1/8/18 E-board Meeting – Winter Retreat

Monday, January 8, 2018

9:08 AM

  1. Welcome back
  2. Contract Negotiations
  3. All is on the table, besides compensation
  4. Tier problem is legacy problem
  5. No one else does the tier differences
  6. Meeting again on the 18th
  7. Tax issue- tax cut at first, but towards the end of the contract period it goes away
  8. Grievances
  9. Grievance reform
  10. Compromise- willing to have impartial person we can go to that isn't in the department. Appointed by university.
  11. Need more contract enforcement than grievance reform.
  12. Need to have contract education.
  1. Midterm Review of Finances
  2. September & October dues were low due to delayed processing of cards
  3. Do we want to send future board members to trainings?
  4. Labor budget
  5. This term we give out the one annual grant for $1k
  6. Possibly look into Microsoft office license
  7. Need to leave the future board $10k, but current budget stands at $4500
  8. Would we want to increase dues?
  9. They used to be 1.95%. Currently at 1.65%.
  10. Put changes into effect for 2018-2019
  11. **Need to have more discussions about this later
  12. $10k for negotiation legal counsel - set aside $2.5k each year so that by next contract it is replenished to $10k.
  1. Organizing
  2. General Meetings/Contract town halls
  3. 24th department reps and organizing committee meeting
  4. 19th shirt day
  5. Small rally/visibility event on 31st to support contract negotiations
  6. February 8th
  7. elections & constitution amendments meeting
  8. Need an elections committee
  9. March 14th (pi-day!)
  10. explaining contract town Hall
  11. Organizing activity
  12. April 18th
  13. Contract explanation/meet the new board
  14. Increasing dues perhaps?
  15. Elections
  16. March 26th - 31st- voting
  17. Schedule TUGSA executive board meetings
  18. Fridays at 10am
  19. February 23rd
  20. April 13th
  21. Schedule 2018 Social Events
  22. Feb 16th Friday
  23. March 30th
  24. April - second half of month on a weekend. Whatever is available for scheduling
  25. Ideas
  26. End of the year party
  27. Kickball
  28. Quizzo happy hour
  1. Communications
  2. Committee -
  3. PR/Social media managing
  4. Experience w/ adobe dream weaver
  5. **Finding someone for website**
  6. Emails
  7. Mailing for 2018 - Welcome back, events, app, public relations committee - university service
  8. Attach flyer for events
  9. Sent out on MLK Day.
  10. Reminder for T-shirt event on Thursday
  11. Election March 26th-30th
  12. Reaching out to departments about including FAQ sheet on TUGSA for visiting/prospective students
  13. Roll out website after elections**
  1. Mapping Activity
  2. What are the roles/responsibilities for each position?
  3. What have we been doing?
  4. What we should have been doing?
  5. Secretary
  6. Note taking/ minutes
  7. General body
  8. E-board
  9. Social media
  10. Website management
  11. Chair committee
  12. Public Relations
  13. Contract education
  14. Design Flier
  15. Draft emails
  16. Send emails to appropriate person to handle
  17. Manage/update calendar
  18. Receive/process amendments
  19. Facilitates GB meetings
  20. "Meeting whip" - time keeper for meetings
  21. Treasurer
  22. Write/enforce budget
  23. Manage accounts
  24. PFCU
  25. Paypal
  26. Quickbooks
  27. Write and sign checks
  28. Bills
  29. Auditing/DOL/IRS paperwork
  30. Internal Organizer
  31. Organizing membership
  32. Focus groups
  33. T-shirt days/visibility
  34. Developing strategic plan to organize (over summer)
  35. Contract & union education
  36. Chair organizing committee
  37. Member engagement
  38. Work closely w/ member recruiter and organizer
  39. Oversee Department Reps/Stewards
  40. External Organizer
  41. Social events
  42. Coordinating w/ other organizations on and off campus
  43. Chairing outreach committee
  44. Manage Grants program
  45. Activism/visibility events
  46. Work closely w/ organizing committee
  47. Charity drives/cultural events
  48. Vice President
  49. Grievances
  50. Managing paperwork
  51. Oversee all committees /sitting in on meetings
  52. Assist other board members w/ tasks as needed
  53. Advising/counseling on academic issues
  54. Supervisor of appointed positions
  55. President
  56. Form contract negotiation team
  57. Oversee/lead contract negotiations
  58. Liason w/ AFT and TAUP
  59. Review budget w/ treasurer
  60. Co-signer for finances
  61. Assist w/ auditing DOL/IRS
  62. Setting e-board agendas
  63. Review and submit year-end report
  64. Staff evaluations
  65. Final hiring decisions
  66. Coordinating strategic plan for year including retreats 2x / year
  67. Summer before term
  68. Before spring semester
  69. Staff Organizer
  70. Correspond w/ HR to get monthly dues report
  71. Bargaining unit lists
  72. Membership tracking
  1. Amendments to TUGSA constitution
  2. Sexual harassment ombudsperson
  3. Over summer work w/ Title IX rep for training
  4. Stipend for $1k/year on the condition that they fulfill responsibilities
  5. Create trainings 1-2/semester w/ Title IX coordinator
  6. Goal to have a person in every department or every college/school
  7. Main responsibilities
  8. 10-12 hrs (?) during summer for training
  9. 1 year appointment
  10. Page on website explaining anonymous reporting system, etc
  11. Appointment by the board
  12. Must be in BU
  13. **Heather is drafting language
  14. Eligibility requirements same as e-board members
  15. Establishing contract negotiation team
  16. Are they appointed or elected
  17. Appointment based on submission
  18. Solicit submissions beginning during elections
  19. By may 31st - old and new board select CNT
  20. How many?
  21. Currently 7
  22. Restrictions in terms of representation?
  23. President must be on it - AFT requires
  24. Staff organizer must be on it
  25. Max of 2 per school.
  26. At least 3/7 female
  27. At least 1/7 RA
  28. At least 1/7 per
  29. Hard sciences
  30. Social Sciences
  31. Arts/humanities
  32. At least 1/7 international student
  33. Reasonable attempts to maximize diversity
  34. Timeline
  35. During the e-board elections
  1. TUGSA Elections
  2. Timeline
  3. Election committee
  4. Ethan and heather
  5. Advertising elections/fielding candidates
  1. Post Election Items
  2. E-board how to guide
  3. May 1st
  4. Negotiations how to guide
  5. June 1st
  6. Transitioning new officers in/old out
  7. Establishing hiring timeline
  8. New member recruiter