Development of KRBM Strategic Document
(KoshiRiver Basin Plan)
- Background:
The Government of Nepal has prioritized management of water resources on a basin wise approach by endorsing the National Water Plan (NWP) in September 2005. This has been prepared to operationalize the Water Sector Strategy of Nepal, 2002 with an objective to contribute in a balanced manner to the overall national goals of economic development, poverty alleviation, food security, public health and safety, decent standards of living for the people and protection of the natural environment.
Under the leadership of Water and Energy Commission Secretarial (WECS) with support from WWF Nepal, KoshiRiver basin has been selected to pilot the Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) approach.
The KoshiRiver system originates in the Tibetan plateau, China, runs through the Himalayan mountains in Nepal, and into the alluvial plains of India where it becomes confluent with the GangesRiver. The Koshi in Nepal contributes over 45% of the Ganges’ annual discharge, but this increases to almost 70% during the dry season and over 80% during the critical non-monsoon months between March and May. The latter statistic in particular underlines the contribution of the Koshi to regional water security, and the importance of the water towers—there are 152 km3 of ice reserves in 772 glaciers—along the high Himalayan mountains and the hundreds of headwater tributary rivers and streams that form the Koshi River system.
The Koshi basin also includes two Global 200 eco-regions; namely the Eastern Himalayan Alpine Shrub and Meadows and Eastern Himalayan Temperate Broadleaf and Conifer Forests[1]. Amongst the significant biodiversity contained within these ecoregions are many IUCN Red-Listed species, such as the mystical Snow leopard, Red panda, Musk deer, Gangetic river dolphin, and several birds, and reptile species. Endemism is also high, especially along the deeply incised valleys where species have evolved in isolation. The Koshi basin also includes about 90% of the Sacred Himalayan Landscape—a priority conservation landscape for conservation of Eastern Himalayan biodiversity.
The hydropower potential of the KoshiRiver system is immense. Estimated at a potential 22000 MW, the current total hydropower being generated in this river system is below 75MW.
These facts emphasize the importance of the Koshi river system to the ecology, economy, and livelihoods and lives of the millions of people in the KoshiBasin—and beyond.
Strategic Approach: Three pillars of IRBM, modified for the Koshi, namely:
a)Sustainable Environment;
b)Social Equity; and,
c)Economic efficiency
2. Scope of Work
The consultant will be responsible for development of overall KRBM Strategic Document (Koshi River Basin Plan) in line with Government endorsed plans (NWP 2005 and SHL Strategic Plan 2006-20016). A logical framework has to be developed to link the overall goal and strategies proposed. The document must also include detail workout of a Partnership Strategy to avoid duplication of programs and Business plan to indicate potential/tentative resources. This document will provide a strategic direction for the management of KoshiRiver Basin and will be considered as a River Basin Plan for Koshi.
In the process, the consultant will undertake strong co-ordination, consultation and discussion with the various relevant stakeholders, government agencies, partners working at various level for production of the high quality document that can also capture existing field situation and changing political scenario.
In this regard, the following will be the scope of the work:
- Vision statement and outcomes/strategies/targets
- Elaboration of logical framework and its analysis that links goal, strategies etc
- Summary of ongoing work on Koshi
- Prepare a comprehensive document in consideration of the sustainable environment; social equity; and economic efficiency that underpin and make optimum use of the Koshi basin’s water and related resources to promote socio-economic development for the benefit of people in the basin, while maintaining its ecological integrity.
- Detail workout of a Partnership Strategy to avoid duplication of activities
- Detailed Business plan for strategies and tentative resources
- Undertake consultation and discussion with the various relevant stakeholders, government agencies, partners working at various level for production of the high quality implementation plan that can also capture existing field situation and changing political scenario
- Identification of pertinent partners that can contribute to the functioning of the Program
- Review and incorporation of existing plans and policies (NWP, SHL etc) for river basin management.
3. Deliverables with process and timeline
The consultant is expected to design and develop the KRBM strategic Document (Koshi River Basin Plan) in close co-ordination with WECS and WWF Nepal, and continued discussion with relevant Government line agencies, donors and related stakeholders. The detail of deliverables with timeline is provided below;
Deliverables / Process / Jul / Aug / Sept / Oct / Nov / DecI) Log Frame / Draft Log Frame / wk 4
Log Frame presentation / wk 1
Final Log Frame / wk 4
II) Business plan / Strategies by Resources / wk 4
Presentation of business plan / wk 2
Final Business Plan / wk 4
III) Partnership Strategy / Draft Partnership Strategy / wk 4
Presentation of Partnership strategy / wk 2
Final Partnership Strategy / wk 4
IV) Strategic document/ river basin plan / Document review and meetings / wk 1-4 / wk 1-2
Draft main structure based on existing information and indicate gaps for further information / wk 4
Presentation of raw draft to KRBM PCC (entire doc) / wk 2
Submission of revised draft for internal and external review / wk 4
Validation workshop/s / wk 1-4
Presentation and submission of Final Strategic Document (Koshi River Basin Plan) / wk 4
1) The final KRBM Strategic Plan must contain inter alia, without limitation with the following;
- Background
- Introduction
- Process
- Development Strategies
- Partners Identification
- Log Frame and Analysis
- Ongoing Partner time bound activities
- Implementation Mechanisms
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Business Plan
- Sustainable funding mechanisms
- Gap Analysis
- Risk Analysis
2) Power point presentation
The consultant will present the KRBM Strategic Document (Koshi River Basin Plan) in the form of power point presentation for final approval.
4. Budget Details (to be filled by the consultant)
SN / Activities / Unit / Cost/Unit (NRs) / Total Cost (NRs)1 / Meetings
2 / Meeting allowances for team leader/members
3 / District level validation workshops
4 / Central level workshops
5 / Remuneration for reviewers
6 / Stationeries/bindings documents
7 / Consultant fee
8 / Fee for assistant to consultant
Sub Total
Contingency (unforeseen) 5%
Grand Total
5. Fund Disbursement
The payment will be done as follows;
30% payment after signing the contract
30% payment after the submission of draft KRBM Strategic Document (Koshi River Basin Plan)
40% payment after the acceptance of the submission of the final deliverables
[1]Wikramanayake et al. 2001. Ecoregion book