[final version approved unanimously at General Faculty Meeting November 1, 2011]

Bylaws, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy page XXX


The Physics and Astronomy Faculty

1. The Physics and Astronomy Faculty shall consist of all members of the Department of Physics and Astronomy holding an academic appointment of one-half time or greater, as lecturer, instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, professor or corresponding faculty(research). The Department Chairperson and Associate or Assistant Chairperson are voting members of the Physics and Astronomy Faculty. Others holding academic appointments in the Department who are not members of the bargaining unit because of administrative duties shall not be voting members of the Physics and Astronomy Faculty, unless they teach in the Department of Physics and Astronomy for 50% or more of normal load averaged over the academic year. However, faculty holding an administrative position not in offices in the reporting line may be extended membership and voting privileges in the Physics and Astronomy Faculty by vote of the existing Physics and Astronomy Faculty of the Department. Members who are on leave shall not normally be considered voting members unless they are physically present; however, absent members (including those on leave) may be granted voting privileges on an individual basis by vote of the Physics and Astronomy Faculty as defined above (excluding those on leave).

2. The Physics and Astronomy Faculty shall meet at least twice a semester and keep records. (Those meetings involving discussion of the Ph.D. qualifying examination shall include only members of the Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty.) The Chairperson of the Department (or his or her designee) shall preside at all Physics and Astronomy Faculty meetings except those meetings involving chairperson selection. Upon request of no fewer than one-third of the members of the Physics and Astronomy

Faculty, the Chairperson shall call a special meeting.

3. Departmental policies and procedures (with the exception of those matters explicitly indicated in these bylaws) shall be decided by the majority of the votes cast by the voting membership of the Physics and Astronomy Faculty. Upon request of any member, such vote shall be by secret ballot.


The Tenured Faculty

1. The Tenured Faculty shall consist of all tenured members of the Physics and Astronomy Faculty. The tenured Department Chairperson and tenured Associate or Assistant Chairperson are voting members of the Tenured Faculty. Tenured members who are on leave shall not normally be considered voting members unless they are physically present; however, absent members (including those on leave) may be granted voting privileges on an individual basis by vote of the Tenured Faculty as defined above (excluding those on leave).

2. The Tenured Faculty shall meet at least once a semester and keep records. The Chairperson (or his or her designee) shall preside at these meetings, except those meetings involving chairperson selection. Copies of the minutes of the Tenured Faculty meetings are to be maintained in the Chairperson's office and any member of the Tenured Faculty may, upon request, inspect those minutes dating from the time he or she became a Tenured Faculty member. Upon request of no fewer than one-third of the members of the Tenured Faculty, the Chairperson shall call a special meeting.

3. For purposes of Article II, Section 2, a meeting of the Tenure and Promotion Committee shall be considered as a meeting of the Tenured Faculty.

4. The Tenured Faculty shall make recommendations to the Dean concerning departmental affairs, including educational policy, reappointments, and contract renewals of tenure-track faculty and faculty (research). It shall also provide guidelines for the Chairperson and the Executive Committee for new tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty, and faculty (research) appointments. Although such recommendations to the Dean will normally be made through the Chairperson, the Tenured Faculty reserves the right to communicate directly with the Dean if it so chooses.

5. Decisions (excepting those involving promotion and tenure) shall be made by a majority of the votes cast by those members of the Tenured Faculty eligible to vote. Upon request of any member, such a vote shall be by secret ballot.


The Tenure and Promotion Committee

1. The Tenure and Promotion Committee shall consist of all Tenured Faculty in the Department of Physics and Astronomy who are not holding administrative positions in offices in the direct reporting line. Included as members of the Tenure and Promotion Committee are the Associate Chairperson and those faculty having tenure in the department who have been granted voting privileges in the Physics and Astronomy Faculty on an individual basis.

2. The Chairperson of the Department shall serve as chairperson of this committee, but without vote.

3. The Tenure and Promotion Committee shall hold discussions and make recommendations concerning tenure and promotion.

4. On tenure recommendation, voting is by secret ballot of the committee, with absentee ballots allowed. The ballot must contain only the options "Yes", "No", and "Deferred". A

returned ballot may include an individual anonymous statement of the reasons for the vote. For a positive departmental recommendation, two-thirds or more of the votes cast by the membership of the Tenure and Promotion Committee must be "Yes".

5. On questions involving promotion, no person is allowed to be involved in considerations of promotions to rank higher than his or her own. Thus, tenured professors shall hold meetings and vote on promotion to that rank.

6. On promotion recommendations, voting is by secret ballot of the committee, with absentee ballots allowed. For a positive departmental recommendation, two-thirds or more of the votes cast by the membership of the Tenure and Promotion Committee (excluding those ineligible under III.5) must be "Yes".


The Executive Committee

1. The Executive Committee shall consist of six members elected by the Physics and Astronomy Faculty for terms of two years. Terms shall be staggered so that one-half of the members are chosen each year. Consecutive service on this committee is limited to two terms. Each year by secret mail ballot, the members of the Physics and Astronomy Faculty shall elect five nominees for the three available positions from a list of all Physics and Astronomy Faculty members of the academic bargaining unit, excluding the carryover committee members and those who are ineligible by virtue of the consecutive two-term limitation. Candidates tied for the fifth nomination shall be included in subsequent elections. The results of the nominations shall be announced, and by secret mail ballot a final election for the three positions shall take place in which the electors will vote for a maximum of three of the nominees previously chosen. A runoff election shall take place in case of a tie for the third position. A vacancy occurring in the committee shall be filled by the person who received the next highest number of votes, or left vacant if less than four months remain in the term for that vacancy.

2. The Executive Committee shall advise the departmental Chairperson on general facets of departmental affairs. It shall undertake screening of prospective staff, new tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty, and faculty (research) members, and make recommendations concerning such new appointments. It shall also make recommendations concerning appointment of Adjunct Faculty, and also together with the Chairperson make the Department recommendations for the Graduate Faculty appointments.

3. The Executive Committee shall not involve itself with matters of tenure and promotion for existing departmental members. All such deliberations shall be carried out by the Tenure and Promotion Committee.

4. The Executive Committee shall prepare draft annual review statements for bargaining unit members on term contracts, which will subsequently be submitted for approval to the Tenured Faculty.

5. The Executive Committee shall advise the Chairperson on Faculty committee assignments, teaching assignments and sabbatical leave requests.


Standing Committees

1. Members of the Executive Committee who are newly elected to two-year terms shall comprise the Salary Committee relative to compensation adjustments effective in the second year of their terms. If a vacancy occurs on the Salary Committee, the Executive Committee shall determine an appropriate course of action for dealing with such a vacancy. The Salary Committee shall be responsible for departmental recommendations involving salary and merit evaluations. In case of conflict with the provisions of the AAUP-AFT (WSU chapter) agreement with the University, a special election will be held to bring the membership of the Salary Committee into conformity with this agreement.

2. The departmental Chairperson, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall appoint all members of the departmental committees (excluding the Tenure and Promotion Committee, the Executive Committee, and the Salary Committee).

3. Standing departmental committees shall be established in the area of student advising, curriculum, the graduate program, and graduate recruitment and admission. Additional standing committees may be established upon recommendation of the Executive Committee or the Chairperson. The standing committees shall be responsible to, and periodically report to, the Physics and Astronomy Faculty.



1. Departmental policies and general procedures shall be in compliance with the Bylaws of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the University Statutes, and the WSU-AAUP-AFT agreement. In case of conflict, the departmental Bylaws shall be superseded by the above.

2. Unless otherwise indicated in these Bylaws, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all meetings.

3. In these Bylaws, the phrase "votes cast" does not include abstentions.

4. For any meeting, a quorum will consist of 50% of the eligible voters.



1. Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be submitted in writing to the membership at a meeting of the Physics and Astronomy Faculty. At the next meeting of the Physics and Astronomy Faculty, the proposed amendments shall be considered. A two-thirds vote is necessary for adoption.

Bylaws, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy page XXX

Approved: January 14, 1975 Revision Approved: June 6, 1978; Feb. 26, 1980; Sept. 30, 1986; Sept. 18, 1990; Feb. 22, 1994;

April 10, 2001; January 18, 2005; November 1, 2011

Bylaws, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy page XXX