitions.


Mindfulness through Martial Arts is a socially aware program that teaches age appropriate martial arts & self-defensealong with verbal and nonverbal communication skills to help kids define their personal space and set & respect boundaries. Their words, tone, and posture establish barriers to unwanted intrusion of their personal space. Kids are taught to defend themselves first without striking or kicking, but then learn what they can do if physicality becomes necessary. Daily role play solidifies these protocols and grows empathy and kindness towards others.


(Acting and Creative Scene Writing)

You will discover techniques to gain control of your performance, strengthen your stage presence, and

increase confidence in public speaking. You will learn how to write scenes for telling stories on

stage and the page. And you will be stretching those critical thinking muscles in a fun, supportive environment. Bring notebook for

writing: spiral or journal. Come on! Jump in!


Students will learn and practice proper techniques of safe weight training while understanding importance of completing a well-balanced workout. required to wear athletic clothes, including shoes, for safety reasons.


Tweens/Teens not ready for an adult class will practice challenging yoga postures highlighting focus, flexibility and building both inner and outer strength. Flowing yoga sequences and partner poses will strengthen their emotional balance, trust and social skills during. Breathing exercises promote deep relaxation and positive SELF-AWARENESS. Classes set to fun music. All skill and experience levels welcome.


Students will get to exercise and learn routines based on Zumba and other dance rhythms.