Meeting of the Directors of Culag Community Woodland Trust

Location: 1 Old Coach House, Lochinver

Date: 19th September2016

Present: Anna MacKay, Jorine van Delft, Jimmy Crooks,Gwen Richards

In attendance:Fiona Saywell, Julian Jacobsen (member)




1. Apologies
Charlie Russell, Ian MacKenzie, Chris Goodman, Mel Chapman
2. Minutes 22nd August 2016
ProposedbyAnna Mackay, seconded byJorine van Delft.
3.Matters Arising
Website: Text giving number now works but only if mobile phones accept premium numbers. Text giving number to go on website. Jorine to check web address issues with Calico.
FCS visit: will go direct to Tree Nursery. Jorine to attend dinner on 27th and Anna, Jorine and Fiona to attend Tree Nursery meeting on 28th.
SSE: Fiona to send email to SSE about mess left at Main Car Park entrance. / Jorine, Fiona
Jorine, Anna, Fiona
4. CALL/Pupdate
Apple trees: Anna to let Susan know about Reintraid orchard.
Tree Nursery:Polytunnel installation has been delayed by contractor. New shed base has been installed.
Playpark: A request has come from the playpark committee for trees to be planted at both playparks to create a wind break. It has been suggested that the CALLP community grants scheme could be applied to in the New Year. This could develop into a cross partner project.
Training courses: Creating a healthy soil training course is being run in conjunction with the Learning Centre.
Laura Traynor has been employed as the Assistant Scheme Manager on a full time basis and Fiona Saywell has been employed as the Education Manager on a job share basis. / Anna
5. Financial Report
A request has been made to Brown Forbes for part of the funding pledged for the path maintenance project. The shelter at Loch an t-Sabhail has been sponsored for £400. The person sponsoring is very happy for CCWT to sell other sponsorships on it (ie they do not want exclusive sponsorship rights). / Ian, Fiona
6. Project Officer Report
Deer:Assynt Estates agreed to deer cull in Culag Woods with CCWT being responsible for local PR. CCWT Directors agreed at present to postpone cull as there are complications such as the density of woodland causing issues with getting a clear shot and also removal of carcass. All to look for alternatives.
APSG meeting held to discuss current cull figures, Victor Clement report on Ardvar. Jim Payne has put in a FOI request to SNH for information on Ardvar Woodland which will be due on 23rd September.
Don and David have not seen any signs of stags at Little Assynt.
Froglife: Ian Evans and Gwen inspected the bog and found two areas of rare sedges. Ian and Gwen to advise Froglife on location of ponds. Contractor (Martin Callus) to start work on ponds 26th September.
Ceiling: Costs for ceiling repair (approx. £200) to be passed onto first floor flat owners. / Fiona
Fiona, Gwen
7. Maintenance and Volunteer work
Woody Group: Posters have been put out for the new season of sessions, also on Discover Assynt. First session to be on 5th October.
Craft Fair refreshments: 14th October and 26th November – Jorine to organise 14th in conjunction with Crafty Crofters. Anna, Jorine and Fiona to organise 26th November stall. / Mel
Jorine, Anna, Fiona
8. AOB
Christmas Craft Fair CCWT Craft stall 26th November: Jorine to ask Susan (CALL) to see if she would do wreaths this year. Other ideas Anna and Jorine. / Jorine, Anna

Next twoBoard meeting dates: Mon24th October 2016and Mon 21st November 2016

at 7.30pm in the CCWT office.